Friday 4 August 2017




Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah. As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu. Praise be to Allaah; we seek His help and His forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allaah from the evil of our own souls and from our bad deeds. Whomsoever Allaah guides will never be led astray, and whomsoever Allaah leaves astray, no one can guide. I bear witness that there is no god but Allaah, and I bear witness that Muhammad (Sallalhu alaihi Wasalam) is His slave and Messenger.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam,
We hope this meets you in the best state of Iman (faith) and hafiyyah (sound health)!

SECURE YOUR RELIGION OR DEEN: Holy Quran Chapter 17:36] "You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them."


We see some people delaying following the imam in prayer, and some others anticipating him in sujood [prostration] or rukoo’ [bowing] sometimes. Very notable one is in sujood [prostration] for their individual Adua while imam is already siting or in standing position. Etc.

The five prayers are among the best acts of worship that the Muslim performs. Performing them is the best deed after having the correct belief in GOD AND HIS MESSENGER. Prophet Muhammad, may Allah be pleased with him, was asked what the best deed was and he said it was performing the obligatory prayers at the beginning of their times (al¬-Bayhaqiyy): When we say “prayers” we are referring to an act of worshipping Allah which has a specific format as God revealed to Prophet Muhammad, may Allah raise his rank. The prophets from Prophet Adam to Prophet Muhammad, may Allah be pleased with him, ordered their followers to pray as per God’s orders.

Since the prayer is the most important matter of Islam after having the correct belief in GOD AND HIS MESSENGER, one must plan his life around the prayer. It would be a great sin to neglect praying when at work if a prayer was required at that time. If a believer is shopping at the mall or waiting at the airport and there is no way to get home or to a mosque, he is still obligated to perform the prayer within its due time instead of purposely leaving out or delaying the prayer. This indicates the importance of the obligatory prayer. Doing the obligatory prayer on time takes priority over other non-obligatory matters.


1) Congregation made Sujood Tilaawah while imaam did not

2) Praying behind imaam who does not observe some Sunnah acts of prayer

3) Praying in front of imaam

4) Joining congregational prayer for follower who missed previous prayer

5) Praying behind latecomer after imaam makes tasleem

6) Joining two persons praying in congregation in the last sujood

7) Raising from rukoo' or sujood before the imaam

8) The first tasleem ends the congregational prayer - Praying behind an imaam who prays quickly

9) Women following the imaam when praying in the mosque

10) One led in prayer does not stop reciting until the Imaam bows

11) Praying Shaf' behind an Imaam who prays Witr with three consecutive Rak‘ahs

12) A latecomer standing to make up what he missed of the prayer before the Imaam's the second Tasleem

13) Mistakenly correcting the Imaam in prayer

14) Praying behind an Imaam who makes a mistake in reciting al-Faatihah

15) Any harm in quickly completing recitation when Imaam shifts to new position

16) Ruling on holding two congregational prayers for 'Asr in the same Masjid

17) If someone joins prayer late and the Imaam does forgetfulness prostrations after Tasleem

18) The prayer of the one who said the takbeerah of Ihraam before the Imaam is invalid

19) Imaam bowing before the one led in prayer completed Al-Faatihah

20) Ruling on not following the Imaam in the sujood (i.e. prostration) of quranic recital


Answered by Ustadh Abdus Shakur Brooks

Question: What are the matters related to Malikis following Hanafi & Shafi Imams in Eid prayer?

Answer: In regards to Eid prayer there are a few matters in which the Malikis differ with other schools based on the different narrations of hadith, how they understood them, and even the various amount of opinions that existed amongst the companions themselves. These differences affect the manner in which Malikis conduct their prayer behind a Imam who follows another school of thought and for this reason the Maliki scholars discussed such issues in their works of fiqh.

According to the Maliki school the first rakah of Eid prayer consists of 7 takbirs in complete ( 1 for the takbir al-Ihram, which is to enter the prayer and 6 takbirs for the Eid prayer)

According to the Shafi’s their first rakah consists of 8 takbirs ( 1 for the takbir al-Ihram and 7 for the Eid prayer) which means they do one more takbirs than Malikis do.

