Friday 25 October 2013

Hadiths classification with special reference to Maudu` and Fabricated Hadiths: according to the reliability and memory of reporters.

The Classification Of Hadith: According To The Reliability And Memory Of Reporters
Assembled by Abba Abana, Kubwa, Abuja, Nigeria;
M-Tel +2348023746371 (Only SMS),
Dated 24th October 2013
Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah. As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu
Praise be to Allaah; we seek His help and His forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allaah from the evil of our own souls and from our bad deeds. Whomsoever Allaah guides will never be led astray, and whomsoever Allaah leaves astray, no one can guide. I bear witness that there is no god but Allaah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.
1.0 Introduction
A sister asked me a question on fabricated hadith. She asked if ‘’ whenever one performs a lot of Hajj and Umrah, he or she is protected from poverty?’’.
Let us briefly establish and address Hadiths classification with special reference to Maudu` and Fabricated Hadiths: according to the reliability and memory of reporters.
Mustalah books speak of a number of classes of hadith in accordance with their status. The following broad classifications were made:
a)      Ahadith are called Marfu` (elevated), Mauquf (stopped) and Maqtu` (severed)
b)      If the chain of reporters is interrupted or uninterrupted, e.g. Musnad (supported), Muttasil (continuous), Munqati (broken), Mu`allaq (hanging), Mu`dal (perplexing) and Mursal (hurried).
c)      Mutawatir (consecutive) and ahad (isolated), the latter being divided into Gharib (scarce, strange), `Aziz (rare, strong), and Mash'hur (famous).
d)      Hadith category falls under Mudallas (concealed) and Musalsal (uniformly-linked).
e)      An addition by a reliable reporter is known as ziyadatu thiqah, or opposition by a lesser authority to a more reliable one, known as Shadhdh (irregular): Such a hadith is known as Munkar (denounced) or declared as Mudraj (interpolated).
f)       A hadith Mu`allal (defective hadith); caused in many ways; e.g. two types of hadith Mu`allal are known as Maqlub (overturned) and Mudtarib (shaky).
The final verdict on a hadith, i.e. Sahih (sound), Hasan (good), Da`if (weak) or Maudu` (fabricated, forged), depends critically on this factor.
Fellow brothers and sisters (Muslims)! Fear Allah as He should be feared and keep your duty to Him.
2.0 Attributing Incorrect/Unsound Statements To The Prophet (SAW)
Statements are attributed to the Prophet (SAW) although the person quoting them may have no idea what the people of knowledge of Hadith have ruled regarding those ahadith, thus ironically being in danger of contravening the Prophet's widely-narrated stern warnings about attributing incorrect/unsound statements to him. For example, here are some very commonly-quoted ahadith[1], which actually vary tremendously in their degree of authenticity from the Prophet (SAW):
  1. Allah says,"I was a hidden treasure, and I wished to be known, so I created a creation (mankind), then made Myself known to them, and they recognised Me[2]." (neither Sahih or  Daif)
  2. Allah says,"Were it not for you (O Muhammad), I would not have created the universe[3]." (Maudu)
  3. Allah says, "Neither My heaven nor My earth can contain Me, but the heart of My believing slave can contain Me[4]." (Marfu)
  4. "He who knows himself, knows his Lord[5]." (Marfu or Maudu)
  5. "Love of one's homeland is part of Faith[6]." (Maudu)
  6. "I am the City of Knowledge, and `Ali is its Gate[7]."(Gharib/Munkar, Maudu, Mudtarib))
  7. "My companions are like the stars: whichever of them you follow, you will be guided[8]." (Daif or Maudu)
  8. "The differing amongst my Ummah is a mercy[9]." (Sahih or Daif or Maudu)
  9. "Paradise is under the feet of mothers[10]." (Daif)
  10. "Seeking knowledge is a duty upon every Muslim[11]." (Sahih/Hasan/Daif)
  11. "Seek knowledge, even if you have to go to China[12]." (Maudu)
  12. "The ink of the scholar is holier than the blood of the martyr[13]." (Maudu)
  13. "We have returned from the lesser Jihad to the greater Jihad (i.e. the struggle against the evil of one's soul)[14]." (Marfu/Daif)
The scholars of hadith agree that a Da`if or Maudu` hadith must not be attributed to the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), e.g. by saying, "The Prophet said: ...", even if the meaning is considered to be correct or if it is actually the saying of a Muslim scholar, for that would be a way of lying about the Prophet (SAW).
