Thursday 21 January 2021




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Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah. As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu.Praise be to Allaah; we seek His help and His forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allaah from the evil of our own souls and from our bad deeds. Whomsoever Allaah guides will never be led astray, and whomsoever Allaah leaves astray, no one can guide. I bear witness that there is no god but Allaah, and I bear witness that Muhammad (Sallalhualaihi Wasalam) is His slave and Messenger.




Jerusalem houses one of the holiest Mosques, the Masjid-al-Aqsa and represents a place of greatest religious significance. This needs to be appreciated by the West world before a sincere bridge of mutual friendship is built.

Muslims' call to rule over Jerusalem is not driven by colonist, nationalist or material motives. The love of every grain in the Holy City is sacred to Muslims. As Muslims' respect all the Prophets revered by Judaism and Christianity and their venerated places are also central to the ethos of Islam.

Therefore, it is only by entrusting the custody of the Holy City to the Muslims can the present Judaisation of Jerusalem come to a halt and morally open the city to all the three faiths.For Muslims, Jerusalem was the first Qiblah—the place toward which they turn in prayer. It was many years into the Islamic mission (16 months after the Hijrah), that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was instructed to change the Qiblah from Jerusalem to Makkah (See Holy Quran Chapter, 2:142-144). It is reported that the Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) said:

"There are only three Mosques to which you should embark on a journey: the sacred Mosque (Makkah, Saudi Arabia), this Mosque of mine (Medina, Saudi Arabia), and the Mosque of Al-Aqsa (Jerusalem)."Thus, Jerusalem is one of the three holiest places on earth for Muslims. As also mentioned earlier, it is Jerusalem that our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) visited during his night journey and ascension (called Isra' and Mi'raj). In one evening, historians tells us that the angel Jibril (Gabriel) miraculously took the Prophet from the Sacred Mosque in Makkah to the Furthest Mosque (Al-Aqsa) in Jerusalem.

He was then taken up to the heavens to be shown the signs of Allah. After the Prophet met with previous Prophets and led them in prayer, he was then taken back to Makkah. The whole experience (which many Muslim commentators take literally and most Muslims believe as a miracle) lasted a few hours. The event of Isra' and Mi'raj is mentioned in the Quran, in the first verse of Chapter 17, entitled "The Children of Israel." [Holy Quran Chapter, 17:1]

This night journey further reinforced the link between Makkahand Jerusalem as Noble cities and serves as an example of every Muslim's deep devotion and spiritual connection with Jerusalem. Most Muslims harbour a deep hope that Jerusalem and the rest of the Noble Land will be restored to a land of peace where all religious believers can exist in harmony Abu Zar (RA) said:

"I asked Allah's Messenger: Which is the oldest Mosque on earth? The Prophet (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) said: "al-Masjid al-Haram." Then I asked: which one is the next? He replied: "al-Masjid al-Aqsa." Then I asked: How many years between them? (i.e. of building them). He said: "Forty years, and pray when time of some prayer comes, since every place is a Mosque." [Bukhari and Muslim].

As for the date of building al-Aqsa, there is difference among scholars concerning this point. But, it is reported that Adam (AS) first built it according to Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani and he preferred this opinion. It is also reported that Prophet Ibrahim (AS), or Ya'qub Ibn Ishaq Ibn Ibrahim (AS) was the first builder. Then, it was rebuilt by Sulayman (AS).


1.1 MIRAAJ -The miraculous journey of the holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) from Makkah to Masjid al Aqsa (al Isra) and his ascension through the heavens (al Ma'araj) has linked Jerusalem to the Muslims hearts and minds. The Holy Qur'an states: Glory to Allah who did take His Servant for a journey by night from the Sacred Mosque (in Makkah) to the Al-Aqsa (in Jerusalem) whose precincts We did bless (Holy Quran Chapter al-Isra 17: 1).The Lord Almighty had at in His power to have taken the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) from Makkah straight up to the heavens. However, to impress the importance of Jerusalem upon Muslims the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was first taken to Masjid al Aqsain Jerusalem.When in Masjid al Aqsa Haram Shareef the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) led Salaah and was followed by all the previous Prophets Alayhis salaam. Hence the whole of Masjid al Aqsa precincts are unique in that this is the only place on earth where all the Prophets Alayhis salaam performed Salaah in congregation.


