Wednesday 23 August 2017




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Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah. As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu. Praise be to Allaah; we seek His help and His forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allaah from the evil of our own souls and from our bad deeds. Whomsoever Allaah guides will never be led astray, and whomsoever Allaah leaves astray, no one can guide. I bear witness that there is no god but Allaah, and I bear witness that Muhammad (Sallalhu alaihi Wasalam) is His slave and Messenger.


There are six conditions that a sacrificial offering (udhiyah) must meet:

THE FIRST CONDITION: The sacrificial offering must be an animal from among cattle, which include camels and cows, or smaller livestock such as sheep and goats. This is based on Allaah’s statement:

“And for every nation We have appointed religious ceremonies that they may mention the Name of Allaah over the beasts of cattle that He has given them for food.” [Holy Quran Chapter Surah Al-Hajj: 34]

The term “beasts of cattle” refers to camels, cows, sheep and goats. This definition is well known amongst the Arabs as stated by Al-Hasan, Qataadah, and others.

THE SECOND CONDITION: It must have reached the required age that is in accordance with the religious standards such as six-months for sheep and one-year and up for everything else. The Prophet said: “Do not slaughter any animal except for one that is mature in age unless that is difficult for you, in which case you may slaughter a premature one from among sheep.” [Reported by Muslim] [Saheeh Muslim: Book of Sacrificial Offerings (1963]

“Mature in age” is the age at which an animal is considered fully developed as well as any age beyond that, while “premature” is the age before that. With respect to a camel, a mature-aged one is one that has completed five years. With respect to a cow, a mature-aged one is one that has completed two years. A mature-aged sheep is that which is one-year old while a premature sheep is one that has competed half a year (up to one year).

So based on this, it is invalid to slaughter a camel, cow, and goat if it is under its respective “mature” age as well as a sheep if it is under six months of age.

THE THIRD CONDITION: The animal must be free of any defect that would prevent its slaughter from being valid and acceptable. These defects are of four types:

1. Clear defectiveness of the eye: This is when the animal’s eye becomes sunken or it sticks out to the point that it looks like a knob or it becomes a pale white indicating clearly that it is one-eyed.

2. Clear illness: This is when the animal exhibits signs of sickness, such as a fever that keeps it from grazing and causes a loss of appetite, or an obvious scabies infection that will spoil its meat and harm a person’s health (if he eats it), or a deep wound that threatens to affect its health and so on.

3. Clear limping: This is when the animal is unable to step safely (without hurting itself) when walking.

4. Emaciation that causes brain loss: This is based on what the Prophet said when he was asked about what types of animals one should avoid when sacrificing. He gestured with his hand and said: “They are four: The lame animal that clearly walks crookedly; the one-eyed animal that clearly has a defect in the eye; the sick animal that clearly has signs of illness; and the emaciated animal that is (usually) not picked.” [Al-Muwatta: Book of Sacrificial Offerings (1)]

This hadeeth was reported by Maalik in al-Muwatta from Al-Baraa’ bin ‘Aazib. In another version of this report narrated by Al-Baraa’ found in the Sunan collections, he said: “The Messenger of Allaah stood up amongst us and said: ‘Four types (of animals) are not permissible to use as sacrificial offerings…’ and he went on to mention them[1].”

So therefore if these four defects are found in an animal, they prevent its slaughter and sacrifice from being valid. This goes as well for any other defect that is similar to or worse than these, which means that it is also not valid to sacrifice the following types of animals:

1. A blind animal that cannot see with both its eyes.

2. An animal suffering from nausea until it releases its load and its harm is removed.

3. An animal that has been assisted in giving birth if natural delivery is difficult until the threat of danger is removed.

4. An animal afflicted by something fatal such as choking, falling from a high place, and so on until the threat of danger is removed.

5. A crippled animal, which is an animal that cannot walk due to a physical disability.

6. An animal with one of its front legs or back legs broken.

So if these last defects are added to the four mentioned in the narrations, the types of animals that cannot be slaughtered become ten in total. There are these six types plus the animals that suffer from the four previously mentioned defects.

THE FOURTH CONDITION: The sacrificial offering must be owned by the one slaughtering it or if not, he must have the right to slaughter it based on religious grounds or based on the approval of the animal’s owner. So if someone sacrifices an animal that does not belong to him, such as one that has been confiscated, stolen, or taken under false pretenses, such a sacrifice is not valid. This is since it is not permissible to draw near to Allaah by way of disobeying Him.

It is also valid if an orphan’s guardian sacrifices an animal for him using his (i.e. the orphan’s) money if this is what the orphan is accustomed to and if his heart will be broken if one is not sacrificed[2]. It is also permissible for a representative to perform the sacrifice using the funds of the person commissioning him with his permission.