Mustalah al-Hadith (Classification of Hadith)[15]:  Among the early traditionists, mostly of the first two centuries, ahadith were classified into two categories only: Sahih and Da`if; al-Tirmidhi was to be the first to distinguish Hasan from Da`if. This is why traditionists and jurists such as Ahmad, who seemed to argue on the basis of Da`if ahadith sometimes, were in fact basing their argument on the ahadith which were later to be known as Hasan[16]
3.0 Maudu` and Fabricated Hadiths[17]
‘’Al-Dhahabi defines Maudu` (fabricated, forged) as the term applied to a hadith, the text of which goes against the established norms of the Prophet's sayings (SAW), or its reporters include a liar, e.g. the forty ahadith known as Wad'aniyyah or the small collection of ahadith which was fabricated and claimed to have been reported by `Ali al-Rida, the eighth Imam of the Ithna 'Ashari Shi'ah[18].
Maudu` ahadith are also recognised by external evidence related to a discrepancy found in the dates or times of a particular incident[19]. For example, when the second caliph, `Umar b. al-Khattab decided to expel the Jews from Khaibar, some Jewish dignitaries brought a document to `Umar apparently proving that the Prophet (SAW) had intended that they stay there by exempting them from the jizyah (tax on non-Muslims under the rule of Muslims); the document carried the witness of two Companions, Sa'd b. Mu`adh and Mu'awiyah b. Abi Sufyan. `Umar rejected the document outright, knowing that it was fabricated because the conquest of Khaibar took place in 6 AH, whereas Sa'd b. Mu`adh died in 3 AH just after the Battle of the Trench, and Mu'awiyah embraced Islam in 8 AH, after the conquest of Makkah[20]!
The author, in his Criticism of Hadith among Muslims with reference to Sunan Ibn Majah, has given more examples of fabricated ahadith under the following eight categories of causes of fabrication[21]
  1. Political Differences;
  2. Factions Based On Issues Of Creed;
  3. Fabrications By Zanadiqah (Enemies-Within Spreading Heretical Beliefs);
  4. Fabrications By Story-Tellers;
  5. Fabrications By Ignorant Ascetics;
  6. Prejudice In Favour Of Town, Race Or A Particular Imam;
  7. Inventions For Personal Motives;
  8. Proverbs Turned Into Ahadith.
Similar to the last category above is the case of Isra'iliyat ("Israelite traditions"), narrations from the Jews and the Christians[22] which were wrongly attributed to the Prophet (SAW)
One of the problems in the Muslim world today is trying to work out whether what you are being told about Islam is genuine or not. We are divided into sects and they follow things that are based in Islam and also things that are NOT based in Islam’’. End quote.
A number of traditionists have collected fabricated ahadith separately in order to distinguish them from other ahadith; among them are Ibn al-Jauzi in Al-Maudu`at, al-Jauzaqani in Kitab al-Abatil, al-Suyuti in Al-La'ali al- Masnu'ah fi 'l-Ahadith al-Maudu`ah, and `Ali al-Qari in Al-Maudu`at.
Here are hadith that have been fabricated – Be aware of them as they are verified by scholars of science of Hadith/Ulamas and found to be untrue and so should not be relied upon.
Some of these ahadith were known to be spurious by the confession of their inventors.
For example, Muhammad b. Sa`id al-Maslub used to say, "It is not wrong to fabricate an isnad for a sound statement[23]." Another notorious inventor, `Abd al-Karim Abu 'l-Auja, who was killed and crucified by Muhammad b. Sulaiman b. `Ali, governor of Basrah, admitted that he had fabricated four thousand ahadith declaring lawful the prohibited and vice-versa.