1.2 The Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) Alayhis salaam central to all the three faiths migrated to the land of Canaanite around 1805 BC. The Qur'an states: We said, O Fire! Be thou cooland safety for Ibrahim. Then they planned against him, but We made them the greater losers. But We delivered him and (his nephew) Lot (and directed them) to the land which We have blessed for the nations (Holy Quran Chapter Al-Anbiyaa 21: 69-71)


1.3 The sacredness of Jerusalem is emphasized on numerous places in the Holy Qur'an. The Apostles of Allah, Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) and also Prophet Musa (Mosses) [Alayhis salaam] alluded to it. The Holy Qur'an reports Prophet Musa [Alayhis salaam] telling his people: O my people! Enter the holy land... (Holy Quran Chapter Al-Maida 5: 21).Further the Holy Qur'an states: It was Our power that made) the violent (unruly) Wind flow (tamely) for Sulaman. To his order, to the land Which We had blessed... (Holy Quran Chapter Al-Anbiyaa 21: 81).


1.4 Masjid al Aqsa and therefore Jerusalem's importance was further emphasized by the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam): (a) According to Islamic teachings there are only three places to which it is desirable to undertake a journey for the purpose of Salaah. Abu Huraira [ra] is quoted as saying that Allah's Messenger [Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam] said, 'set out deliberately on a journey only to three mosques: this mosque of mine (in Medina), the Sacred Mosque (in Makkah) and the Masjid al Aqsa (in Jerusalem) (Bukhari & Muslim)

(b) The virtues of praying in Masjid al Aqsa are exalted: Abu Darda [ra] is quoted as saying that the Prophet of Allah Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, a prayer in the Sacred Mosque (in Makkah) is worth 100, 000 prayers, a prayer in my mosque (in Medina) is worth 1,000 and a prayer in Jerusalem is worth 500 prayers more than in an any other mosque. (Bukhari). As part of another tradition, on the authority of Maimunah bint Sa'd, it is reported that, upon being asked about a person who is unable to travel to the Masjid al Aqsa, the Messenger of Allah [Alayhis salaam] said, 'He should make a gift of oil to be burnt therein, for He who gives a gift to the Masjid al Aqsa will be like one who has prayed Salaah therein.' (Ahmad & Ibn Majah) (c) The Masjid al Aqsa is the second house of prayer established on earth: Abu Dhar [ra] is quoted as saying, I asked the beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) which was the first mosque on earth? 'The Sacred Mosque (in Makkah),' he said. And then which, I asked? 'Masjid al Aqsa,' he said. I further asked, what was the time span between the two? 'Forty years,' the Prophet [Alayhis salaam] replied. (Muslim)(d) Abu Umamah al Bahili [ra] reports that the Prophet of Allah [Alayhis salaam] as saying,'A group of my Ummah will remain firm upon the truth, dominating their enemies. They will not be harmed by their opponents until Allah's decree arrives upon them. They asked, 'Oh Prophet of Allah [Alayhis salaam]! Where will they be?' He replied, 'In Bait al Maqdis and its surrounding areas. (Ahmad).


1.5 The Masjid-al-Aqsa was the First Qibla (the direction to which Muslims faced when praying Salaah): The centrality, historical and cultural significance of Masjid al Aqsa is further emphasized by the fact that Muslims used to turn towards Jerusalem when they prayed. This was practiced until 16 to 17 months after Hijra, when Allah I commanded in His wisdom, for the Muslims to face Makkah. The importance of Masjid al Aqsa remained and all the worship performed facing Masjid al Aqsa was good and valid.


1.6 The resting place of Prophets [Alayhis salaam] and Prophet's companions [ra]: The land of Palestine has in it some of the noblest souls the earth has seen. The graves of many Prophets are in Palestine. Including Ibrahim Alayhis salaam, Yakub Alayhis salaam, Ishaq [peace be upon them] and according to some commentators there are over 100 Prophets buried in Palestine.Palestine alsohas the bodies of some of the closest companions of the Prophet salalahu alaihi wa salaam and thus the first generation Muslims. Included in these are the graves of Ubada ibn al Samit, Shaddad ibn Aws ibn Thabit al Ansari and Tamim al Dari [ra].


1.7 Merits of Performing Haj or Umrah from Masjid al Aqsa: Umm Salamah [ra] narrates that she heard the Prophet [Alayhis salaam] saying, 'whosoever starts his Umrah or Haj from Masjid al Aqsa his wrong actions will be forgiven, both past and future.' In another version, he is reported to have said that Paradise would be his reward. (Targheeb).1.8 Freedom of the Holy City. After the battle of Yarmuk the Muslim forces under the command of Abu Ubaydahr alay siege to Jerusalem. The inhabitants consented to surrender on condition the Khalifa, Umar ibn al Khattab (ra) came in person. Umar [ra] travelled to Palestine and formally received the keys to the city in 637 AC. On his arrival, he concluded the famous peace treaty with the people of Holy City. This opened the doors to the Jews, who were denied access for thousands of years and for the first time Jerusalem under Muslim rule became truly an OPEN CITY to all the three faiths. Throughout Muslim rule of over one thousand two hundred years of Jerusalem, members of Jewish, Christianity and Islam found a heaven to prosper from. Muslim rule enabled the city to live up to its rightful title of 'The Holy City' as it encompassed all the believers in One God to go about their business without hindrance.

