Saturday 29 July 2017


Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah. As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu. Praise be to Allaah; we seek His help and His forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allaah from the evil of our own souls and from our bad deeds. Whomsoever Allaah guides will never be led astray, and whomsoever Allaah leaves astray, no one can guide. I bear witness that there is no god but Allaah, and I bear witness that Muhammad (Sallalhu alaihi Wasalam) is His slave and Messenger.
Having mentioned the resemblance of his Ummah with Jews, and division of the Ummah into 73 sections, Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) mentions that all will be in fire except one. Meaning 72 sects will be in fire while one will be safe. When asked who the safe ones will be, Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) replied "They are those who will be like me and my companions" indicating that remaining 72 will resemble Israelites while only one will resemble him and his companions. Having said that we have to understand that there ought to be a way to separate one Jama'at from 72.
The roots of the seventy-two sects are four: the KHAARIJIS, THE RAAFIDIS, THE QADARIS AND THE MURJI’IS. It was said to Ibn al-Mubaarak, And the Jahamis? He said, The Jahamis are not part of the ummah of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).
Thus there should be some method by which two sets of sections among Muslim Ummah will be formed and in one set there will be only one Jama'at (to which Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, referred to as resembling him and his companions) while the other set will contain 72 sects which will resemble Jews. To go any further we have to establish here three things.
1) Firstly that there were at one time 73 sections of Muslims.
2) Secondly they formed two sets on containing one Jama'at and the other one containing 72 sects.
3) Thirdly the set containing one Jama'at consisted of the followers of a claimant of Messiah-ship.
4) The third condition has to be fulfilled because, we are referring to the time of the Promised Messiah (AS), only the followers of Messiah can form a Jama'at which resembles Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions (RA).
5) To establish that the above mentioned three conditions were fulfilled, following are the translations of newspapers.
An editorial published in Urdu in Pakistani daily newspaper "Nawai Waqt" (10th Oct. 1974, pg.4)
"One of the special importance of this decision has been that on it the consensus of Ummah as been in substantially correct manner. Throughout the history of Islam, such an overwhelming complete consensus has never been reached on any important topic. Other than the big religious scholars, holders of Shar'a, all the political leaders and political leaders of each group have agreed on this consensus. Other than these, all sufia karam, aarifeen Billah, the leaders of Tassawaf and practices had complete agreement. Excluding Qadianis all the rest of 72 sects, which are considered, to be of Muslims, agreed and are happy on the solution of this affair. Among the leaders of the nation and a'maideen, there does not appear to be any group which does not have a joyous attitude towards this decision. Nation should take a notice of this."
And that was not the only newspaper, which testified the number to be 72 following is another testimony of an English newspaper published from U.K. "The Guardian" (9th Sept. 1974)
"By a constitutional amendment the National Assembly has stripped half a million members of the Ahmadiyya community of their religious status as Moslems. The excommunication of such a large number claiming to be Moslems by a political institution is a unique event in the 1400 years of the history of Islam. The burden of taking the measure fell on the National Assembly because Islam rejects priesthood and the Moslems, although divided into 72 sects, do not have a church or a pope. Religious edicts handed down by muftis or religious scholars are not binding on any individual or body of Moslems."
Clearly, according to these newspapers there existed 73 sections in Islam, one Jama'at-e-Ahmadiyya and the rest of the 72. The rest of the 72 sects were unanimous and happy and formed a party (a set) excluding the one (the other set) from Islam. Although they all had fatwas declaring one another to be kafirs, when it came to the question of Ahmadi Muslims they were all united so that there remains no doubt as to the identity of 72 and one making a total of 73. I have already established that Jews had 72 sects at the time of Messiah, so this hadith would be reflecting the time of Messiah among Muslim Ummah, which all Muslims today believe is also the time of the appearance of the Mahdi.
It will appropriate to leave unto the readers, who may see the resemblance of one Jama'at (out of 73 Sects of Muslims) with the Holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be Upon him) and his companions, with some Ahadith of the holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be Upon him) to ponder over.
1. Jarudiah: Followers of Abu'l-Jarud. They believe Holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be Upon him) designated Al-Isa as the Imam by his characteristics but not by name.
2. Sulamania: Followers of Sulaiman ibn-Jarir al-Zaidi. They believed Imamat was a matter of Jaririya conference and could be confirmed by two best Muslims.