THE FIFTH CONDITION: No other person’s right should be associated to the animal being slaughtered. So for example, it is not valid to sacrifice an animal that is being held as mortgage on a loan.

THE SIXTH CONDITION: The animal should be slaughtered in the specific time-frame legislated in the Religion, which is from the time after the ‘Eid Prayer on the Day of Sacrifice[3] until the sun sets on the last of the days of Tashreeq, which is the thirteenth day of Dhul-Hijjah. So therefore, the days in which the sacrifice is permitted are four: the day of ‘Eid, after prayer, and the three days after that (i.e. the days of Tashreeq).

So whoever performs the sacrifice before the end of the ‘Eid Prayer or after the sun sets on the thirteenth day (of Dhul-Hijjah), his sacrificial offering is not valid. This is based on what Imaam Al-Bukhaaree reported from Al-Baraa’ bin ‘Aazib who narrated that the Prophet said: “Whoever sacrifice an animal before the (‘Eid) Prayer), it is just meat that he presents to his family and not a sacrificial offering at all[4].”

Al-Bukhaaree also reported that Jundub bin Sufyaan Al-Bajlee narrated: “I witnessed the Prophet say: ‘Whoever slaughters an animal before praying (the ‘Eid Prayer) should slaughter another animal (as sacrifice) in its place[5].’”

Nubaishah Al-Hadhlee narrated that Allaah’s Messenger said: “The days of Tashreeq are days of eating, drinking and remembrance of Allaah.” [Reported by Muslim][6]

However, if one has a valid excuse for delaying the slaughter past the days of Tashreeq, such as if the animal runs away from him, due to negligence on his part, and he only finds it after the time-frame for slaughtering has passed. Another example is if a person entrusts someone to slaughter the animal for him but that person forgets to do it until the time has passed. In situations such as these, there is no sin in slaughtering after the prescribed time-frame since there is a valid reason for the delay.

This is also based on the analogy of it being similar to a person who sleeps passed the time of prayer or forgets to do it until its time passes, for he may pray it either when he wakes up or when he remembers.

It is allowed to perform the sacrifice any time during the days of Tashreeq, whether day or night. However, slaughtering during the daytime is better, and doing it on the day of ‘Eid after the two khutbahs is better than that. Each day is better than the day that comes after it, in terms of performing the sacrifice, since that reflects one’s quickness and eagerness to carry out good deeds.


[Book Reco] The Rules of Sacrificial Offerings & Slaughtering – Shaykh Uthaymeen


[1]Sunan Abee Dawood: Book of Sacrificial Offerings (2802); Sunan at-Tirmidhee: Book of Sacrificial Offerings (1497); Sunan an-Nasaa’ee: Book of Sacrificial Offerings (4369); Sunan Ibn Maajah: Book of Sacrificial Offerings (3144); and Musnad Ahmad (4/300)
[2]Translator’s Note: Perhaps the orphan is accustomed to the sacrifice because this was his experience with his parents before he lost them. So if this tradition that he used to partake in with his family is not kept, it will cause his heart to be broken.
[3]Translator’s Note: The Day of Sacrifice, i.e. Yawm-un-Nahr, is the day of ‘Eid, while the days of Tashreeq are the three days that follow it.
[4]Saheeh al-Bukhaaree: Book of Sacrificial Offerings (5545) and Saheeh Muslim: Book of Sacrificial Offerings (1961)
[5]Saheeh al-Bukhaaree: Book of Sacrificial Offerings (5562) and Saheeh Muslim: Book of Sacrificial Offerings (1960)
[6]Saheeh Muslim: Book of Fasting (1141)

Monday 21 August 2017




(WHATSAPP +2347050892339 & +2349083040481)



Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah. As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu. Praise be to Allaah; we seek His help and His forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allaah from the evil of our own souls and from our bad deeds. Whomsoever Allaah guides will never be led astray, and whomsoever Allaah leaves astray, no one can guide. I bear witness that there is no god but Allaah, and I bear witness that Muhammad (Sallalhu alaihi Wasalam) is His slave and Messenger.


1)      Preamble

2)      In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

3)      Using Eggs Or Sperm From Someone Other Than The Spouses In Artificial Insemination

4)      Test-Tube Babies

5)      She Wants To Have Boy Twins By Means Of In Vitro Fertilization



Question from concerned Muslim; IS IT A SIN?