With these eternal verses, Allah (God), stated in the heart of the Muslim scripture, the Qur'an, the never diminishing significance of Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem to Islam and Muslims. Al-Aqsa, right in the heart of the Muslim world, is to where our prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be unto him) journeyed at night in a miraculous manner from the city of Mecca, where his call to Islam (submission to God) was still in its earliest stages. At Al-Aqsa Mosque, he led all of the prophets of Allah that came before him in prayer and then ascended to heaven to receive Allah's command to the Muslims to pray five times a day.

Ever since, Al-Aqsa Mosque and the city of Jerusalem have been very special to Muslims all over the world. They pray for it and long to pray in it. And today, with Al-Aqsa being under the Israeli occupation for thirty years, all Muslims pray for its liberation and for the freedom of their Palestinian brothers, who have become the soldiers at the front line of the battle to redeem Al-Aqsa. Occupation, burning, successive aggression, closure and martyr after martyr have become Al-Aqsa'a story in the last thirty years. Al-Aqsa is really a deep wound right in the heart of the Muslim world. In today's unfair reality and materialistic world, Al-Aqsa has become a symbol of the undesired existence of the trouble-making Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims (so they say!).No wonder then, that when the dream of a historical parasite of opening a tunnel to undermine the foundation of Al-Aqsa Mosque finds its way to reality, Palestinians of all ages and all beliefs spring to the rescue. They are Muslim Palestinians defending their very basic right of existence. Some are Christian Palestinians, also, fighting for the Muslim shrine. Al-Aqsa is more than a building with historical and religious significance, it is an idea, a creed even, that we all have to stand up for what is right and true.

Muslims love Al-Aqsa, pray for it, fight for it and die for it because, as they see it, they are fighting for the promise of a new and higher reality. A reality of peace, justice and mutual respect. This promised reality is not an imaginary one. It did exist when the Muslims liberated Al-Aqsa from the European Crusaders, allowing them to evacuate Jerusalem peacefully with their belongings and families. This was the Muslims' response to the brutality of the Crusaders when they massacred the Arab inhabitants of Jerusalem, Muslims and Christians alike.

It is in this spirit of a higher reality, that we can understand why Palestinian soldiers were carrying a wounded Israeli soldier, and were trying to get him to the closest medical team. This was their response to the brutality of the Israeli military machine, which did not hesitate to deploy helicopters against unarmed civilians, trying to kill them and to kill their dream, of freeing Al-Aqsa Mosque.

We will continue to believe in Islam's message and its symbol, Al-Aqsa. We can see our promised reality of peace and justice to all, in the eyes of the innocent Palestinian children, as they die for Al-Aqsa Mosque.




Masjid Al Aqsa has a very special place in the hearts of the entire Muslim community due to its unique and rich history as a place of worship that is so closely intertwined with the lives of many of the Prophets of Islam, as well as for its special status as a Masjid to which travel is recommended and in which reward is increased. It is a special and blessed Masjid of vast size comprising 144,000 square metres in size (covering approximately 1/6th of the entire area of the Old City of Jerusalem) and with capacity to accommodate in the region of 500,000 worshippers.

We set out a very brief summary of the history of Al Masjid Al Aqsa, splitting the information into sections:

1) From Prophet Adam (as) to Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam);

2) From Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) to 1917; and

3) From 1917 to the present day (2017).For a more detailed analysis of the history, Prophetic missions and for a comparative study of the significance of Jerusalem as set out in the Torah, Bible and Qur’an, we strongly recommend the online book “Transcending Jerusalem”. It is insightful and is written by a Jewish convert to Islam. The book can be found free of charge at,



Al Masjid Al Aqsa was the first qibla in Islam and it has been a significant and important place of worship for the Prophets of Islam. It was built 40 years after Al Masjid Al Haram in Makkah. There is a difference of opinion amongst scholars as to who exactly built Al Masjid Al Aqsa, with some scholars and historians asserting the view that Al Masjid Al Aqsa was built by Prophet Adam (as), and others opining that it was built by Prophet Ibrahim (as). It has also been rebuilt, renovated and expanded many times in the history of Islam.

It was a well-known place of worship at the time of Prophet Ibrahim (as) and for his son Prophet Ishaq (as) and grandson Prophet Yaqub (as). When Prophet Yaqub’s son Prophet Yusuf (as) attained a position of power in Egypt, he asked his family to join him and escape the poverty that engulfed Palestine. Biblical sources claim this included his father Prophet Yaqub (as) and Prophet Yusuf’s siblings and their children [Book of Genesis], and that there were 33 in all (Allahu aalam). At this point, as there was no one left amongst Prophet Yaqub’s progeny to look after Al Masjid Al Aqsa (which at the time had the name of “Beteyel” or “House of God”), care for this blessed place was entrusted to the native population of the land (who were also followers of Prophet Ibrahim (as)), the Palestinians.