So the question is does a Maliki follow the Shafi Imam and increase an extra takbir along with him or not?

According to the Maliki school, The Maliki scholar Al-Hattab [954 A.H] in his famous work called Mawahib Al-Jaleel li Sharh Al-Mukhtasar Khalil mentions what Ibn Abi Zayd recorded in his copious work Al-Nawadir wal Ziyadat quoting the companion of Imam Malik known as Ashab as saying:

“If the Imam during the first rakah does more than 7 takbirs [meaning that he does 8 takbirs including the takbir al-ihram] or in the second he does more than five, then he [who is Maliki] do not follow him.”

This is the opinion in the school and it is said that there is no difference of opinion in this matter.

Following a Hanafi Imam in Eid Prayer

According to the Maliki’s they recite after making the takbirs in both rakahs. Also in the second rakah they make 5 takbirs (not including the takbir for standing) .

According to the Hanafi’s they recite first and then do their takbirs (contrary to the Malikis). Also, in the second rakah they make 3 takbirs only (whereas the Malikis make 5).

So there are two questions here:

1. Does a Maliki follow a Hanafi Imam and recite first or not?

Amongst the earlier scholars of the Maliki madhab this matter was not explicitly mentioned. Thus, the latter scholars differed drawing their conclusions from similar issues of fiqh related to the topic.

According to Al-Hattab his conclusion was that one should follow the Hanafi Imam in reciting first then doing the takbirs in the second rakah.

Those like Ahmad Dardir [1241 A.H], and his senior companion Muhammad al-Amir [1232 A.H] in his famous work al-Majmoo’a, concluded that they are not to follow the Hanafi’s in that.

Thus, because it is a matter that the later scholars differed about it is permissible for a person to act on any one of the positions because they are not conclusive matters established within the madhab. And either one is fine as long as one makes sure that they complete all of their takbirs according to the Maliki school without increase or decrease.

2. Does a Maliki follow a Hanafi Imam in making three takbirs in the second rakah only ?

Al-Hattab mentions that both views: (1)that one should follow or (2) that one should not follow are open for speculation and thus did not opt for one over the other.

On the other hand Muhammad Al-Amir clearly states that one does not follow a Shafi or a Hanafi in what they increase or decrease from the takbirs, or when the Hanafi’s delay the takbirs in the second rakah.


Can members of Hanafi Madhhab perform the Friday prayer by following a Shafi’i imam?

The subject of ‘doing the Friday prayer and other prayers behind a Shafi’i imam, by a Hanafi person’, has been evaluated in different ways by Hanafi scholars.  As understood from the narrations, this kind of topics didn’t pose a problem in the first periods of Islam. For example, Imam Abu Yusuf prayed behind Caliph Harun Rasheed (who has led the prayer without renewing ablution after he was cupped (Hajamat) and he had obtained fatwa from Imam Malik hereof) and he also didn’t repeat his prayer. (Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Ebi’l-Izz ad-Dimashqi, Sherhu’l-Aqideti’t-Tahaviyye, Beirut, 1408/1988, book: 2, page = 530)

However, the late Hanafi scholars have suggested certain conditions for the validity of a salat like this.  In the book Fetaway-I Hindiyye the next phrase is mentioned:

“It’s absolutely valid (saheeh) to pray behind an imam of Shafi’i madhhab. However, a Shafi’i  imam must avoid controversial issues, because it’s possible that a member of Hanafi madhhab may be praying behind him. For example: when blood starts flowing from his body he has to renew ablution, he shouldn’t return to much from the direction of Qiblah and he should beware of other controversial issues like this. “(Al-Fetawa al-Hindiyye, Daru Sadir, 1991, Beirut, book: 1, page = 84)

In short, according to the last period Hanafi sholars there are some criteria for praying behind a Shafi’i imam. The imam must make ablution like Hanafis and he must stay away from things which invalidate prayers or ablution according to Hanafis. If anyone from the congregation (jamaat) knows that the imam has did something that breaks the prayer or ablution, then his salat behind that imam would be invalid.