3. Butriyah: They did not dispute the Khilafat of Uthman (RA), neither they attack him nor Hurariyah praise him.
4. Yaqubiyya: They accepted the Khilafat of Abu Bakr (RA) and Umar (RA), but did not reject those who rejected these Khulifaa. They also believed that Muslim committers of Major sins will be in hell forever.
5. Hanafiyah:Followers of the Imammate of Muhammad ibn-al-Hanifah. They believe that Allah might have had a beginning.
6. Karibiyah:They believed that Imam Muhammad ibn-al-Hanifah is not dead and is the Imam Ghaib (in disappearance) and the expected Mahdi.
7. Kamiliyah: Followers of Abu-Kamil. They believed companions to be heretic because they forsook their allegiance to Ali (RA) and condemn Ali (RA) for ceasing to fight them. They believed in the returning of the dead before the Day of Resurrection and that Satan is right in preferring fire to clay.
8. Muhammadiyyah: Followers of Muhammad ibn-Abdullah ibn-al-Hassan. They do not believe/Mughairiyah that Imam Muhammad ibn-Abdullah died and that he is the Imam Ghaib and awaited Mahdi.
9. Baqiriyah:Followers of Muhammad ibn-Ali al-Baqir. They believe him to be the Imam Ghaib and expected Mahdi.
10. Nadisiyah:They believe that those who consider themselves better than anyone else are Kafirs (disbelievers).
11. Sha'iyah: They believe that the one who has recited La Ilaha Il-Allah (there is none worthy of worship except Allah), whatever she or he does, will never be punished.
12. Ammaliyah: They believe that faith for one is what he/she sincerely practices.
13. Ismailiyah:They believe in the continuity of Imammate among the descendants of Ismail ibn-Ja'far.
14. Musawiyah:They believe Musa ibn-Ja'far to be the Imam Ghaib and expected Mahdi / Mamturah.
15. Mubarakiyah: They believe in the continuity of Imammate among the descendants of Muhammad ibn-Ismail ibn-Ja'far.
16. Kathiyah: They believe that expected Mehdi will be twelveth Imam among the /Ithn Áshariya descendants of the Áli ibn-abi-Talib. (The Twelvers).
17. Hashamiya: They Predicate a body to Allah and also allege Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be Upon him) of disobedience/ Taraqibiyah to Allah
18. Zarariyah:They believe that Allah did not live nor had any attributes till He created for Himself life and His attributes.
19. Younasiyah: Followers of Younas ibn-Ábd-al-Rahman al-Kummi. They believe that Allah is borne by the bearers of His Throne, though He is stronger than they are.
20. Shaitaniyah/Shireekiyah:They believed in the view that deeds of servants of Allah are substances; and a servant of Allah can really produce a substance.
21. Azraqaih: Followers of Nafi ibn-al-Azraq. They do not believe in the good dreams and visions and claim that all forms of revelations have ended.
22. Najadat: Followers of Najdah ibn-Ámir al-Hanafi. They abolished the punishment of drinking wine also they believed that sinners of this sect would not be treated in hellfire but some other place before allowed in Paradise.
23. Sufriyah: Followers of Ziyad ibn-al-Asfar. They believed that sinners are in fact polytheists.
24. Ajaridah: Followers of Abd-al-Karim ibn-Ajrad. They believed that a child should be called to Islam after it has attained maturity. Also they believed booty of war to be unlawful till the owner is killed.
25. Khazimiyah: They believe Allah loves men of all faiths even if one has been a disbeliever most of his life.
26. Shuaibiyah/Hujjatiyah: They believed that what Allah desires does happen no matter what and what does not happen it means Allah desires it not.
27. Khalafiyah:Followers of Khalaf. They do not believe in fighting except under the leadership of an Imam.
28. Ma'lumiyah/Majhuliah: They believed that whoever did not recognise Allah by His names was ignorant of Him and anyone ignorant of Him was a disbeliever.
29. Saltiyah: Followers of Salt ibn-Usman. They believed in the conversion of adults only and if father has converted to Islam children were considered disbelievers till they reach maturity.