A Muslim sister got pregnant, her family decided to discipline her since she was not married. When the elders met her, she told them that she has stayed for years and no one is proposing to marry her and she is getting to the age were she can't get pregnant if married. So she went and did artificial insemination since she wants a child. She provided the medical documents that showed that she has done the artificial insemination. The sister is pregnant without committing fornication nor adultery.




If YES or NO, please, give your reasons for your answer. If possible back it up with The Qur'an quotations and Hadith so that we can all learn.




Undoubtedly children are one of the blessings and adornments of this world, and one of the greatest purposes of marriage is to produce offspring. A righteous child is a treasure for his parents in this world and in the Hereafter, and his righteous deeds will be recorded in the balance of his parents’ deeds. A man or a woman may be faced with lack of children or delay of having children. What they must do is be patient and seek reward, and say a lot of du’aa’ and prayers for forgiveness. They should understand that Allaah only decrees things for a reason.

If a person has available Islamically acceptable means of getting children, there is nothing wrong with his pursuing that. But the Muslim should beware of false ways involving sihr (witchcraft) and myths, and he should beware of doctors who do not fear Allaah and whose main aim is to make money from those who want to have children. Hence some of them switch eggs or sperm. This is why some scholars have forbidden these methods of having children or have stipulated very strict conditions. 


One of the methods that doctors use to help couples have children is that which is mentioned is namely IVF. This method involves stimulating the ovary to produce a number of eggs, similar to the way in which a woman naturally produces one egg. This is done by giving the woman an injection of DECAPEPTYL to prepare the ovaries for the next step, which is injections of hormones to stimulate the ovaries to produce a number of eggs. After ascertaining that the eggs have grown, the woman is given an injection of HCG to complete the development of the eggs before they are extracted. This injection is usually given 36 hours before the eggs are extracted. 

On the day on which the eggs are extracted, semen is taken from the husband and 100,000 sperm are placed with each egg in a test tube so that fertilization may take place. Two or three days later, the fertilized eggs divide to form what is called the EMBRYO, and the embryos are divided into categories according to their quality. The best embryos are selected to be returned to the uterus, where they are placed, and later on an examination is carried out to make sure whether there is a pregnancy or not. The success rate of this procedure according to doctors is 30-40 %. 

This summary was mentioned by Dr Usaamah Saalihah, a specialist in gynaecology, obstetrics, infertility and laparoscopic surgery in Britain, and the director of the test tube baby unit in the new Dar al-Shifa’ Hospital. From al-Watan Clinic magazine. 


With regard to the shar’i ruling: it should be disallowed, in order to be on the safe side. This is the view of Shaykh ‘Abd-Allaah al-Jibreen (may Allaah preserve him) and it was quoted from the scholars of the Standing Committee Or it may be permissible subject to certain conditions, including the following: 

1 – That there be a real need for that. A delay of one or two years in having children is not an excuse for the couple to pursue this or similar methods. Rather they should be patient, for Allaah may grant them a way out soon without them doing anything that is haraam. 

2 – The woman should not uncover her ‘awrah before men when there are female staff available. 

3 – It is not permissible for the husband to masturbate, rather he may be intimate with his wife without penetration, and produce semen in this manner. 

4 – The woman’s eggs and man’s sperm should not be kept in a freezer for later use, or another appointment, and there should not be any delay in placing them in the woman’s uterus. Rather that should be done immediately without any delay, lest they be mixed with others or be used for other people. 

5 –The sperm must come from the husband and the egg from the wife, and be implanted in the wife’s uterus. Anything else is not permissible at all.

6 – There should be complete trust in the doctors who are doing this procedure. 

Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked about the ruling on putting a woman’s egg in a test tube then fertilizing it with the man’s sperm, then returning it to the woman’s uterus so that it may develop. 

He replied: 

(a)      If there is no need for this procedure then we do not think it is permissible, because it involves surgery to extract the eggs – as you mention in the question – and this surgery involves uncovering the ‘awrah unnecessarily, then it involves surgery and there is the fear that it may have effects even in the distant future, such as damaging the Fallopian tube or causing infections. 

Moreover, if things are left to proceed naturally as created by the Most merciful of those who show mercy and the Wisest of judges, that is closer to proper etiquette with Allaah and it is better and more beneficial than ways invented by man, which may appear initially to be good but they fail later on. 

(b)     If there is a need for this procedure, then we do not think there is anything wrong with it, so long as three conditions are met: 

1 – That this fertilization be done with the husband’s sperm. It is not permissible to use the sperm of anyone but the husband for this fertilization, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 

“And Allaah has made for you Azwaaj (mates or wives) of your own kind, and has made for you, from your wives, sons and grandsons, and has bestowed on you good provision. Do they then believe in false deities and deny the Favour of Allaah (by not worshipping Allaah Alone)”[Holy Quran Chapter al-Nahl 16:27]  

2 – The collection of sperm from the man should be done in a permissible manner, such as by the husband being intimate with his wife, and ejaculating between her thighs or in her hand, so that the semen may be emitted, then the egg may be fertilized with it. 