The Israelites who voluntarily emigrated to Egypt seeking a better material life remained there for approximately four centuries and became slaves to the Egyptians. This slavery only ended when Prophet Musa (as) freed them from Firaoun under the command of Allah. However, the Israelites rejected the orders of Allah to return to Palestine and were thus commanded to live in and wander through the desert of Sinai for 40 years. This ended when a new generation was born, containing within it Prophet Daoud (as), who led his generation of believers to Palestine.

Prophet Daoud (as) established his kingdom in part of Palestine, and controlled Jerusalem. His son Prophet Suleiman (as) rebuilt Al Masjid Al Aqsa with the help of the local indigenous population and next to it he built the ruler’s palace. After Prophet Suleiman’s death, his two sons divided his kingdom amongst themselves with each having its own capital. These kingdoms existed for a very short period of time –approximately two hundred years, with the last king of Jerusalem in this dynasty being dethroned in 586/587BC as he tried to resist the Babylonians (led by King Nebuchadnezzar) but failed due to a crippling siege that the Babylonians had placed on the city.

Shortly after the Babylonians took control of Jerusalem, Al Masjid Al Aqsa was destroyed again.The Persians overthrew the Babylonians (during which time efforts to rebuild Al Masjid Al Aqsa as a place of worship were renewed), but in the period thereafter ownership changed hands numerous times, and Al Masjid Al Aqsa was destroyed, rebuilt and then destroyed again within a century by the Romans in 70 AD after a revolt in the city.

By 315-325 AD, when the Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity, the Romans and the people residing in their land (including the Jews) no longer had any regard for Al Masjid Al Aqsa and no longer treated it as a place of sanctity and worship, with the site of Al Masjid Al Aqsa actually being used as a place of waste disposal for the citizens of the city. This is how Al Masjid Al Aqsa remained for the next few hundred years until the Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) revived once again the spirituality of this blessed place, and his great companion Umar Ibn Al Khattab (ra) liberated the city.




2.2 FROM PROPHET MUHAMMAD (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) TO 1917


Al Masjid Al Aqsa had a very unique place in the life of Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) for many reasons. Firstly, as Al Masjid Al Aqsa was central to the lives of many of his fellow Prophets (as) with whom he shared an exceptional bond (as the Islam taught by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is a continuation, completion and perfection of the religion and message of monotheism preached by all the prophets of Allah including Prophet Adam (as), Prophet Nuh (as), Prophet Ibrahim (as) (of whom Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) was a descendant through his son Ismaeel (as)), Prophet Musa (as), Prophet Daoud (as), Prophet Suleiman (as), and Prophet Isa (as) to name a few), Al Masjid Al Aqsa also by definition had a central place in his life and heart. In addition to this, up until the 2nd year of Hijra (623/624AD), the Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) turned and faced Al Masjid Al Aqsa as the direction for his prayers.

In his lifetime though, the most memorable reason why Al Masjid Al Aqsa has such significance is because it was the place to which he travelled on the night of Israa, and it was the location from which he made his Miraaj to the Heavens.

In the books of Hadith, we learn that the Prophet (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) went to visit the Ka’bah at night, and fell asleep. The Angel Jibreel (Gabriel) then awoke him and led him to a winged white beast named Buraq. It was on Buraq that the Prophet (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) then made the journey to Jerusalem (a journey that would typically take 40 days) in just one momentous night. On reaching Jerusalem, the Prophet (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) met and led all the previous Prophets in prayer at the site of Al Masjid Al Aqsa, and then embarked on the Miraaj to the Heavens.

The journey ofIsraa was such a momentous occasion that Allah revealed verses relating to this journey in the Holy Quran –“Glorified be He [Allah] Who did take His servant for a journey by night from Al Masjid Al Haram to Al Masjid Al Aqsa, whose precincts We did bless, in order that We might show him some of Our Signs. Verily He is the All Hearing, All seeing” [Holy Quran Chapter 17:1].After the death of the Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam), the second khalif of Islam (who was also a close companion of the Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam)), Umar Ibn Al Khattab, entered and mercifully liberated Jerusalem (accompanied by 40,000 sahaba) on the invitation of the Christian leader at the time, without shedding blood and with the guarantee of protection for the lives, property and places of worship of others within the city who wished to remain there. As Umar’s personality and characteristics closely resembled and matched those of the liberator of Jerusalem foretold within scriptures, the people of the city were quick to embrace and accept his rule.