30. Hamziyah: Followers of Hamza ibn-Akrak. They believe that children of polytheists are condemned to hell.
31. Tha'libiyah:Followers of Tha'labah ibn-Mashkan. They believe that parents remain guardians over their children of any age until children make it clear to parents that they are turning away from truth.
32. Ma'badiyah:They did not believe in taking or giving alms from or to slaves.
33. Akhnasiyah:They do not believe in waging a war except in defence or when the opponent is known personally.
34. Shaibaniyah/Mashbiyah: Followers of Shaiban ibn-Salamah al-Khariji. They believe that Allah resembles His creatures.
35. Rashidiyah: They believe that land watered by springs, canals or flowing rivers should pay half the Zakat (tithe), while land watered by rain only should pay he full Zakat.
36. Mukarramiyah/tehmiyah: Followers of abu-Mukarram. They believe that ignorance constitutes as disbelief. Also that Allah enmity or friendship depends upon the state of a persons' belief at his death.
37. Abadiyah/Afáliyah:They consider Abdullah ibn-Ibad as their Imam. They believe in doing good deeds without the intention of pleasing Allah.
38. Hafsiyah: Consider Hafs ibn-abi-l-mikdam as their Imam. They believe that only knowing Allah frees one from polytheism.
39. Harithiya: Followers of Harith ibn-Mazid al-Ibadi. They believe that the ability precedes the deeds.
40. Ashab Ta'áh: They believe that Allah can send a prophet without giving him any sign to prove his prophecy.
41. Shabibiyah/Salihiyah: Followers of Shabib ibn-Yazid al-Shaibani. They believe in the Imamate of a woman named Ghazalah.
42. Wasiliyah: Followers of Wasil ibn-'Ata al-Ghazza. They believe that does who commit major sins will be punished in hell but still remain believers.
43. Ámriyah:Followers of Amir ibn-Ubaid ibn-Bab. They reject the legal testimony of people from supporters of either side of the battle of Camel.
44. Hudhailiyah/Faniya: Followers of abu-al-Hudhail Muhammad ibn-al-Hudhail. They believe that both Hell and Paradise will perish and that preordination of Allah can cease, at which time Allah will no longer be omnipotent.
45. Nazzamiyah: Followers of abu-Ishaq Ibrahim ibn-Saiyar. They do not believe in the miraculous nature of the Holy Quran nor do they believe in the miracles of the Holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be Upon him) like splitting the moon.
46. Mu'ammariyah: They believe that Allah neither creates life nor death but it is an act of the nature of living body.
47. Bashriyah:Followers of Bashr ibn-al-Mu'tamir. They believe that Allah may forgive a man his sins and may change His mind about this forgiveness and punish him if he is disobedient again.
48. Hishamiyah:
Followers of Hisham ibn-ämr al-Futi. They believe that if a Muslim community come to consensus it needs an Imam and if it rebels and kills its Imam, no one should be chosen an Imam during a rebellion.
49. Murdariyah: Followers of Isa ibn-Sabih. They believe that staying in close communication with the Sultan (ruler) makes one unbeliever.
50. Ja'friyah: Followers of Ja'far ibn-Harb and Ja'far ibn-Mubashshir. They believe that drinking raw wine is not punishable and that punishment of hell could be inferred by a mental process.
51. Iskafiyah: Followers of Muhammad ibn-Abdallah al-Iskafi. They believe that Allah has power to oppress children and madman but not those who have their full senses.
52. Thamamiyah: Followers of Thamamah ibn-Ashras al-Numairi. They believe that he whom Allah does not compel to know Him, is not compelled to know and is classed with animals who are not responsible.
53. Jahiziayh: Followers of 'Ámr ibn-Bahr al-Jahiz. They believe that Allah is able to create a thing but unable to annihilate it.
54. Shahhamiyah/Sifatiyah: Followers of abu-Yaqub al-Shahham. They believe that everything determined is determined by two determiners, one the creator and the other acquirer.
55. Khaiyatiyah/Makhluqiyah: Followers of abu-al-Husain al-Khaiyat. They believe that everything non-existent is a body before it appears, like man before it is born is a body in non-existence. Also that every attribute becomes existent when it makes its appearance.
56. Ka'biyah: Followers of abu-qasim Abdullah ibn-Ahmed ibn-Mahmud al-Banahi known as al-Ka'bi. They believe that Allah does not see Himself nor anyone else except in the sense that He knows himself and others.