1)      When Adam committed the sin of approaching the forbidden tree, he said, “O Lord, I beg of Thee to Forgive me due to the right of Muhammad (SAW) over You” So Allah said, “O Adam, how did you know about Muhammad (SAW) seeing that I have not yet created him.” He (Adam) replied, “O Lord, when You Created me with Your own hands and blew in me of Your soul, I raised up my head, thereupon I saw on the pillar of Your throne; There is no god but Allah and Muhammad (SAW) is His Messenger; written on it. I therefore know that You wouldn’t have mentioned someone’s name beside Yours unless he was the most beloved person to You in the whole of Your creation.” So Allah said to him, “O Adam, you have spoken rightly, verily he is the most loved by Me of all My creation. Call upon Me by his right over Me and I’ll forgive you. And if it wasn’t for Muhammad (SAW) I wouldn’t have created you.” (Related by Al-Haakim as very weak; Adh-Dhahabee classified it as fabricated)
2)      Whenever one performs a lot of Hajj and Umrah, he or she is protected from poverty. (Classified fabricated by Ibn Hibbaan)
3)      The ink of a scholar is holier than the blood of a martyr. (Classified fabricated by Khateeb)
4)      Whenever anyone of you cohabits with his wife, let him avoid looking at her private parts because it causes blindness, and also let him avoid excessive talking because this causes dumbness. (Classified fabricated by Adh-Dhahabee and Ibn Hibbaan)
5)      The scholars of my Ummah (ie. Ummah of Muhammad (SAW)) are like the Prophets of Israel. (Classified as fabricated by the IIjmaa of the scholars)
6)      An illegitimate child cannot enter Paradise nor anyone from his descendants to as far as the 70th generation. ((Classified fabricated by Ibn Jawzee)
7)      Marry and do not divorce for verily Allah’s Throne shakes whenever a divorce occurs. (Classified fabricated by Ibn Jawzee)
8)      He who prays 20 rak’at between Maghrib and Isha shall have a house built in the Paradise. (Classified fabricated by Ibn Jawzee)
9)      There shall arise a man from among my followers by the name of Muhammad Ibn Idrees (Imam Sha’afi). He will be more deterimental to my followers than iblees. And there shall arise a man from among my followers by the name of Abu Haneefa, he will be the light of my ummah. (Classified fabricated by Ibn Jawzee)
10)   A shaikh is like a Prophet among his people. (Classified fabricated by Ash-Shawkaani and many others)
11)   Conversation in the Masjid eats up good deeds the way animals consume grass. (This hadith is devoid of isnad)
12)   Beautify your table with herbs for verily it drives away the devil upon reciting Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem. (Classified fabricated by Adh-Dhahabee)
13)   Prayer performed in a turban is equivalent to 15 prayers without a turban. And a Jumu’ah prayer performed in a turban is equivalent to 10 Jumu’ah prayers without a turban. Verily the angels wear turbans for the Jumu’ah prayer and they continue to send blessings on the people who wear turbans until sunset. (Classified fabricated by Ibn Hajar)
14)   Love the Arabs for three reasons: because I, Muhammad (SAW) am ar Arab, the Holy Qur’an was revealed in Arabic and the language of Jannah will be Arabic. (Related as false by Al-Haakim)
15)   There is not a single person from among the Muslims who has not been forgiven by Allah for his sins on Jumu’ah day. (Classified as fabricated by Al-Asqalaani and Adh-Dhahabee)
16)   He who gets married before he performs Hajj has indeed started (his life) by committing a great wrong. (Graded fabricated by Ibn Jawzee)
17)   He who visits the grave of his parents every Jumu’ah and recites Surah Ya-Sin over them or one of them, shall have his sins forgiven by the number of each verse or each letter. (Graded fabricated by Ibn Adee – devoid of isnad)
18)   I am a city of knowledge and Ali is the gate by which you pass to obtain that knowledge. (Classified fabricated by Imam Bukhari)
19)   The members of my household are like the stars in the sky. Whichever one you follow you shall be guided. (Classified fabircated by Adh-Dhahabee)
20)   My companions are like the stars in the sky. Whichever one you follow you shall be guided. (Related by Ibn Hazm who said a liar was found in the isnad called Salam Ibn Sulayman)
21)   Diversity among my followers is a Mercy from Allah. (Ibn Hazm said this is not a hadith)
22)   If it weren’t for women, Allah would have been worshipped properly. (Related by Ibn Adee – a man in the isnad is deemed a liar)
23)   Obedience to a woman’s advice causes regret. (Related by Ibn Abu Haatim – fabricated)
24)   There is no sin in backbiting an evil-liver. (Related by Tabaraani)
25)   Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab is the light of Islam in this world and the lamp (light) for the people of Jannah in the Hereafter. (Related by Ibn Jawzee)
