Friday 8 January 2021

The benefits of fasting (Brief)

 The benefits of fasting (Brief)

The virtues of fasting are great indeed, and one of the things reported in the saheeh ahaadeeth is that Allaah has chosen fasting for Himself, and He will reward it and multiply the reward without measure, as He says [in the hadeeth qudsi]: “Except for fasting which is only for My sake, and I will reward him for it.” (al-Bukhaari, al-Fath, no. 1904; Saheeh al-Targheeb, 1/407). Fasting has no equal (al-Nisaa'i, 4/165; Saheeh al-Targheeb, 1/413), and the du’aa’ of the fasting person will not be refused (reported by al-Bayhaqi, 3/345; al-Silsilat al-Saheeh, 1797). The fasting person has two moments of joy: one when he breaks his fast and one when he meets his Lord and rejoices over his fasting (reported by Muslim, 2/807). Fasting will intercede for a person on the Day of Judgement, and will say, “O Lord, I prevented him from his food and physical desires during the day, so let me intercede for him.” (Reported by Ahmad, 2/174. Al-Haythami classed its isnaad as hasan in al-Majma’, 3/181. See also Saheeh al-Targheeb, 1/411). The smell that comes from the mouth of a fasting person is better with Allaah than the scent of musk. (Muslim, 2/807). Fasting is a protection and a strong fortress that keeps a person safe from the Fire. (Reported by Ahmad, 2/402; Saheeh al-Targheeb, 1/411; Saheeh al-Jaami’, 3880). Whoever fasts one day for the sake of Allaah, Allaah will remove his face seventy years’ distance from the Fire. (Reported by Muslim, 2/808). Whoever fasts one day seeking the pleasure of Allaah, if that is the last day of his life, he will enter Paradise. (Reported by Ahmad, 5/391; Saheeh al-Targheeb, 1/412). In Paradise there is a gate called al-Rayyaan, through those who fast will enter, and no one will enter it except them; when they have entered it will be locked, and no-one else will enter through it.” (al-Bukhaari, Fath, no. 1797).

Ramadaan is a pillar of Islam; the Qur’aan was revealed in this month, and in it there is a night that is better than a thousand months. “When Ramadaan begins, the gates of Paradise are opened and the gates of Hell are closed, and the devils are put in chains.” (Reported by al-Bukhaari, al-Fath, no. 3277). Fasting Ramadaan is equivalent to fasting ten months (See Musnad Ahmad, 5/280; Saheeh al-Targheeb, 1/421). “Whoever fasts Ramadaan out of faith and with the hope of reward, all his previous sins will be forgiven.” (Reported by al-Bukhaari, Fath, no. 37). At the breaking of every fast, Allaah will choose people to free from Hellfire. (Reported by Ahmad, 5/256; Saheeh al-Targheeb, 1/419).

There is much wisdom and many benefits in fasting, which have to do with the taqwa mentioned by Allaah in the aayah (interpretation of the meaning):

“… that you may become al-muttaqoon (the pious).” [al-Baqarah 2:183]

The interpretation of this is that if a person refrains from halaal things hoping to earn the pleasure of Allaah and out of fear of His punishment, it will be easier for him to refrain from doing haraam things.

If a person’s stomach is hungry, this will keep many of his other faculties from feeling hunger or desires; but if his stomach is satisfied, his tongue, eye, hand and private parts will start to feel hungry. Fasting leads to the defeat of Shaytaan; it controls desires and protects one’s faculties.

When the fasting person feels the pangs of hunger, he experiences how the poor feel, so he has compassion towards them and gives them something to ward off their hunger. Hearing about them is not the same as sharing their suffering, just as a rider does not understand the hardship of walking unless he gets down and walks.

Fasting trains the will to avoid desires and keep away from sin; it helps a person to overcome his own nature and to wean himself away from his habits. It also trains a person to get used to being organized and punctual, which will solve the problem that many people have of being disorganized, if only they realized.