As mentioned earlier, when he arrived at the site of Al Masjid Al Aqsa in 637/638 AD, he didn’t find a place of prayer but rather a plot of land that had been left barren and had been used as a rubbish tip by the Romans. Upon seeing this he took the responsibility to remove the waste with his own hands and to rebuild Al Masjid Al Aqsa. Both the Christians and the Jews were pleased with the arrival of Umar and the Muslims, and with their just rule.

In 691/692AD, Abd’ al Malik bin Marwan began constructing what is nowadays known as the Dome of the Rock on top of the rock which some believe was the place where Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) embarked on his Miraaj to the Heavens. However, it must be noted that regardless of whether the rock has importance for this reason, its main significance derives from it being within the boundaries of Al Masjid Al Aqsa and therefore part of Al Masjid Al Aqsa.

The Muslims lost Al Masjid Al Aqsa to the Crusaders in 1099 AD and were the victims of one of the darkest and most bloody days in its history. On arrival into Jerusalem. The Crusaders announced that they would not take any prisoners, resulting in a large proportion of the Muslims fleeing to Al Masjid Al Aqsa in order to seek refuge. The Crusaders later entered the blessed Masjid and massacred thousands of Muslims inside. Al Masjid Al Aqsa was then converted into a palace, and it took 88 years before the Muslims reclaimed it in 1187 under the leadership of the great leader Salahuddin Ayyubi. His reclamation of Jerusalem and Al Masjid Al Aqsa was reminiscent of Umar Ibn Al Khattab’s liberation five centuries earlier, and was a stark contrast to the actions of the Crusaders just a generation prior. Like Umar Ibn Al Khattab, Salahuddin Ayabbi did not allow a massacre of civilians or soldiers, and after reclaiming Al Masjid Al Aqsa he also used his own hands to clean the blessed land, and famously sprinkled rosewater through the Masjid.

The Muslims once again had unhindered control of Jerusalem and Al Masjid Al Aqsa for a significant period of time –approximately eight centuries –and their rule was characterized by peace, justice and prosperity, with Al Masjid Al Aqsa becoming a great centre of learning with scholars from all over the world travelling to study and teach within its blessed precincts. Throughout almost this entire period, the Christians and Jews were provided safety and protection, and their rights were respected as People of the Book.


2.3 FROM 1917 TO THE PRESENT DAY (2017)


For numerous centuries during the Ottoman caliphate, the city of Jerusalem and Al Masjid Al Aqsa were preserved with honour and dignity, with Muslims being in charge of the administration of the city, but in line with Islamic law and the Ottoman millet system, they provided religious freedom and security for the Jewish and Christian minorities. However all this changed when the Zionist movement in Europe emerged with the aim of creating a Jewish state on Muslim Palestinian land. This Zionist movement which was supported by the British, was further strengthened during World War 1 when the British captured Jerusalem and brought an end to eight centuries of Muslim rule. On arrival into Palestine in 1917 they found a land that was 90% populated by Arabs and with fewer than 56,000 Jews (of which only 5% were native Palestinian Jews, with the majority being those who had fled European persecution in recent decades). The British allowed the Muslims control of Al Masjid Al Haram during this period.

Five years after the British capture of Jerusalem, the first restoration works of the 20th century in Al Masjid Al Aqsa took place, and a couple of years later in 1924 Trans-Jordan took over custodianship of Al Masjid Al Aqsa.

In 1947 prior to Britain passing over the issue of Palestine to the UN, the Jews owned less than 6% of the total land of Palestine. For this reason, when the UN General Assembly recommended (despite this being outside of their competence according to the UN Charter) having a “Jewish state” which would comprise 54% of the Palestinian land, the native Palestinians rejected the proposal.

In 1948 after a war and numerous massacres and atrocities committed by the Zionists, the Jews established “Israel” on 78% of Palestinian land, and captured approximately 85% of Jerusalem. The Jordanian Arab Legion took control of the West Bank –including 11% of the eastern parts of Jerusalem which encompassed the Old City and Al Masjid Al Aqsa.In 1967 following a further war, Israel illegally occupied East Jerusalem and claimed to unify Jerusalem as part of Israel. This move was, and is still, opposed and unrecognized by the international community. Following its capture of Jerusalem and the protests that followed, the Jewish authorities swiftly handed Al Masjid Al Aqsa back to Muslim control.

Following attempts by prominent Israeli figures to establish Jewish prayers at Al Masjid Al Aqsa and subsequent protests, a law was passed prohibiting Jewish prayer on Al Masjid Al Aqsa. The decision also meant that Jews and foreign tourists could only enter Al Masjid Al Aqsa through the Maghrebi gate.

However since 1967 many Israeli authorities have passed rulings permitting Jews to offer worship on the site of Al Masjid Al Aqsa and many organizations have been lobbying Israeli officials to start the process of rebuilding a Jewish place of worship on the sacred land of Al Masjid Al Aqsa.