26)   Seek knowledge even as far as China. (Classified fabricated by Ibn Jawzee and Ibn Hibbaan)
27)   The sneezing of a person while another is speaking is a proof that what the person is saying is the truth. (Classified fabricated by Ibn Jawzee)
28)   To think for an hour is better than to be engaged in worship for a period of 60 years. (Classified fabricated by Ibn Jawzee)
29)   When Allah Created the Aql (human intellect) He Commanded it by saying “Come” and it went to Allah. He then said to it “Retreat” and it retreated. So He Said, “By My Glory and Majesty, I have not Created anything more precious than thee.” (Classified fabricated by Adh-Dhahabee)
30)   There is no adhaan nor iqaamah for women and no Ghusl for Salaat-ul-Jumu’ah. ((Classified fabricated by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)
31)   There isn’t a Prophet that was sent except after reaching the age of 40. (Classified fabricated by Ibn Jawzee)
32)   Allah Will not Punish (His Servants) over an issue in which there was a difference of opinion concerning it. (Classified fabricated by Sakhaawi)
33)   Bury your dead in the graveyards of the pious people, for verily the dead is hurt by a bad neighbour the same manner in which a living person suffers from a bad neighbour. (Classified fabricated by Ibn Jawzee)
34)   I begged my Lord (Glorified be He) not to send any member of my household to the Hellfire and He Granted my request. (Classified fabricated by Nisaai’)
35)   He who invited someone to Islam, causing him or her to embrace it, then he, the caller, shall surely enter the Paradise. (Classified fabricated by As Saghaani)
36)   He who plays chess is cursed. (Classified fabricated by Imam Nawawi)
37)   Were I to swear by Allah and tell a lie, is more preferred by me than to swear by someone other than Allah and speak the truth. (Classified fabricated by Daar Qutnee)
38)   Verily the Angels said to Allah, “O Lord, how do You exercise patience in regards to the many sins of Bani Adam?” He said, “I test them, then I Pardon them for their sins.” The Angels said, “If only we were in their place, we wouldn’t have disobeyed you.” He Said, “Then choose two Angels from among you to be in their place.” So they chose Harut and Marut; and they both descended towards the Earth. Allah then Gave them sexual desires. They then finally descended to the Earth. Upon reaching Earth there came to them a woman called Zuhra and they both fell in love with her. So they both began to conceal from each other the feelings of lust, which they had in their hearts for Zuhra. One of them returned to her; then the other same and said, “Do you feel what I feel for her?” He said, “Yes.” Then they both asked her for her body. She replied, “I will never submit my body to you both until you teach me the secret word that you use to ascend the Heavens and return to Earth.” Then both Harut and Marut refused; then again they asked for her body but she refused also. They both then gave in and taught her the secret words to ascend in the Heavens. She immediately used it and as soon as she ascended the Heavens, Allah tossed a star at her, which destroyed all her wings. Harut and Marut then begged Allah to forgive them; so Allah gave them a choice. He Said, “If you like, I can Return you to your angelic state and punish you now in the duniya and return you to your angelic state on Judgement Day.” One of the them said to the other, “The punishment of duniya is temporary.” So they chose to be punished in the duniya rather than to be punished in the Hereafter. Allah then Told them to go to Babylon, so they both went there and stayed. They are presently hanging between the Heavens and the Earth, being punished until Judgement Day. (Classified fabricated by Ibn Jawzee)
39)   The carrying of a rod is a sign of a true Muslim and a tradition of all Prophets. (Classified fabricated by Adh-Dhahabee)
40)   He who practises I’tikaaf for 10 days of Ramadhan, will get the reward of 2 Hajj and 2 Umrah. (Classified fabricated by Adh-Dhahabee)
41)   It is better for you to speak in Arabic and avoid speaking in Persian, for verily it breeds hypocrisy. (Classified fabricated by Adh-Dhahabee)
42)   There is no good in black people. When they are hungry, they steal and when their stomach is full, they commit zina. However they have 2 noble characteristics, which are generosity to their guests and perserverance at times of hardship. (Classified fabricated by Imam Bukhari and Ibn Jawzee)
43)   The Holy Prophet (SAW) once seat on a cushion made of silk. (Classified fabricated by Al-Haafiz Zaylaee)
44)   The Holy Prophey (SAW) never used to visit a sick person until after 3 days. (Classified fabricated by Ibn Jawzee)
45)   Beware of sins (unlwaful sexual intercourse) for verily it results in 6 evil consequences, 3 of which occur on earth while the others occur in the Hereafter. As for those that occur on earth, they are: It takes away radiance from your face.