57. Jubbaiyah: Followers of abu-'Ali al-Jubbai. They believe that Allah obeys His servants when he fulfils their wish.
58. Bahshamiyah: Followers of abu-Hashim. They believe that one, who desires to do a bad deed, though may not do it, commit infidelity and deserve punishment.
59. Ibriyah: They believe that Holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be Upon him) was a wise man but not a prophet.
60. Zanadiqiyah: They believe that the incident Miraj was a vision of the Holy prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be Upon him) and that we can see Allah in this world.
61. Qabariyya: They do not believe in the punishment of grave.
62. Hujjatiya: They do not believe in the punishment for deeds on the grounds.
63. Fikriyya: They believe that doing Dhikr and Fikr (Remembering and thinking about Allah) is better than worship.
64. 'Aliviyah/Ajariyah: They believe that Hazrat Ali shared Prophethood with Mohammad (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be Upon him)
65. Tanasikhiya: They believe in the re-incarnation of soul.
66. Rajiýah: They believe that Hazrat Ali ibn-abi-Talib will return to this world.
67. Ahadiyah: They believe in the Fardh (obligations) in faith but deny the Sunnah.
68. Radeediyah: They believe that this world will live forever.
69. Satbiriyah: They do not believe in the acceptance of repentance.
70. Lafziyah: They believe that Quran is not the word of God but only its meaning and essence is the word of God. Words of Quran are just the words of the narrator.
71. Ashariyah: They believe that Qiyas (taking a guess) is wrong and amounts to disbelief.
72. Bada'iyah: They believe that obedience to Ameer is obligatory no matter what he commands.
Islamic Encyclopaedia published by Munshi Mehboob 'Alim' (editor Newspaper Paisa, Lahore, Pakistan). Page 570-572.
Al-Farq Bain Al Firaq, by Abu Mansur 'abd-al-Kahir ibn-Tahir al-Baghdadi, Translated into English by Kate Chambers Seelye, (AMS Press, NewYork 1996)
Kitab Lajawaab Masmay ba-Mazhab al-Islam by Hakeem Maulvi Muhammad Najam al-Ghani Rampuri, 1st edition, (Munshi Nau Lakshoor Lakhnau 1924).
73. Ahmadiyya: The followers of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmed of Qadian (as). (1835 to 1908)
They believe that he is THE PROMISED MESSIAH and IMAM MEHDI.
They believe in the FINALITY OF PROPHETHOOD OF THE HOLY PROPHET (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be Upon him) and that he was the SEAL of the all the Prophets.
They believe that the Jesus Christ was NOT CRUCIFIED but DIED a natural death.
Question: What is the ruling on the Faatihiyyah prayer (a wording for blessing the Prophet ) mentioned by the TIJAANIYYAH SECT?
Answer: All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alyhi wa sallam, is His slave and Messenger.
The Faatih prayer that you mentioned was not narrated on the authority of the Prophet , in any authentic or even weak Hadeeth, and it does not exist in any of the Sunnah books: neither Al-Muwatta’, Al-Bukhaari or any other book. As a matter of fact, this prayer was invented by some heretic innovators who exaggerated when describing its merits, to the extent that it made them prefer it to the Quran.
The Tijaaniyyah followers claim that their leader Ahmad At-Tijaani, who died in 1230 AH (1815 CE), met the Prophet , personally and learnt this prayer from him. Moreover, they claim that saying this prayer once is equal to reciting the Quran six times. They claim, furthermore, that the Prophet , informed At-Tijaani that saying this prayer once is equal to reciting all kinds of Athkaar (mentionings), supplications and the entire Quran six thousand times. Actually, by saying this they are making the Quran an object of ridicule and encouraging people to stop reciting the Quran, the very thing that will make people easily respond to their follies and misleading claims. These people tell lies about Allaah The Almighty, and claim that this prayer is from His words and revealed by the Power and Will of Allaah. This is not true, of course, for how could it be so if it is not mentioned in any of the Sunnah books and the Prophet , did not teach it to any of his companions? Supposing, for argument’s sake, that this prayer is indeed from the words of Allaah The Almighty, then why would saying it once be better than reciting the entire Quran six thousand times? This can never be said by someone who truly knows the great value of the Holy Quran.