In 1969 a fire that was started by a Zionist extremist destroyed the mimbar that was installed by Salahuddin Ayyubi. The mimbar was considered one of the most beautiful in the world and was constructed with over 10,000 interlocking pieces of Cedar and other wood, Ivory and Mother of Pearl affixed without a drop of glue or a single nail. Most of the damage from the fire took over 20 years to repair, due to the Israelis not allowing suitable resources into Al Masjid Al Aqsa.

In 1987 four Palestinian men were killed queuing at a checkpoint in Gaza, sparking the firstintifada. Intifada literally means “shaking off” and is used to convey the meaning of setting Palestine and Al Masjid Al Aqsa free from Israeli oppression.

In 2000, Ariel Sharon marched on Al Masjid Al Aqsa surrounded by over 1,000 security guards and police. This sparked the second Palestinian intifada. Following this visit, restrictions were placed on Palestinians wishing to pray at Al Masjid Al Aqsa, with Palestinian men (especially those between 18-50 years of age), facing bans from praying at certain times. These restrictions continue to this day.

In March 2013 Jordanian King Abdullah II signed an agreement with the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas which maintained and reiterated the status quo that the King of Jordan is the official custodian of the holy sites in Jerusalem and that he has the right to exert all legal efforts to preserve them, especially Al Masjid Al Aqsa.In November 2013 a draft Israeli law was proposed in the Knesset (Israeli Parliament) allowing Jews the right to pray on Al Masjid Al Aqsa. This development was the result of 40 years of intense lobbying by nationalists who wish to destroy Al Masjid Al Aqsa in its current form, and replace it with a Jewish place of worship.

In October 2014 Israeli authorities closed Al Masjid Al Aqsa for the first time since 1967. This resulted in mass protests across Palestine and the Muslim world, and was swiftly followed by Al Masjid Al Aqsa being reopened.




President Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and initiated steps to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to the holy city, reversing decades of U.S. foreign policy. Trump has dramatically reshaped a consequential position on an issue that involves the history, politics, and religions that dominate the Middle East. “I have determined that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel,” the US leader said in a speech from the White House.

He described the move as “a long overdue step to advance the Middle East peace process”.


The president’s decision sparked global condemnation from all over the world; world leaders call Trump’s announcement ‘dangerous’ and ‘irresponsible’, while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said it was a “historic day”. He called the Trump’s decision “courageous and just” and urged other countries to follow his footsteps.

President Mahmoud Abbas refuses to acknowledge Trump’s contentious move, “These deplorable and unacceptable measures deliberately undermine all peace efforts.” He added that Jerusalem was the “eternal capital of the state of Palestine”. He has called for three “days of rage” against the move.

Officials of Iran have said that Trump’s Jerusalem move will spark a new “Intifada” and King Salman of Saudi commented that the move would be “a dangerous step”.Meanwhile, several protests broke out in the Gaza Strip; Ismail Haniye of Hamas said: “Our Palestinian people everywhere will not allow this conspiracy to pass, and their options are open in defending their land and their sacred places.

”Why is Trump undoing decades of U.S. policy on Jerusalem?

Recognizing Jerusalem as a capital of Israel was one of his promises he made during his election campaign last year, 2016. According to the Politico news website, Las Vegas casino magnate Sheldon Adelson –who reportedly gave $25m to groups backing Trump ahead of the 2016 election-has expressed anger at Trump over his failure to fulfil the Jerusalem pledge.




The status of Jerusalem lies at the heart of the long-running Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The city of Jerusalem, known in Arabic as al-Quds (“The Noble, Sacred Place”) and in Hebrew as Yerushalayim, is sacred to all three of the great monotheistic religions. The city is the home to holy sites revered by Jews, Muslims, and Christians. Today, West Jerusalem is largely Israeli while East Jerusalem is largely Arab. During the Six Day War of 1967 or“al Naksa”, Israel captured the eastern half of Jerusalem.

In 1980, Israel approved the “Jerusalem Law”, stating, “Jerusalem, complete and united, is the capital of Israel”, thereby formalising its annexation of East Jerusalem. Nevertheless, it is never internationally recognized as part of Israel as the international community officially regards East Jerusalem as occupied territory. Additionally, no country in the world recognized any part of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Until now.




Palestinians say Trump’s move means the “kiss of death” to the two-state solution, which included a Palestinian state in territory –Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem. Leaders in the Middle East and elsewhere had warned Trump that any change to the status quo would mean the end of the peace process. Moreover, the U.S. can no longer be a neutral mediator in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.