3 – After fertilization, the egg should be placed in the wife’s uterus. It is not permissible to place it in the uterus of any other woman under any circumstances whatsoever, because that involves inserting the sperm of the man into the uterus of a woman who is not permissible for him, and Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 

“Your wives are a tilth for you, so go to your tilth, when or how you will, and send (good deeds, or ask Allaah to bestow upon you pious offspring) for your ownselves beforehand. And fear Allaah, and know that you are to meet Him (in the Hereafter), and give good tidings to the believers (O Muhammad (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) [Holy Quran Chapter al-Baqarah 2:223] 

Tilth is mentioned specifically with regard to a man’s wife, which indicates that a woman other than his wife is not appropriate for his tilth. End quote. Majmoo’ Fataawa al-Shaykh al-‘Uthaymeen (17/p. 27, 28). 

And he (may Allaah have mercy on him) also said: Artificial fertilization is when the husband’s sperm is taken and placed in the uterus of the wife by means of a syringe. This is a very serious issue. Who can be certain that the doctor will not put the sperm of one man in the uterus of someone else’s wife?! Hence we think that precautions must be taken and we should not issue fatwas except in specific cases where we know the man, the woman and the doctor. As for opening the door to this, there is the fear of evil consequences.  

The matter is not to be taken lightly, because if any deceit takes place, it means that lineages will be mixed, and there will be chaos, which is something that sharee’ah has forbidden. Hence the Prophet SAWS (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “One should not have intercourse with a pregnant woman until she gives birth.” I will not issue fatwas to this effect, unless a specific case is referred to me and I know the man, the woman and the doctor. Majmoo’ Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (17/question no. 9) 

This is the verdict of the Islamic Fiqh Council of the Organization of the Islamic Conference in which it says: There is nothing wrong with resorting to this in the case of need, but it is absolutely essential to take all necessary precautions.  Majallat al-Majma’ (3/1/423). 

We ask Allaah to bless the couple with righteous offspring with no need for such methods, and to enable them to bear this trial with patience. 


If a third party, other than the spouses, is introduced into the process of fertilization, such as eggs coming from another woman or another woman acting as a surrogate mother, or sperm coming from another man, then fertilization in such cases is HARAAM, because it is counted as ZINAA (ADULTERY). When a woman uses the sperm of a man, this comes under the same rulings as intercourse in terms of what is halaal and what is haraam. 

With regard to the child who is born as the result of such a process, he is to be attributed to the mother who bore him, and not to the man who produced the sperm, as is the ruling in the case of zinaa (fornication or adultery). If that man claims to be the father and no one disputes that, then the child may be attributed to him, because the Lawgiver is keen that people should be named after their fathers. With regard to the hadeeth, “The child belongs to the (marriage-)bed and for the adulterer is the stone,” it is to be interpreted as referring to cases where there is a dispute, as is clear from the incident which gave rise to this hadeeth. Reference Al-Da’wah magazine, issue no. 1796, p. 20.


This matter has been studied by the Islamic Fiqh Council (Majma’ al-Fiqh al-Islami), who issued the following statement:

One: The following five methods are forbidden according to sharee’ah. They are forbidden either in and of themselves, or because of their consequences such as mixing lineages, not knowing who the child’s mother is, or other reasons that are objectionable according to sharee’ah.

When fertilization takes place between sperm taken from the husband and an egg taken from a woman who is not his wife, then the embryo is placed in his wife’s womb.

When fertilization takes place between sperm taken from a man who is not the husband, and an egg taken from the wife, then the embryo is placed in the womb of the wife.

When fertilization is done externally between the sperm and egg of the couple, then the embryo is placed in the womb of a woman who volunteers to carry it (“surrogate motherhood”).

When fertilization is done externally between the sperm of a man who is not the husband and the egg of a woman who is not the wife, then the embryo is placed in the womb of the wife.

When fertilization is done externally between the sperm and egg of the two spouses, then the embryo is placed in the womb of another wife (of the husband).

Two: The sixth and seventh methods are acceptable as a last resort in cases of necessity, when it is certain that all necessary precautions have been taken. These two methods are:

When the sperm is taken from the husband and an egg is taken from the wife, fertilization is done externally, then the embryo is planted in the womb of the wife.

When the sperm of the husband is taken and injected into a suitable place in the cervix or womb of the wife so that fertilization may take place internally.