a.      It breeds poverty.
b.      It causes your sustenance to decrease.
c.      And for those that will occur in the Hereafter, they are:
d.      It brings down the wrath of the Lord.
e.      It makes one’s reckoning become difficult.
f.       It causes one to abide in the Hellfire forever.
                   Classified fabricated by Ibn Jawzee)
46)   He who begets a son and names him Muhammad  for the sake of blessing, both he and his son will be in Jannah. (Classified fabricated by Ibn Jawzee)
47)   He who begets 3 sons and doesn’t name any of them Muhammad is indeed an ignorant person. (Classified fabricated by Adh-Dhahabee)
48)   He who builds a house bigger than what is necessary will be made to carry it on his shoulders on the Day of Judgement. (Classified fabricated by Ibn Jawzee)
49)   To love your country is a part of Imaan. (Classified fabricated by Saghaani)
50)   A small amount of deeds backed up by knowledge is beneficial, while plenty of good deeds without any knowledge is useless. (Classified fabricated by Imam Suyooti)
51)   Beware of the duniya for verily its magical powers are greater than that of Harut and Marut. (Classified fabricated by (Al-Haafiz Al-Iraqi)
52)   He who made Hajj to the house in Makkah and didn’t visit my grave in Madinah has indeed treated me badly. (Classified fabricated by Ash-Shoukaani)
53)   He who makes Hajj and then visits my grave when I die, will be like the one who visited me when I was alive. (Classified fabricated by Ibn Ma’een)
54)   Chicken takes the place of lamb for the poor of my ummah and Jumu’ah is their Hajj. (Classified fabricated by Adh0Dhahabee, Ibn Jawzee and Ad-Daar Qutnee)
55)   The Holy Prophet (SAW) forbade that one should cohabit with his wife before foreplay. (Classified fabricated by Adh-Dhahabee)
56)   Allah Shall Call people by their mother’s names on the Day of Judgement in order to cover for them. (Classified fabricated by Ibn Jawzee)
57)   The aubergine is a cure for all ailments. (Classified fabricated by Ibn Hajar Al-Asaqalaani)
58)   Let the most handsome among you lead the prayer because it is more likely that he will be the best in character and use your wealth to safeguard your honour and safeguard your deen by guarding your tongue. (Classified fabricated by Ibn Jawzee)
59)   He who travels on Jumu’ah day shall have 2 angels invoking Allah against him, that he should have no one accompanying him on his journey and that he should not accomplish whatever aim and objective he set out to accomplish. (Classified fabricated by Adh-Dhahabee and Ibn Hibbaan)
60)   Verily for everything there is a heart and the heart of the Qur’an is Surah Ya-Sin. He who reads it once will have the reward of reading the Qur’an 10 times. (Classified fabricated by Ibn Abee Haatim)
61)   He who charges a fee for teaching the Qur’an to others, then that will be his only reward in regards the Qur’an. (Classified fabricated by Adh-Dhahabee)
62)   Wudhu on top of wudhu is light on top of light. (Classified fabricated by Al-Mandharee)
63)   Backbiting nullifies one’s wudhu and salah. (Classified fabricated by Ad-Daar Qutnee and Al-Haakim)
64)   Verily it is the non-Arabic speaking nations that do this (ie. kissing the hands of their kings) and I, Muhammad (SAW), am not a king. I am but a man from among you. (Classified fabricated by Ibn Jawzee)
65)   The mistake of Prophet Dawud was in his lust. (Classified fabricated by Imam Suyooti and Adh-Dhahabee)
66)   Whenever something is comprised of halaal and haraam, the haraam always outweighs the halaal. (Classified fabricated by Al-Haafiz Al-Iraqi)