Moreover, followers of the Tijaaniyyah sect claim that reciting this prayer once expiates one’s sins. This is definitely a lie that is meant to mislead those who are seduced by this sect. Not only this, but At-Tijaani also claimed that whoever sees him will enter Paradise and that he alone can admit all his companions to Paradise without reckoning or punishment, no matter how many sins they commit. How can this be true if the Prophet , himself was not granted this privilege? Instead, he , mentioned that some of his companions will be held back from the Hawdh (Basin) on the Day of Judgment, besides the fact that some Muslims will certainly enter Hell and be brought out by the Prophet’s , intercession, as acknowledged by Ahlus-Sunnah Wal-Jamaa‘ah (the mainstream Sunni majority).
Allaah Knows best.
Many Muslims recite assalatul faatih ignorantly without knowing its origin in our deen.
It is to be noted that the TIJAANIYYAH SUFI SECT place assalatul faatih over and above the legislated 'ASSALATUL IBRAHIMIYYA'. They also have many dangerous 'aqeedah on 'assalatul faatih' as prescribed by their leaders (AHMAD TIJJAANIY, 'ALI ARAAZIM, IBRAHIM NIYAS AND SO ON).
One of such 'aqeedah is that one recitation of ASSALATUL FAATIH IS EQUAL TO READING THE QUR'AN SIX THOUSAND (6000) TIMES. They believe the assalatu is a verse in the Qur'an. And very recently, one of them, SULEIMAN ONIKIJIPA MOCKED
Having all these kind of BELIEF IS NOT JUST BID'AH, IT IS A SHIRK ON ITS OWN. May Allah guide us aright?
You may be queried that the SUFIS DON'T RATE SALATUL FATIH or their sheikhs above the Qur'an and the prophets. Give them these:
(1).It's mentioned in FAT'HU RABBAANY page 60,that; praying salat in Zaawiyyah of shehu (their sheikh)is better than praying in Makkah, because it's mandatory for Allah to accept it.
(2).It's mentioned in YAKUTATIL -FAREEDAH page 5 that: Tijjani's position is more superior than 40 prophets in Al-jannah (paradise ).
(3).it's mentioned in Al-Fauzu Wannajat page 891 that:Their Waliyy (Sheikh) used to come out from their graves to answer the prayers of those in need.
(4).it's mentioned in Jawaahirul-Ma'aany page 631that: One Salaatil-Faatihi (their invented prayer on prophet) equals six thousand (6000)Al-Qur'aan in recitation.
(5).it's mentioned in Akhwalil-Adillati wal-Barahin page 751 that: Has it not be for Tijjani, all the creatures wouldn't have live, and he (Tijjani )is the caliph (Successor) of the prophet.
(6).it's mentioned by Sheikh Ibrahim a.k.a Inyas or IB that: He is the soul of all the creatures, without him they can't live. Reference: Afdalul-Wasaa'il page 181. written by ILYAS Tukur, and was printed in Egypt.
(7).it's mentioned in Al-khulaasatu Al-Wafiyyah page 16,written by Muhammad Sa'ad, which was printed in Sudan, that: All the honours and positions Hadithul-Qudisi has,Salaatil Faatihi also has it, because they're equal in degrees.
(8).it's mentioned in Yakhtatil-Fareedah page 11 that: All the demeanor, disposement and behaviors (Tasarruf in Arabic) of all the creatures in the heavens and the earth is the works and doing of Tijjani.
(9).it's mentioned in Kitaabu Mauludi Tijjany page 43,written by Muhammad Shankidiyy' that: The beautiful name of Allah "Al-Baasitu"(The-Extender) is for him too has that power and quality to Extend.
(10).it's mentioned in a book called Muni'atul-Mureedi page 46 that: Any follower of Tijjani will not enter Hell-Fire, even if he/she killed 70 people.
Fatwa No : 22508.
Praying in congregation is obligatory for the one who can hear the call.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked about praying behind al-muraaziqah and about their bid’ah.
He replied: It is permissible for a man to offer the five daily prayers and Jumu’ah etc behind a person whom he does not know to engage in bid’ah or evildoing, according to the consensus of the four Imams and other imams of the Muslims. It is not one of the conditions of leading prayers that the person praying behind the imam should know what his imam’s beliefs are, and he should not examine him by saying, “What do you believe?” Rather he should pray behind the one whose situation he does not know. If he prays behind one who he knows to be an evildoer or innovator, then there are two well-known scholarly views concerning the validity of his prayer in the madhhab of Ahmad and Maalik; the view of al-Shaafa’i and Abu Haneefah is that his prayer is valid.