Other reservations that pose a concern in this matter include: the uncovering of the woman’s ‘awrah and most private parts; the possibility of mistakes in the laboratory; the possibility that some weak-minded people in some hospitals may breach their trust and deliberately switch eggs or sperm in order to make the operation a success and earn more material gains. So we have to be extremely cautious when dealing with this matter. And Allaah knows best. Al-Majma’ al-Fiqhi, p. 34.


If you cannot have children normally and you have turned to artificial fertilisation – whilst paying attention to the guidelines on that – in that case there is nothing wrong with trying to decide the gender of the foetus, because of the permissibility of artificial fertilisation in your case

But if you are able to have children in the normal manner, it is not permissible for you to resort to artificial fertilisation with the aim of choosing the gender of the foetus, except in cases of necessity having to do with hereditary diseases that affect only females and not males, as stated in the resolution of the Islamic Fiqh Council.  However, it is permissible to follow natural methods of choosing the gender, such as following a particular diet, chemical washes and choosing the time of intercourse according to the time of ovulation, because these are permissible means and there are no reservations concerning them. 

And Allah knows best.


Islam Q&A,

Sunday 20 August 2017




(WHATSAPP +2347050892339 & +2349083040481)



Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah. As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu. Praise be to Allaah; we seek His help and His forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allaah from the evil of our own souls and from our bad deeds. Whomsoever Allaah guides will never be led astray, and whomsoever Allaah leaves astray, no one can guide. I bear witness that there is no god but Allaah, and I bear witness that Muhammad (Sallalhu alaihi Wasalam) is His slave and Messenger.


a)      Ihram At The Miqat 

b)      Entering The Masjid Al-Haram

c)      Niyyah (Intention)

d)      Welcome Tawaf & Saa’i (Between Safa & Marwah).

e)      8th Of Dhul-Hijjah (Day Of Al-Tarwiyah)

f)       Going To Mina From Makkah

g)      (9th Of Dhul-Hijjah (Going To Arafat From Mina)

h)      Going To Muzdalifah From Arafat

i)       (10th Of Dhul-Hijjah (Proceeding To Mina From Muzdalifah)

j)       (10th Of Dhul-Hijjah (Tawaf Al-Ifadha In Makkah).

k)      (11th 13th Of Dhul-Hijjah (Returning To Mina From Makkah)

l)       Farewell Tawaf In The Holy City Of Makkah

m)    Departing For Home


Many Muslims think that the steps of Hajj & Umrah are too complex. Therefore, they make little or no effort to learn how to perform the essential rites correctly; make major mistakes and have to pay penalties.

Refer to web link:

Hajj is one of the best acts of worship & a pillar of Islam with which Allah sent Muhammad (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) & without which a person’s religious commitment is incomplete. 

“And Hajj to the house (ka’bah) is a duty that mankind owes to Allah, those who can afford the expenses; and whoever disbelieves (denies it is a disbeliever of Allah), then Allah stands not in need of the ‘Aalameen (Holy Quran Chapter 3:97).

The prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhiwasallam) said: from one umrah to the next is an expiation for whatever (sins) came between them, and for an accepted hajj, there is no reward but paradise.” Bukhari.

Worship cannot be accepted or bring a person closer to Allaah unless it meets 2- conditions:

1 Sincerity towards Allaah alone, i.e., it is done to seek the countenance of Allaah in the Hereafter & is not done to show off, to enhance ones reputation or for worldly gain.

2 Following the Prophet (sallAllaahu alayhiwasallam) in word & deed by knowing his Sunnah.


TAMATTU’: entering ihraam for ‘Umrah only during the months of Hajj (Shawwaal, Dhu’l-Qi’dah & Dhu’l-Hijjah). Pilgrim reaches Makkah & performs tawaaf (circumambulation of the kaaba) & saa’i (journeying between safar & marwa) for ‘Umrah, & shaves his head or cuts his hair & exits ihraam. This is UMRAH. On the day of al-Tarwiyah, (8th of Dhu’l-Hijjah), he enters ihraam for Hajj only, & does all the actions of Hajj. So, Tamattu’ means a complete ‘Umrah & a complete Hajj with interruption.

IFRAAD: entering ihraam for Hajj only. Pilgrim reaches Makkah & performs tawaaf al-qudoom (tawaaf of arrival) & saa’i for Hajj, but he does not shave or cut his hair & does not exit ihraam, rather he remains in ihraam until he exits ihraam after stoning Jamarat al-‘Aqabah on the day of Eid. If he delays the saa’i of Hajj until after the tawaaf of Hajj, there is nothing wrong with that.