67)   To look at a beautiful face improves one’s eyesight and to look at an ugly face causes one’s eyesight to fade. (Classified fabricated by Ibn Hibbaan)
68)   To look at the face of a beautiful woman and green vegetation, improves one’s eyesight. (Classified fabricated by Adh-Dhahabee)
69)   If the Arabs should become degraded, then Islam would become degraded too. (Classified fabricated by Ibn Abee Haatim)
70)   The Prophet (SAW) had teh ability to see in the dark the way he used to see in the daylight. (Classified fabricated by Adh-Dhahabee)
71)   It is the sunnah that one should not perform more than one salaah with tayammum; instead he should make a fresh tayammum for each and every salaah. (Classified fabricated by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)
72)   Allah Has Sworn that He Shall never Allow a stingy person to enter the Paradise. (Classified fabricated by Ad-Daar Qutnee)
73)   Whenever the Imam ascends the Mimbar on Jumu’ah day, there should be no salah and talking. (Classified fabricated by Adh-Dhahabee)
74)   He who shortens the Iqaamah by reciting (Allahu Akbar) twice, is not one of us. (Classified fabricated by Adh-Dhahabee)
75)   He who raises his hands in Salaah, has no Salaah. (Classified fabricated by Ibn Taahir)
76)   He who performs wudhu and wipes his neck, will not have iron fetters placed around his neck on Judgement Day. (Classified fabricated by Ad-Daar Qutnee and Al-Haakim)
77)   Verily Allah Loves to See His servant tired and exhausted in his quest for halaal things. (Classified fabricated by Ad-Daar Qutnee)
78)   A scholar of Islam will never become senile. (Classified fabricated by Ibn Abee Haatim)
79)   A reciter of the Qur’an will never become senile. (Classified fabricated by Suyooti)
80)   The Holy Prophet (SAW) was once returning from a battle with his companions and he turned to them and said, “We have returned from the lesser Jihad to the greater Jihad; Jihad-un-Nafs, Jihad-Al-Akbar, ir. to fight against your evil desires is the greatest.” (Classified fabricated by Ibn Hajar)
81)   He who eats with someone whose sins are forgiven will have his sins forgiven also. (Classified fabricated by Ibn Hajar)
82)   The spider is a shaytaan transformed by Allah, so kill it. (Classified fabricated by Ibn Adee)
83)   Allah Had Disallowed the recitation of the Holy Qur’an with a charming voice. (Classified fabricated by Al-Haythamee)
84)   He who recites while he is praying behind the Imam will have his mouth filled with fire on the Day of Judgement. (Classified fabricated by Ibn Taahir)
85)   He who prayed 2 raka’ah of prayer in privacy without being seen by anyone except Allah and the angels, will be saved form the Hellfire. (Classified fabricated by Adh-Dhahabee)
86)   The heart of a believer is Allah’s dwelling place. (Classified fabricated by Az-Zarkashee and Ibn Taymiyyah)
87)   Madinah is holier than Makkah. (Classified fabricated by Adh-Dhahabee)
88)   Verily Allah does not accept a supplication which has a grammatical error in it. (Classified fabricated by Mula Ali Qaari)
89)   If a people should enter a man’s house, then he, the owner of the house, is their amir until they depart; it’s incumbent on them to obey his orders. (Classified fabricated by Adh-Dhahabee)
90)   The Jumu’ah prayer is compulsory on 50 men and whenever they are less than 50, Jumu’ah is not compulsory on them. (Classified fabricated by Adh-Dhahabee)
91)   There is not a single Prophet who had a nocturnal emission (wet dream) for verily nocturnal emission is from the shaytaan. (Classified fabricated by Adh-Dhahabee)