But these claims aren’t based on any Quranic verse or authentic Hadith. A Hanafi person can follow a Shafi’i Imam (or members of other madhhabs) in prayer and vice versa.

It’s not allowed to pray behind a person who has ‘definitely’ polytheism (shirk) in his religion. The principle for being an imam is to have the correct religion. Until it’s proven otherwise, one could pray behind an imam without looking at controversial Fiqh issues.


Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in al-Sharh al-Mumti’

When a person prays behind an imam, four scenarios may apply: 

1 – Anticipation (doing a movement before the imam) 

2 – Delay 

3 – Doing an action simultaneously with the imam 

4 – Following 


This refers to the person doing one of the essential parts of prayer before the imam, such as prostrating or rising before the imam, or bowing or rising from bowing before him. This is haraam, and the evidence for that is the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “Do not bow until he bows, do not prostrate until he prostrates.” The basic principle is that the words “do not” indicate that the action is haraam, and if someone were to say that it is a major sin, that would not be farfetched, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Does the one who raises his head before the imam not fear that Allaah may turn his head into the head of a donkey, or make his form like that of a donkey?” This is a warning, and a warning is one of the signs that a sin is a major sin. 

Ruling on the prayer of one who anticipates the imam: 

If a person anticipates the imam knowingly, aware of the ruling and of what he is doing, then his prayer is invalid.

But if he is ignorant or forgot, then his prayer is valid, unless that excuse ceased to exist before the imam did that action, in which case he has to go back and repeat what he did before the imam, after the imam. If he does not do that, knowing the ruling and aware of what he is doing, then his prayer is invalid, otherwise it is not.  

5.2 – DELAY 

There are two kinds of delay in following the imam: 

(i)                Delay for a reason

(ii)              Delay without any excuse 

The first kind is where there is a reason or excuse. He has to make up what he delayed, then he should follow the imam, and there will be no blame on him, even if it is one or two essential parts of the prayer. So if a person is distracted or loses focus, or did not hear the imam until the imam has done one or two essential parts of the prayer before him, then he should do the things that he delayed in and then follow the imam, unless the imam reaches the point where he is [in the rak’ah], in which case he should not make up the missing parts and he should stay with the imam. Then one rak’ah will be valid for him which is formed from two rak’ahs of the imam, the rak’ah in which he delayed and the rak’ah which the imam reached the same point as him. An example of that is: 

A man was praying with the imam and the imam bowed, rose, prostrated, sat up, prostrated a second time and stood up, but the person praying behind him did not hear the loudspeaker except in the second rak’ah, because the electricity cut out for example. Let us assume that this was during Jumu’ah prayer, so he heard the imam reciting al-Faatihah, then the electricity cut out, and the imam completed the first rak’ah, but the person remained standing thinking that the imam had not yet bowed in the first rak’ah, then he heard him reciting “Has there come to you the narration of the overwhelming (i.e. the Day of Resurrection)?” [al-Ghaashiyah 88:1 – interpretation of the meaning]

We say: you should stay with the imam, so the second rak’ah for the imam will be the rest of the first rak’ah for you. Then when the imam says the tasleem, you should make up the second rak’ah. The scholars said: so the person praying behind the imam will have one rak’ah that is formed from the two rak’ahs of his imam, because followed the imam in part of the first and part of the second.  

If he realizes that he has lagged behind before the imam reaches the same point [in the second rak’ah], he should make it up and follow the imam. For example: 

A man is standing with the imam, and the imam bows but he does not hear that he is bowing. When the imam says “Sami’a Allaahu liman hamidah [Allaah hears those who praise Him – said when rising from bowing], when the person praying behind him hears that, we say to him: Bow and rise, and follow your imam, and you will have caught up with the rak’ah, because the delay here was for a reason. 

The second type is delaying with no excuse. 

Delaying with regard to an essential part of the prayer means lagging behind in following the imam, but catching up with him in the next essential part of the prayer.

For example, the imam bows when you still have a verse or two left of the soorah you are reciting, so you remain standing to complete what you still have to recite, but then you bow and catch up with the imam in rukoo’. In this case the rak’ah is valid, but your action goes against the Sunnah, because what is prescribed is to start bowing when the imam reaches the bowing posture and not to lag behind, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “When he bows, then bow.” 