QIRAAN means entering ihraam for ‘Umrah & Hajj both together. Or entering ihraam for ‘Umrah first then including Hajj in that before starting the tawaaf of Hajj. That is done by intending that his tawaaf & saa’i will be for both Hajj & ‘Umrah. Qiraan is similar to Ifraad, except that the Qiraan has to offer a hadiy (sacrifice) whereas the pilgrim doing Ifraad does not. 

The best is TAMATTU’. Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhiwasallam) enjoined this upon the companions. Even if a person enters ihraam for Qiraan or Ifraad, then it is strongly recommended for him to change his intention to ‘Umrah, then complete ‘Umrah & exit ihraam, so that he will then be doing Tamattu’. He may do that after doing tawaaf al-qudoom and saa’i  – because when the Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhiwasallam) did tawaaf & saa’i during his Farewell Pilgrimage, he told everyone who did not have a sacrificial animal (hadiy) to change his intention & make his ihraam for ‘Umrah & to cut his hair & exit ihraam, & said, “Were it not that I have brought the hadiy with me, I would do what I have commanded you to do.” 


Pilgrim observes the SUNNAHS OF IHRAAM (ghusl, applying perfume & praying).Then he should enter ihraam after he finishes the prayer or after boarding his means of transportation at the miqat (specific designated place of entering ihraam),,  

Then if he is doing Tamattu’, he should say, “LABBAYK ALLAAHUMMA BI ‘UMRAH (HERE I AM, O ALLAAH, FOR ‘UMRAH).” 

If he is doing Qiraan, he should say, “LABBAYK ALLAAHUMMA BI HIJJAH WA ‘UMRAH (HERE I AM, O ALLAAH, FOR HAJJ & ‘UMRAH).” 

If he is doing Ifraad, he should say, “Labbayk Allaahumma Hajjan (Here I am, O Allaah, for Hajj).” 

Then he should say, “Allaahumma haadhihi hijjah laa riyaa’a fiha wa la sum’ah (O Allaah, this is a pilgrimage in which there is no showing off or seeking reputation).”

Then he should recite the TALBIYAH as the Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhiwasallam) did: “Labbayka Allaahumma labbayk, labbayka laa shareeka laka labbayk. Inna al-hamd wa’l-ni’mata laka wa’l-mulk, laa shareeka lak  (Here I am, O Allaah, here I am. Here I am, You have no partner, here I am. Verily all praise and blessings are Yours, and all sovereignty, You have no partner).” 

Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhiwasallam) also said:, “Labbayka ilaah al-haqq (Here I am, O God of Truth).” 

Ibn ‘Umar added, “Labbaayk wa sa’dayka, wa’l-khayr bi yadayka, wa’l-raghba’ ilayka wa’l-‘aml (Here I am and blessed by You, and all good is in Your hands, & desire & action are directed towards You).” 

Men should raise their voices, but women should recite it silently especially in the presence of non-mahrem. 

Stipulating a condition when entering ihraam by saying if something prevents me from completing my pilgrimage such as sickness or delay etc., then I will exit my ihraam. The Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhiwasallam) commanded Dubaa’ah bint al-Zubayr, when she wanted to enter ihraam but she was sick, to stipulate such a condition, and he said, “Your condition is valid with your Lord.”(Bukhaari). 

Exiting with this pre-condition does not necessitate offering a sacrifice in compensation.


(person in ihraam) should recite the Talbiyah a great deal, ask Allaah for His good pleasure and for Paradise, & seek refuge in His Mercy from the Fire. 

The Talbiyah is prescribed in ‘Umrah from the moment one enters ihraam until one starts Tawaaf. In Hajj, it is prescribed from the moment one enters ihraam until one stones Jamarat al-‘Aqabah on the day of Eid. For details of prohibitions while in a state of ihraam.


When the pilgrim approaches Makkah, he should do ghusl before entering. Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhiwasallam) did ghusl before entering Makkah. (Muslim). 

He enters al-Masjid al-Haraam with his right foot first, & say, “Bismillaah wa’l-salaatu wa’l-salaam ‘ala Rasool-Allaah. Allaahumma ighfir li dhunoobi waftah li abwaab rahmatika. A’oodhu Billaah il-‘Azeem wa bi wajhih il-kareem wa bi sultaanih il-‘qadeem min al-Shaytaan il-rajeem (In the name of Allaah, and blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of Allaah. O Allaah, forgive me my sins & open to me the gates of Your mercy. I seek refuge with Allaah the Almighty & in His noble Countenance and His eternal power from the accursed Satan).”