92)   There will be no Mahdi and no Isa, ie. the return of Jesus. (Classified fabricated by Shawkaani and Saghaani)
93)   The Mahdi shall come from the lineage of my uncle Abbas. (Classified fabricated by Ibn Adee)
94)   He who knows himself knows his Lord. (Classified fabricated by As-Sakhaawi)
95)   Make your tawwassul with my Glory for verily my Glory, in the sight of Allah, is great. (Classified fabricated by Ibn Taymiyyah)
96)   Allah the Most High Has Promised this house (the Kaa’ba) that 600,000 worshippers shall viist it yearly for Hajj and if this number is not present, He Shall Make it up with the angels. (Classified fabricated by Al-Haafiz Al-Iraqi)
97)   Verily Allah Has angels whom He Has Assigned to transport the Deeds. (Classified fabricated by Sakhaawi)
98)   The white rooster is my friend and a friend of my friend and an enemy of my enemy. (Classified fabricated by Ibn Jawzee)
99)   Music sows hypocrisy in the hearts like the water causes the crops to germinate. (Classified fabricated by Imam Nawawi)
100)                    Necessity knows no law. (Classified fabricated by Adh-Dhahabee)[24]
4.0 conclusion
This is a discussion on Fabricated Hadith - Abdullah Faisal and others within the Sciences of Hadith forums, part of the Main Topics category; 100 Fabricated Hadith The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "He who tells a lie on me intentionally, let take  his seat in the hellfire. Bukhari Vo. 1 No 107
When a laity casts doubt as to the authenticity of a Hadith, that doubter is asked by his/her elders to stop treading the perilous path and consult an `Alim or scholar of Hadith.
Here an `Alim is warning the believers of serious consequences (such as hell fire) for knowingly propagating lies (fabricated narrations), in the name of the Prophet (SAW).
Many of the Hadiths listed above are the ones that we often hear from the people and the preachers. 
Our duty is to convey the message. The "Fabricated ahadith stunt the spiritual growth of the Muslim Ummah."
5.0 References
k)      An Introduction to the Science of Hadîth by Author: Dr. Suhaib Hasan. Editorial, Foreword & Appendix by Usama Hasan. PUBLISHER, Al-Qur'ân Society, 101 Belmont Road, Tottenham, London N17 6AT, U.K.

[1] An Introduction to the Science of Hadîth by Author: Dr. Suhaib Hasan. Editorial, Foreword & Appendix by Usama Hasan. PUBLISHER, Al-Qur'ân Society, 101 Belmont Road, Tottenham, London N17 6AT, U.K.

[16] al-Dhahabi, p. 27.
[17] You can get further information in the book – 100 Fabricated Hadith.
[18] ibid., p. 36.
[19] al-Nawawi, Taqrib, 1:275.
[20] see Ibn al-Qayyim, Al-Manar al-Munif fi 'l- Sahih wa 'l-Da`if (ed. A.F. Abu Ghuddah, Lahore, 1402/1982), pp. 102-105 for a fuller discussion. Ibn al-Qayyim mentions more than ten clear indications of the forgery of the document, which the Jews repeatedly attempted to use to deceive the Muslims over the centuries, but each time a scholar of Hadith intervened to point out the forgery - such incidents occurred with Ibn Jarir al-Tabari (d. 310), al-Khatib al-Baghdadi (d. 463) and Ibn Taimiyyah (d. 728), who spat on the document as it was unfolded from beneath its silken covers.
[21] Suhaib Hasan, Criticism of Hadith, pp. 35-44.
[22] The Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) allowed such narrations, but they are not to be confirmed nor denied, except for what is confirmed or denied by the Qur'an and Sunnah. See e.g. An Introduction to the Principles of Tafseer of Ibn Taimiyyah (trans. M.A.H. Ansari, Al-Hidaayah, Birmingham, 1414/1993), pp. 56-58.

[23] al-Sakhawi, 1:264.

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