Lagging behind in an essential part of the prayer means that the imam is one step ahead of you in the prayer, i.e., he bows and rises before you bow.

The fuqaha’ (may Allaah have mercy on them) said: if you lag behind in rukoo’ then your prayer is invalid, just as if you did rukoo’ before the imam. If you lag behind in sujood (prostration) then according to what the fuqaha’ say your prayer is valid, because it is lagging behind in an essential part of the prayer other than rukoo’. 

But the correct view is that if a person lags behind the imam in any essential part of the prayer with no excuse, then his prayer is invalid, whether that is in rukoo’ or any other part of the prayer. Based on this, if the imam rises from the first prostration and this person who is praying behind him is making du’aa’ in sujood and continues to make du’aa’ until the imam prostrates for the second time, then his prayer is invalid, because he has lagged behind in an essential part of the prayer. If the imam is one step ahead of him, how can he then be following him? 


This refers either to word or actions, and falls into two categories: 

The first category is say words simultaneously. This does not matter, except in the case of the takbeerat al-ihraam (saying “Allaahu akbar” to start the prayer) and the salaam (at the end of the prayer). 

With regard to the first takbeer, if you say takbeer before the imam has completed his takbeerat al-ihraam, you have not entered prayer in the first place, because it is essential to say the takbeerat al-ihraam after the imam has finished saying it completely. 

With regard to the salaam, the scholars said that it is makrooh to say the first and second salaam at the same time as your imam, but if you say the first salaam after he has said the first salaam and the second salaam after he has said the second salaam, there is nothing wrong with this, but it is better not to say the salaam until the imam has said both. 

With regard to all other words of the prayer, it does not matter if you say them simultaneously with the imam, or before him, or after him. If we assume that you hear the imam reciting the tashahhud, and you have already recited it, this does not matter, because anticipating the imam in the words of prayer, apart from the first takbeer and the salaam, does not affect the prayer.

Similarly it does not matter if you recite al-Faatihah before him and say Wa laa’l-daalleen “nor of those who went astray” [al-Faatihaah 1:7 – interpretation of the meaning], whilst he is still reciting Iyyaaka na’abudu wa iyyaaka nasta’een “You (Alone) we worship, and You (Alone) we ask for help (for each and everything)[al-Faatihaah 1:7 – interpretation of the meaning], in Zuhr prayer, for example, because it is prescribed in Zuhr and  ‘Asr prayer for the imam to let the people hear the verse he is reciting sometimes, as the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to do. 

The second category is to do the actions of prayer simultaneously with the imam, and this is makrooh. 

For example, when the imam says “Allaahu akbar” for rukoo’, and starts to bend forward, and you start to bow simultaneously with the imam, this is makrooh, because the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “When he bows, then bow, and do not bow until he bows.” And in sujood when he says takbeer for sujood, if you prostrate and reach the floor at the same time as him, this is makrooh, because the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) disallowed that and said, “Do nor prostrate until he prostrates.” 


Following is the Sunnah, and what it means is that a person starts to do the actions of prayer immediately after the imam starts them, but without doing them at the same time. 

For example, when he bows, you bow, even if you have not completed the recitation that is mustahabb [recommended, encouraged], and even if you have a verse still to go, because that would mean that you are lagging behind, so you do not complete it. In sujood, when the imam rises from his prostration, you follow the imam, and your following him is better than your remaining in prostration making du’aa’ to Allaah, because your prayer is connected to the imam, and you are now enjoined to follow your imam. ADAPTED FROM AL-SHARH AL-MUMTI’, 4/275 

The person who is praying behind an imam should not move to the next posture of the prayer until the imam has reached it, so he should not start to go down for prostration, until the imam has placed his forehead on the ground. 

Al-Bara’ ibn ‘Aazib said: When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, ‘Sami’a Allaahu liman hamidah’, none of us would then bend our backs [to start prostrating] until the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) went down into prostration, then we would go down into prostration after him. Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 690; Muslim, 474.

And Allah Knows Best



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