If the person knows that the imam is an innovator who calls others to follow his bid’ah, or an evildoer who commits evil openly, and he is the regular imam and it is not possible to pray behind anyone else, such as the imam for Jumu’ah and Eid prayers, or the imam in Hajj prayers at ‘Arafah and so on, then he should pray behind him, according to the majority of earlier and later scholars. This is the view of Ahmad, al-Shaafa’i, Abu Haneefah and others.
Hence they said concerning ‘aqeedah: He should offer Jumu’ah and Eid prayers behind any imam, whether he is righteous or an evildoer. Similarly, if there is only one imam in a village, then the prayers in congregation should be offered behind him, because praying in congregation is better than praying alone, even if the imam is an evildoer. This is the view of the majority of scholars, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, al-Shaafa’i and others. Prayer in congregation is obligatory for individuals according to the view of Ahmad. Whoever abandons Jumu’ah prayer and prayer in congregation behind an imam who is an evildoer is an innovator according to Imam Ahmad and other imams of al-Sunnah.
The correct view is that he should pray and not repeat the prayers. The Sahaabah used to offer Jumu’ah prayers and prayers in congregation behind imams who were evildoers, and they did not repeat the prayers. Ibn ‘Umar used to pray behind al-Hajjaaj, and Ibn Mas’ood and others prayed behind al-Waleed ibn ‘Uqbah, who used to drink wine. The prayer of an evildoer or innovator is valid in and of itself, so if a person prays behind him, his prayer is not invalid.
The scholars of the Standing Committee were asked: What is the ruling on eating meat when nothing is known about the slaughterer’s ‘aqeedah, or praying behind one whose ‘aqeedah is unknown? They replied: If he is outwardly Muslim, but his ‘aqeedah is unknown, and it is not known whether his ‘aqeedah is deviant, then it is valid to pray behind him and meat slaughtered by him may be eaten. End quote. Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 7/365
It also says (7/353): With regard to praying behind an innovator, if their bid’ah involves shirk such as calling upon anyone other than Allaah, making vows to anyone other than Allaah, or believing that their shaykhs possess qualities that belong only to Allaah, such as complete knowledge or knowledge of the unseen or the ability to influence events, then it is not valid to pray behind them.
But if their bid’ah does not involve shirk, such as reciting dhikrs that have been narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) but in unison and swaying, then it is valid to pray behind them, but the Muslim should try to find an imam who does not follow innovation, because that will bring a greater reward and be further removed from evil. End quote.
Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked: What is the ruling on one who lives in a city whose people adhere to bid’ah? Is it valid for him to offer Jumu’ah and prayers in congregation with him, or should he pray on his own, or is the obligation of Jumu’ah waived for him? If there are less than twelve of ahl al-sunnah in a city, is Jumu’ah valid for them or not?
He replied: It is obligatory to establish Jumu’ah prayer behind any imam, righteous or otherwise. If the bid’ah of the imam for Jumu’ah does not put him beyond the pale of Islam, then he should pray behind him. Imam Abu Ja’far al-Tahhaawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in his famous book al-‘Aqeedah: We think that prayer should be offered behind any imam, righteous or otherwise, among the people of the qiblah, and (the funeral prayer) should be offered for those of them who die. End quote. Then he quoted the words of the former Shaykh of Islam: … as for the second question, the answer is: There is a well-known dispute among the scholars concerning this issue, but the correct view is that it is permissible to establish Jumu’ah prayer with three or more, if they are residents of a village in which Jumu’ah prayers are not held. As for the stipulation that there be forty or twelve or less or more in order to hold Jumu’ah prayers, there is no reliable evidence for that as far as we know. Rather what must be done is to establish prayers in congregation and the smallest number for that is three. This is the view of a number of scholars, and is the view favoured by Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him), and this is the correct view, as stated above. End quote from Majmoo’ Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn Baaz, 4/303
You should cooperate with the community that is in that land, and call them to Allaah, and correct their ‘aqeedah, teaching those who have gone astray, with wisdom and beautiful preaching, so that the prayers will be led by the best and most pious of them.