 Then he should go to the Black Stone in order to start tawaaf(circumambulation around the kaaba 7x). After doing tawaaf & prayed two rak’ahs (behind maqaam Ibrahim if possible/feasible), he should go to the MAS’A (place for saa’i) & perform saa’i between al-Safa & al-Marwah 7 circuits. For detailed description of Tawaaf  & saa’i.

The pilgrim who is doing Tamattu’ should do saa’i for ‘Umrah; those who are doing Ifraad & Qiraan should do saa’i for Hajj, & they may delay it until after Tawaaf al-Ifaadah.



When the pilgrim who is doing Tamattu’ has completed seven circuits of saa’i, he should shave entire head or cut from all over his head. Shaving is better than cutting. Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhiwasallam) made du’aa’ three times for those who shaved their heads & once for those who cut their hair  (Muslim). If the time of Hajj is so close that there will be no time for the hair to grow back, then it is better to cut one’s hair at this point, so that there will be some hair left to shave during Hajj. Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhiwasallam) commanded his companions, during the Farewell Pilgrimage, to cut their hair during ‘Umrah, because they arrived on the morning of the 4th of Dhu’l-Hijjah. Women should cut the length of a fingertip from their hair. The ‘Umrah of the one who is doing Tamattu’ is concluded, he should exit ihraam completely & can do everything that those who are not in ihraam do e.g. wearing regular clothes, perfume, intercourse etc.

Those who are doing Ifraad or Qiraan should not shave their heads or cut their hair, or exit ihraam, rather they should remain in ihraam until they exit ihraam on the day of Eid, after stoning Jamarat al-‘Aqabah. 

On day of al-Tarwiyah; the 8th day of Dhu’l-Hijjah, the one who is doing Tamattu’ should re-enter ihraam for Hajj in the morning from the place where he is in Makkah as before. He should form the intention of entering ihraam for Hajj & recite the Talbiyah, & say, “Labbayk Allaahumma Hajjan (Here I am, O Allaah, for Hajj).” 


The pilgrim goes to Mina & prays Zuhr, ‘Asr, Maghrib, ‘Isha’ & Fajr there, shortening the prayers but not joining them. Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhiwasallam) used to shorten (making the 4-rak’ah prayers 2) his prayers in Mina but he did not join them. The people of Makkah & others should shorten their prayers in Mina, ‘Arafah and Muzdalifah because Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhiwasallam) used to lead the people in prayer during the Farewell Pilgrimage and there were people from Makkah with him, but he did not tell them to offer their prayers in full. But since the city has spread and incorporated Mina so that it is like one of the quarters of Makkah, then the people of Makkah should not shorten their prayers there.


When the sun rises on the day of ‘Arafah, the pilgrim travels from Mina to ‘Arafah & stops in Namirah until the time of Zuhr (Namirah is a place just before ‘Arafah), if he can do so because It is Sunnah  but not obligatory. When the sun passes its zenith (i.e. when the time for Zuhr prayer begins), he should pray Zuhr and ‘Asr, two rak’ahs each,& join them together at the time of Zuhr, as the Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhiwasallam) did, so as to leave a lot of time for standing and making du’aa’. 

Then after the prayer he should devote his time to making dhikr & du’aa’, raising his hands & facing the qiblah even if the mountain of ‘Arafah is behind him (the Sunnah is to face the qiblah, not the mountain. The Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhiwasallam) stood by the mountain & said, “I am standing here, but all of ‘Arafah is the place of standing.” Prophet’s du’aa’ in that great place of standing was: “Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah wahdahu laa shareeka lah, lahu’l-mulk, wa lahu’l-hamd, wa huwa ‘ala kulli shay’in qadeer (There is no god but Allaah alone, with no partner or associate; His is the Dominion, all praise is due to Him, and He is able to do all things).”The best of du’aa’ is du’aa’ made on the day of ‘Arafah.


At sun set, the pilgrim goes to Muzdalifah. He should pray Maghrib & ‘Isha’ with one adhaan & two iqaamahs. If he fears that he will not reach Muzdalifah before midnight, he should pray on the way, because it is not permissible to delay ‘Isha’ prayer until after midnight. 

He should stay overnight in Muzdalifah, then when dawn comes he should pray Fajr early, with the adhaan & iqaamah, & then head for al-Mash’ar al-Haraam (which is the site of the mosque in Muzdalifah) & proclaim the oneness and greatness of Allaah (by saying Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah & Allaahu akbar), and making du’aa’ as he likes (i.e., when the light of day appears before the sun has actually risen). If it is not easy for him to go to al-Mash’ar al-Haraam, he should make du’aa’ where he is. Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhiwasallam) stood there & all of Muzdalifah is the place of standing. When he is reciting dhikr & making du’aa’ he should face the qiblah & raise his hands.