The White House is probably betting that Arabs no longer care about Palestine or even Jerusalem as they are all interested in protecting relations with Trump over more urgent issues, such as fighting Iran. It is true that today The Middle East is more divided than ever. Many Arab governments are focusing on their own conflicts and tragedies. However, Jerusalem has remained a central symbol that transcends the divide. It’s pretty unusual for Iran and Saudi Arabia to agree on something... By Loubna Khalkhali,





Israel systematically denies access to Al Masjid Al Aqsa to most Palestinians, has permitted excavation works to be carried out under Al Masjid Al Aqsa damaging the foundations of Al Masjid Al Aqsa, and has permitted Jews to enter Al Masjid Al Aqsa during certain times on most days (despite this being contrary to traditional Rabbinical law for fear of disrespecting such sacred land). In addition to this, Israel maintains a security force on Al Masjid Al Aqsa permanently despite numerous appeals by the Supreme Muslim Council –and yet still fails to prevent Zionist extremists causing damage to Al Masjid Al Aqsa.

Interestingly, the UN Security Council has passed more than 20 resolutions condemning Israel’s annexation of Old Jerusalem, and Israel has been the most frequently condemned state by the UN in its history.

Despite the UN Security Council passed more than 20 resolutions condemning Israel’s annexation of Old Jerusalem, President Trump finally recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and initiated steps to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to the holy city, reversing decades of U.S. foreign policy. For further information please visit, and,




Here are some things you may not know about masjid al Aqsa:



Yes –there are multiple Mosques on the site that we know as Masjid Al Aqsa. We think of Masjid Al-Aqsa as the building at the southernmost corner of the Mosque. In actual fact, that is the Qibly Mosque –so called because it is the closest to the Qiblah. The whole mount is Masjid Al Aqsa and is sometimes referred to the Haram Al-Sharif to prevent confusion. But there are other Mosques present on the site which are usually connected to historical incidents e.g. the Buraq Masjid, the Marwani Masjid and more.




There is no record of how many Prophets and Sahabahs of the Prophet are buried there. but there are certainly many. For instance, Prophet Sulayman is possibly buried there since we know that a Prophet is always buried where he died, and he died whilst supervising the construction of the previous building in some traditions.




In the period of time when no Jews were allowed to live in the city, the mainly Roman inhabitants used the area of the Masjid as a garbage dump. When Umar liberated the city, he cleared the trash with his bare hands as mentioned earlier. He also ended the centuries-old exile of the Jews and invited 70 families of a nearby refugee village back into Jerusalem giving them the right to return after centuries in exile –a favour that our cousins seem to have forgotten.





One of the most famous books in Islamic literature is Ihya' Ulum Al-Din by the great scholar of Islam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali (Hujjatul Islam). He is a man that is revered by all schools of thought for his ability to plunge into the depths of the human soul whilst remaining anchored to Quranic and Prophetic teachings. What most people don’t know is that Imam Al-Ghazali, for a time, lived in Masjid Al-Aqsa and wrote the book whilst there. A building in the Masjid marks the site of his old room.




When the first Crusaders took Jerusalem, they found the majority of the Muslim population locked up in Masjid Al Aqsa. They slaughtered roughly 70,000 of themand then converted the Qibly Masjid into a palace, the Dome of the Rock into a chapel, and the underground chambers into a stable. Muslims who survived the initial massacre were later crucified on a large cross placed near the centre of the Masjid. This was the only cross that was broken by the Salahuddin Ayyubi. The base of the cross can still be seen there today.




Nuruddin Zengi, one of the greatest heroes in the history of Islam, had a special Mimbar (Pulpit) built to be installed in Masjid Al Aqsa when it would be eventually retaken from the Crusaders (you have to admire his supreme confidence). This Mimbar was not only beautiful, but it was made without using a single nail or lick of glue. Sadly Nuruddin did not live to see victory, but his protege Salahuddin Ayyubi fulfilled the wish of his teacher, and after liberating Jerusalem for the second time in the history of Islam, installed the Mimbar. It is still a work of legend amongst artisans and craftsmen. Unfortunately, this Mimbar did not survive the events described.


The dome of the Rock –what is likely to be the first dome ever built in the history of Islam –was built by the Umayyad Caliph AbdulMalik Ibn Marwan. It started life wooden with either a brass, lead or ceramic cover, but almost a thousand years later during the reign of the Ottoman Caliph Sulayman the Magnificent, the distinctive gold layer was added to the dome along with the Ottoman tiles to the facade of the building.




Ever wonder what would happen if Masjid Al Aqsa was violated, a conquering army flag flown from the dome of the rock and the Masjid itself burnt down? Surely the Muslim world wouldn’t let that happen? Think again.

In 1967, Jerusalem left Muslim hands for the 3rd time and came under the control of Israel. The conquering Israeli soldiers flew their flag from the dome. The Israeli leadership realised that overt control of Masjid Al-Aqsa would serve as a constant provocation to the Muslim world. They used the fig leaf of a Waqf in order to placate the Muslims into complacency. It worked.