Fasting is also a demonstration of the unity of the Muslims, as the ummah fasts and breaks its fast at the same time.

Fasting also provides a great opportunity for those who are calling others to Allaah. In this month many people come to the mosque who are coming for the first time, or who have not been to the mosque for a long time, and their hearts are open, so we must make the most of this opportunity by preaching in a gentle manner, teaching appropriate lessons and speaking beneficial words, whilst co-operating in righteousness and good deeds. The dai’yah should not be so preoccupied with others that he forgets his own soul and becomes like a wick that lights the way for others while it is itself consumed.

Advice to Muslims Brother and Sister in Ramadan:
1. Fast Ramadan with belief and truly seeking the reward of Allah so that He may forgive you your past sins.
2. Beware of breaking your fast during the days of Ramadha without a valid Islamic excuse, for it is from the greatest of sins.
3. Pray Salat ut Taraweeh and the night prayer during the nights of Ramadan, especially on Layatul Qadr, based on belief and truly seeking the reward of Allah, so that Allah may forgive you your past sins.
4. Make sure that your food, your drink and your clothing are from halal means, in order that your actions be accepted, and your supplications answered. Beware of refraining from the halal while fasting and breaking your fast with the haram. 
5. Give food to some fasting people to gain a reward similar to theirs.
6. Perform your five prayers on time in congregation to gain the reward and Allah's protection.
7. Give a lot of charity for the best charity is that of Ramadan.
8. Beware of spending your time without performing righteous deeds, for you will be responsible and reckoned for it and will be rewarded for all you do during your time.
9. Perform Umrah in Ramadan for Umrah in Ramadan is equal to Hajj.
 10. Seek help for fasting during the day by eating the sahoor meal in the last part of the night before the appearance of Fajr.
11. Hasten breaking your fast after the sun has truly set in order to gain the love of Allah.
12. Perform Ghusl before Fajr if you need to purify yourself from the state of major impurity so that you are able to do acts of worship in a state of purity and cleanliness.
13. Cease the opportunity of being in Ramadan and spend it with the good that has been revealed in it - by reciting the noble Qur'an and pondering and reflection of its meanings so that it be a proof for you with your Lord and an intercessor for you on the Day of Reckoning.
14. Preserve your tongue from lying, cursing, back biting and slander for it decreases the reward of fasting.
15. Do not let fasting cause you cross your boundaries by getting upset due to the slightest of reasons. Rather, fasting should be a cause of peacefulness and tranquility of your soul.
16. Upon completion of fasting, be in a state of Taqwah of Allah the Most High, being aware of Allah watching you in secret and in public, in thankfulness for His favors, and steadfastness upon obedience of Allah by doing all what He has ordered and shunning all that He has prohibited.
 17. Increase in remembrance of Allah, seeking of forgiveness, asking for Paradise and protection against the Fire, especially when fasting, while breaking the fast and during suhoor, for these actions are among greatest causes of attaining Allah's forgiveness.
18. Increase in supplication for yourself, your parents, your children and Muslims, for Allah has ordered making of supplications and has guaranteed acceptance.

19. Repent to Allah with a sincere repentance in all times by leaving sins, regretting those that you have done before and firmly deciding not to return to them in the future, for Allah accepts repentance of those who repent.
20. Fast six days of Shawwal, for whoever fasts Ramadan and then follows it with six days of Shawwal, it is as if he fasts all the time.
 O Allah make us and all Muslims of those who fast and stand in prayer during the month of Ramadan based on belief and truly seeking Your reward so that we are forgiven our past and future sins. O Allah, verily you are Forgiver, like to forgive, so forgive us.


