Monday 27 September 2021

Change Your Life With Seven [7] Spiritual Habits

Change Your Life With Seven [7] Spiritual Habits


1) Do Sunnah Prayers 

2) Remembrance Of Allah After Prayer

3) Morning/Evening Remembrance Of Allah

4) Night Prayer

5) Duha Prayer

6) Supplications Before You Sleep

7) Reciting Qur’an Everyday


Nine [9] Tips to Change Bad Habits and Become a Better Muslim.


1) Identify Your Bad Habits. 

2) Remember Allah Almighty Loves Those Who Commit Mistakes And Repent. 

3) Plan To Change Your Bad Habits.

4) Replace A Bad Habit With The Good One

5) Think Yourself As A Different Person. 

6) Changing The Habits In A Way To Other Things Requires Time, Effort And A Lot Of Willpower, So It’s Wise To Make The Change Slowly Rather Than In One Go.

7) Do Dua At The Beginning, 

8) Worship Is The Most Important 

9) Remind Yourself The Death And Hereafter 


Twenty [20] tips to becoming a better person


1. Have The Will To Change

2. Stop Making Excuses

3. Stop Being Angry

4. Be More Self-Aware

5. Love Yourself

6. Set Goals For Yourself

7. Be Thankful And Appreciative

8. Be A Role Model

9. Practice Self-Control

10. Control Your Anger And Jealousy

11. Forgive

12. Listen

13. Be Honest

14. Be Helpful

15. Do Things That You Usually Don’t Do

16. Make People Happy

17. Show People That You Care

18. Give To Others

19. Explore Your Talents

20. Do What You Love


Change: It Begins with You


1. So Where Do We Start?

2. What Is The Right Course Of Action?

3. The Formula: S + B + Rm = Change 

 Where (S) is Standard, (B) is Belief, (Rm) is Role Model


Tap into these resources.

LEARN from them, ASK them, and, most importantly IMPLEMENT their strategies; save yourself from repeating the mistakes they once made!

Try It: 

Now take any part of your life that you wish to change and apply the above formulae, you will see the results take shape very quickly. Apply this consistently whenever and wherever you can.


Remember that talk is cheap. You want change and so do I! Let’s make change, beginning with ourselves. Make Dua, seek guidance through Istikharah, and then GO! TAKE ACTION!


Some People do understand mathematical formulae or pictorial rather than lengthy write-ups.


Hope this serve a little purpose to change to become a better Muslim