In 1969, an Australian Zionist set fire to the Mimbar of Nuruddin and the Qibly Mosque itself. The resulting inferno enveloped the entire Qibly mosque. The Muslim world awoke to scenes from the worst of nightmares. Desperate Palestinians tried to put out the flames in any way they could. An entire Ummah hung their head in shame.

Since then, the Mosque has been rebuilt and refurbished, but the assaults against the 3rd holiest site in Islam continue to this day. Excavations undermining the foundations of the entire Mosque, unauthorised visits, and daily threats to rebuild the old temple are all currently under way. And today, the Jerusalem/Masjid Al-Aqsa is going to be the capital and headquarter of Israel Government from Tel Aviv (As they said). Masjid Al-Aqsa still waits.

With all what I said, know that, the first step in waging war against the heartless Zionist enemy and their supporters is to reform ourselves from within, to hold fast to the Quran and Sunnah, to unite our ranks in truth and to be able to differentiate between the enemy and the friend especially in this age that the Ummah is facing different challenges from Zionists, their followers and supporters in terms of open and secret attacks that have resulted into some Muslim countries rejecting the Shari’ah and attacking Islamic morals and values through the mass media. Inspite of all this, there are some Muslims who are still wallowing in their error and sins and who have no respect for Muslim Noble places and see the issue of Masjid al-Aqsa from a secular perspective. There are also others who pre-occupy themselves with disagreements and many of them hold tenaciously to innovations, shirk and superstitions. We are calling all to the fact that, victory and glory cannot come except by following the path of the righteous predecessors and that any act of neglect in Islamic values and condoning defects in matters of Islamic belief, manner and virtues cause only defeat. Al-Quds cannot be liberated as well as other holy places except through the correct Islamic belief of monotheism and following the Islamic injunctions. We should also abstain from evils and protect the Muslim youth against the plot of the Jews as well as from all kinds of moral corruption.

Allah the Most High said: "Allah has promised to those amongst you who believe and do righteous actions that He will certainly grant them Khilafah (succession) on the earth, as He grantedit to those before them; and that He will grant them authority to practice their religion, the one that He has chosen for them; and He will change their state from one of fear in which they lived to one of peace and security. They will worship Me (Allah) alone, not associating any partner with Me. But whosoever disbelieves after this, then they are the rebellious ones." [Holy Quran, 24:55]Also the Prophecies made about the last days by our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) are proving true. At the time, when the Muslim Ummah will have abundance of wealth, gold and silver, the Muslims will be extremely belittled, attacked, weak and helpless. The enemy nations will invite each other to pounce upon them as hungry people invite one another for food. The Sahabah (RA) asked with utter worry, "O Prophet of Allah! Would we be very few in number?" Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) replied: "No! You’d be as great in quantity as the foam of the sea is, seen wherever the eye can reach. But you’ll be overtaken by ‘wahn’." The Sahabah (RA) asked, "O Prophet of Allah! What is ‘wahn’?" He (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) replied: "Love of this world (materialism) and fear of death!"

The Prophet (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) also talked about that in a mighty saying of his when he said weakness will come upon the Ummah, its people will be enveloped by ignominy, whenever they turn away from the Religion of its Lord, and whenever they lax regarding holding to the Sunnah of its Prophet (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam):"When you engage in the trade of ‘Eina (doubtful trades), and you follow the tails of cattle about, and you are pleased with farming and you abandon struggle for the sake of Allah, Allah will allow disgrace to overcome you, He will not remove it from you until you go back to your Religion.

"Are we truly and sincerely following and obeying our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam)? Are we imitating the Prophets and Messengers of Allah (AS)? Are we imitating the Sahaba, Companions of Prophet (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam)? Are we trying to be like Umar Bin Khattab, Abu Ubaidah Amir Bin al-Jarrah, Nuruddin Zengi, Salahuddin Ayyubi, Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan, Sulayman the Magnificent, etc, in our faith, in our sincerity and in our actions, so that we liberate Masjid al Aqsa from the enemies of peace? So that one day, Al Quds will come back to us? Read the following Quranic verses:

"Verily! Allah will never change the condition of the people until they change it themselves (with state of Goodness). But when Allah wills a punishment for them, there can be no turning back of it, and they will not find a protector besides Him." [Holy Quran, 13:11]

"And whatever of misfortune befalls you, it is because of what your hands have earned. And He pardons much." [Holy Quran, 35:45]

"If a good befalls you, it grieves them, but if some evil overtakes you, they rejoice at it. But if you remain patient and become Al-Muttaqun (the pious), not the least harm will their cunning (and evil plan) do to you. Surely, Allah surrounds all that they do." [Holy Quran, 3:120]













11) By Loubna Khalkhali,


File location Disc E: Importance And Virtues Of Baitul-Maqdis Masjid Al-Aqsa, Al-Quds In Islam 2017 Edition