We ask Allaah to help and guide us and you.
And Allaah knows best.
Bid’ah (innovation) may amount to kufr, as in the case of the Jahamis, Raafidis and those who believe in hulool (incarnation) and ittihad (unity of the Creator and creation), in which case their prayer is not valid and it is not permissible for anyone to pray behind them;
Or the bid’ah may not amount to kufr, such as speaking the intention (niyyah) out loud, and gathering to recite dhikr together as the Sufis do. The prayer of these people is valid, as are prayers offered behind them. But the Muslim has to advise them to give up this bid’ah. If they pay heed, then this is what is wanted, otherwise the person has done what he was obliged to do. In this case it is better to look for another imam who is keen to follow the Sunnah.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him said:
The kind of bid’ah for which a person is regarded as being one of those who follow their whims and desires is that which is well known among the scholars of the Sunnah for going against the Qur’aan and Sunnah, such as the bid’ah of the Khaarijis, the Raafidis, the Qadaris and the Murji’is. ‘Abd-Allaah ibn al-Mubaarak, Yoosuf ibn Asbaat and others said: The roots of the seventy-two sects are four: the Khaarijis, the Raafidis, the Qadaris and the Murji’is. It was said to Ibn al-Mubaarak, And the Jahamis? He said, The Jahamis are not part of the ummah of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).
The Jahamis deny the divine attributes and say that the Qur’aan was created, that Allaah will not be seen in the Hereafter, that Muhammad was not taken up to Allaah [on the night of the Mi’raaj], and that Allaah has no knowledge, power or life, and so on, as the Mu’tazilis, philosophers and their followers said. ‘Abd al-Rahmaan ibn Mahdi said: There are only two groups to beware of: the Jahamis and the Raafidis.
These two groups are the worst of the followers of innovation, and from them stemmed the esoteric Qaraamiti groups such as the Nusayris and Ismaa’ilis. Similar to them are those who believe in the unity of the Creator and the creation, because their ideas are akin to Pharaonic ideas.
The Raafidis of the current age, as well as being Raafidis are also Jahamis and Qadaris, because in addition to their rafd [which has to do with their beliefs concerning the imams] they also follow the Mu’tazili school of thought, and some of them even follow the school of thought of the Ismaa’ilis and other similar heretics and those who believe in the unity of the Creator and the creation. And Allaah and His Messenger know best. Majmoo’ al-Fataawa, 35/414-415.
The Scholars of the Standing Committee said:
With regard to praying behind an innovator, if his bid’ah amounts to shirk, such as calling upon someone other than Allaah, making vows to someone other than Allaah, or believing that their shaykhs possess attributes that belong to Allaah alone – such as perfect knowledge, knowledge of the unseen or the power to influence events – then prayers offered behind them are not valid. If their bid’ah does not amount to shirk, such as reciting dhikrs that were narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), but doing that in unison and swaying from side to side, then prayers offered behind them are valid, but the Muslim should look for an imam to pray behind who is not a follower of innovation, because that will increase his reward and is farther removed from evil.
And Allaah is the Source of strength. May Allaah send blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions. Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 7/353
And Allaah knows best.
Islam Q&A, 20655.
Allah has said: And whoever contends with and contradicts the Messenger after guidance has been clearly conveyed to him and chooses a path other than that of the Faithful Believers, We shall leave him in the Path he has chosen and land him in Hell, what an evil refuge! [Holy Quran Surah al-Nisaa’ 4:115]
Shaikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah commented on this ayah: “All who contradict and oppose the Messenger after the right path has been clearly shown to them, have followed other than the Path of the Believers; and all who follow other than the Path of the Believers have contradicted and opposed the Messenger after the right Path has been shown to them. If one thinks that he is following the Path of the Faithful Believers and is mistaken, he is in the same position as one who thinks he is following the Messenger and is mistaken.”
Who are the Salaf and who are the Salafis?
The Pious Forefathers (i.e. As-Salaf as-Saalih) of the Islamic Community of Believers are the Companions of the Prophet, peace be upon him, their Followers (the Taabi’een and the Taabi Taabi’een (i.e. the first three generations of Muslims) and the Scholars of the Ahl-us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah after them who followed their way in belief and deed.

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