When it has become very light, before the sun rises, he should go to Mina & hasten through Wadi Mahsar (which is a valley between Muzdalifah & Mina). When he reaches Mina he should stone Jamarat al-‘Aqabah, which is the last one that is closest to Makkah, throwing seven pebbles one after another, each of which should be approximately the size of a fava bean, saying “Allaahu akbar” with each throw. (The Sunnah when stoning Jamarat al-‘Aqabah is to face the Jamarah with Makkah to one's left and Mina to one one’s right). When he has finished this stoning, he should slaughter his sacrificial animal, then shave his head or cut his hair if he is male; women should cut the length of a fingertip from their hair. This is the first stage of exiting ihraam, in which it becomes permissible to do everything except intercourse. Then, the pilgrim should go back to Makkah & do tawaaf & saa’i for Hajj. Then comes the second stage of exiting ihraam, after which everything becomes permissible which was forbidden whilst in ihraam. 


Those who are doing Ifraad or Qiraan should now shave their heads or cut their hair, or exit ihraam, rather they should remain in ihraam until they exit ihraam on the day of Eid, after stoning Jamarat al-‘Aqabah. 


The Sunnah is to put on perfume when one wants to go to Makkah to do tawaaf after stoning the jamarat & shaving one’s head, because ‘Aa’isha (radiallahuanihu) said: “I used to apply perfume to the Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhiwasallam) before he entered ihram & when he exited ihraam, before he circumambulated the House.” Bukhaari. 

Then after tawaaf & saa’i, he should go back to Mina & stay there for two night, the 11th & 12th of Dhu’l-Hijjah, & stone the three jamarats during those two days, when the sun has passed its zenith. It is better for him to go to the jamarats walking, but if he rides that is acceptable. He should stone the first jamarah, which is the one that is furthest away from Makkah & next to Masjid al-Kheef, with seven pebbles, one after another, and say “Allaahu akbar” after each throw. Then he should go forward a little and say a lengthy du’aa’(sunnah)

Then he should stone the middle jamarah as described above. Then he should move to his left & stand facing the qiblah, raising his hands, & offer a lengthy du’aa’ if he can. He should not omit to stand & make du’aa’ because it is Sunnah.

Then he should stone Jamarat al-‘Aqabah as described above, then he should go away & not offer a du’aa’ after that. 

When he has completed the stoning of the Jamaraat on the 12th day of Dhu’l-Hijjah, if he wants he may hasten & leave Mina, & he may delay his departure & stay till night of the 13th, & stone the three Jamaraat after noon as he did before. It is better to delay, but it is not obligatory unless the sun has set on the 12th & he is still in Mina, in which case it is obligatory to stay until one has stoned the three Jamaraat after noon on the following day. But if the sun sets on the 12th & he is still in Mina but not by choice, such as if he had already started out & boarded his means of transportation, but got delayed because of crowded conditions & traffic jams etc., then he is not obliged to stay there.


When pilgrim wants to leave Makkah & go back to his country, he should not leave until he has performed the farewell circumambulation around the House (tawaaf al-wadaa’).Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhiwasallam) said: “No one should leave until the last thing that he does is (tawaaf) around the House.”(Muslim). Another version, he told the people that the last thing they should do was (tawaaf) around the house, but he made an exception for women who were menstruating. (Bukhaari & Muslim.) 

Women who are menstruating or bleeding following childbirth do not have to do the farewell tawaaf; neither should they stand by the door of al-Masjid al-Haraam to bid farewell, because that was not narrated from the Prophet (saw). 

The last thing the pilgrim should do when he wants to leave is to circumambulate the House. If after the farewell tawaaf he stays and waits for his companions or to load his luggage or to buy something he needs on the way, there is nothing wrong with that, and he does not have to repeat the tawaaf, unless he intends to delay his journey, such as if he intended to travel at the beginning of the day and he did the farewell tawaaf, then he delays his travelling until the end of the day, for example; in this case he has to repeat the tawaaf so that it will be the last thing he does in Makkah. 


HAJJ FREQUENT FAQs, Common Mistakes during Hajj & References:

Should a pilgrim wanting to visit the prophet’s mosque have the intention of visiting the grave or visiting the mosque?

Refer to web link:

The miqat (specific designated place of entering ihraam),,

For details of prohibitions while in a state of ihraam.

For detailed description of Tawaaf  & saa’i.

NB. Attached To Email and Whatsapp groups Is The Full PDF Format On Rituals And Description Of Hajj And Umrah 68 Pages (parts 1 of 2 and 2 of 2).