A Quick preparation  for RAMADAN

1. Start reading Quran daily after Salat al-Fajr.

2. Spend some time listening to recitations from the Quran.

3. Train yourself to go bed early so that you can wake up far Salat al-Fajr.

4. Keep yourself in a state of Wudu (Ablution) most of the time.

5. Evaluate yourself daily before going bed.

6. Thank Allah for good deeds, and repent to Him for your mistakes and sins.

7. Start giving Sadaqah daily, no matter how little. Make it a habit like eating and drinking.

8. Find time to pray extras, such as Tahajjud prayers.

9. Spend more time reading Islamic books, especially the Quran,  Hadith, and Fiqh.

10. Find time to help others with your wisdom, knowledge and other talents.

11. Try to write articles on Islam for Muslims as well as for non-Muslims.

12. Associate with Muslim scholars / ulama and other pious people so that you may
 learn from them.

13. Train yourself to do good, render free service to others to seek the pleasure of Allah.


What to avoid


1. Avoid/reduce watching TV; instead spend more time reading the Quran and other Islamic literature.

2. Avoid looking at unlawful pictures, whether magazines, department store catalogs or otherwise.

3. Spend free time in Masajid, Islamic organizations and make that a daily habit.

4 .If you smoke, try to reduce daily usage; otherwise Ramadan will be very difficult for you to observe.

5 .If you have friends who do not practice the teaching of Islam, try to avoid socializing with them.

6 . If you travel a lot on business, try to do more local business, so you can be more closer to your family and community.

7 . If you are used to staying up till midnight, try to go to bed earlier, so that you will be able to wake up early for Salat al-Fajr and Tahajjud prayers as well.


To prepare ourselves before the month of Ramadan arrives is far better than waiting till it comes.
To prepare ourselves for anything in life is a sign of wisdom and maturity.
 No one is assured of living one day more; tomorrow may not come.
So hurry and benefit from blessings and rewards from Allah.



"Time is not money or gold; it is life itself and is limited.
You must begin to appreciate every moment of your life and always strive to make the best use of it."

A Quick Checklist


1. Make a resolve to win the maximum favor of Allah by performing extra Voluntary prayers (Nawaafil), making frequent Dua and increased remembrance (Dhikr).

2. Try to recite some Holy Quran after every Prayer. In fact if you read 3-4 pages after
every Prayer you can easily finish the entire Quran in Ramadan!

3. Study the Tafseer (commentary) every morning.

4. Invite a person you are not very close with or your relatives to your home for Iftaar, at least once a week (Weekend). You will notice the blessings in your relationships!

5. Bring life to your family! Every day, try to conclude the fast with your family and spend some quality time together to understand each other better.

6. Give gifts on Eid to at least 5 people: 2 to your family members, 2 to your good friends, and 1 to a person whom you love purely for the sake of Allah.

7.  Make commitment to join Islamic study circles to learn more about Islam and improve your own life.

8. Donate generously to the Masajid, Islamic organizations, and any where people are in need or oppressed. "Because Ramadan, is a month of sharing!"

9. Share month of Ramadan and its teachings of peace and patience with your neighbors.

10.Sleep little, eat little! Make sure you do not defeat the purpose of fasting by over-indulging in food and being lazy.

11.Seek the rare and oft-neglected rewards of the night better than 1000 months
 ( Laylatul-Qadr / Shab-e-Qadr) .

12.Weep in private for the forgiveness of your sins: Ramadan is the month of forgiveness and Allah's Mercy! It's never too late.

13. Learn to control your tongue and lower your gaze. Remember the Prophet's (pbuh)
warning that lying, backbiting, and a lustful gaze all violate the Ramadan fast!

14. Encourage others to enjoin and love goodness, and to abandon everything that Allah dislikes.

 Play the role of a Da'ee (one who invites to Allah) with zeal, passion, and sympathy.


15.Experience the joy of Tahajjud prayers late at night and devote yourself purely and fully to Allah in the Itikaf retreat during the last 10 days of Ramadan


Continue the above practice tillnext Ramadan and so on.

15.Experience the joy of Tahajjud prayers late at night and devote yourself purely
and fully to Allah in the Itikaf retreat during the last 10 days of Ramadan


Continue the above practice till next Ramadan and so on.


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