Saturday 24 April 2021





Saturday 12 Ramadan 1442 AH and 24 April 2021 CE

Reminder Day 12

Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah. As-Salaam Alaikum WA-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu.

Praise be to Allaah; we seek His help and His forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allaah from the evil of our own souls and from our bad deeds. Whomsoever Allaah guides will never be led astray, and whomsoever Allaah leaves astray, no one can guide. I bear witness that there is no god but Allaah, and I bear witness that Muhammad () is His slave and Messenger.


Help us Answer the Ummah! Every second, everywhere someone needs an answer. The Prophet () said: “A person who leads others to doing what is good will earn the same reward as those who do it.” (Muslim, 1893).

“Do not lose hope, nor be sad. You will surely be victorious if you are true in Faith.” And do not mix the truth with falsehood or conceal the truth while you know [it].” [Holy Quran Chapter Al Imran Ayah 139]

“If Allah should aid you, no one can overcome you; but if He should forsake you, who is there that can aid you after Him? And upon Allah let the believers rely.”

[Holy Quran Chapter Imran Ayah 160]

The month of Ramadan has come to you, the month of repentance and forgiveness, the month of doubling the rewards of deeds, and the month when sins are wiped out, so be diligent in acts of obedience and hasten to rewards.

It was proven that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "When Ramadaan begins, the gates of Paradise are opened, and the gates of Hell are closed, and the devils are chained up." Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 3277; Muslim, 1079. According to al-Nasaa'i: "The most evil jinn are chained up."

This does not mean that the devils have no influence at all, rather it indicates that they become weaker in Ramadaan and are not able to do what they are able to do at times other than Ramadaan.

A Hadith Qudsi states, “I treat my servant the way he feels about me.” (Bukhari, Muslim)

The example of Wajib Suspicion is that if, for example, you do not know the direction of Qibla and there is nobody to guide you, it is permissible to use your best Judgement.

The example of Mustahab Suspicion is to keep good feelings about every Muslim. It is, however, permissible to use precautions in daily dealing without considering another a thief, or a traitor without a just cause.

The example of Acceptable Suspicion is that if one is not sure of completing three Rakat or four in Salat, it is acceptable to use the most prevalent in your mind. Forms Of Suspicions Are Unlawful In Islam.

Let Us Now Consider Spying.

It is not allowed to search and disclose secrets of others. Hence, to overhear somebody while hiding or pretending to sleep is like spying on others. However, if there is a possibility of another party harming you or harming another Muslim, then such spying is allowed.

Let Us Now Consider Backbiting.

The Messenger of Allah () said that, backbiting is talking about somebody which if he heard it would grieve him.

Hence it is not allowed to talk about somebody in his absence even if what was narrated was true. If it were not true, then it would be a bigger sin and is called Buhtan (False Accusation).

It is important to note that to find others’ faults or to talk sarcastically or to defame a person is called Lumz in the Quran. Allah (Subhanahu Wa Taala) says, Holy Quran Chapter Al-Hujurat # 11

Do Not Defame One Another.

It means that when you find faults with others, they will retaliate and find faults with you.

The beauty of this wording of The Quran is that it says that finding faults with others is like finding faults with yourself. Likewise Allah (Subhanahu Wa Taala) said,

Do Not Kill Yourself.

Hence, if you kill others, they will try to kill you.

Allah (Subhanahu Wa Taala) also says in the Quran, Surah Al-Humazah # 1

Woe to every slanderer and backbiter.

Bahadar Shah Zafar said in Urdu,

When I did not know about myself, I was always finding faults with others. When I focused on my own faults I could not find any person worse than me.

In verse twelve of Surah Al-Hujurat Allah (Subhanahu Wa Taala) made it clear that defaming another Muslim in his absence is like eating the flesh of your dead brother, which obviously everybody hates. Hence it is the most horrible sin. Note that if the person is present, he may have a chance to defend himself although everybody does not have the courage to defend himself in these circumstances. If, however, he is defamed in his absence, the damage is deep and somewhat permanent. Allah (Subhanahu Wa Taala) describes this backbiting in such a manner that every Muslim should develop hatred for this hideous crime.

Backbiting Is Not Done By Tongue Alone.

It can also be done by eyes, hands, and other movements. For example, copying somebody who is limping in order to insult him.

The Messenger of Allah () said,

“Backbiting is a worse sin than adultery” (Tirmidhi)

It is further explained in a saying of Prophet Muhammad (), narrated by Abu Said and Jabar in Tirmidhi, “Allah may forgive a person if he repents after committing adultery. However, Allah will not forgive the one who backbites till his victim forgives him.”

Once the Messenger of Allah () pointed towards two graves and said to his companions that both of these people were being tortured in their graves. One of them used to backbite people, and the other was not careful about spilling drops of urine on his clothes and body whilst urinating. (Bukhari and Muslim)

That is why the Messenger of Allah () once said to his wife Aisha (RadiAllahu Anha), “Be careful about what you call small sins. They can cause terrible torture in the grave.”

During Miraaj, Prophet Muhammad () saw some people who had nails made of red copper. They were tearing apart their faces and chests with their nails. The Messenger of Allah () asked the angel Gabriel about them. The Angel Gabriel said, “They are being punished because they used to eat people’s flesh in their lives i.e. used to backbite and defame others.”

Abu Huraira (RadiAllahu Anha) narrates that the Messenger of Allah () said that the killing of a Muslim by another unjustly, usurping others wealth or defaming other Muslim brother is totally forbidden or Haram. (Muslim)

Abu Huraira (RadiAllahu Anha) also narrates that the Messenger of Allah () said, “Somebody who does not quit telling lies, Allah does not care for his quitting meals etc. during fasting. He will get no reward for fasting.”

Imam Ghazali writes in Ihya al-Uloom a person used to backbite Hassan Basree, so Hassan Basree sent some dates as a present to this person on learning about his backbiting. Hassan Basree also sent this message, “By backbiting you are transferring your good deeds to me. I realize that these dates are not the fitting gift for the good you are doing to me. I request that you accept this humble present.”

Note that backbiting a child, a mad person, or a disbeliever living in a Muslim state

Backbiting - Causes And Remedy

Ghiebah, or backbiting, is forbidden in the Glorious Qur’an where a person who commits it is given the similitude of a person who eats the flesh of his dead brother.

It is also condemned in the Sunnah. We read in a Prophetic hadith, “Verily, your blood (i.e., life), your property, and your honor are inviolable [and sacred] among you.” (Muslim)

On the authority of Abu Barzah Al-Aslami, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said,

“O you who have believed [only] with their tongues while [true] belief has not visited their hearts! Do not backbite Muslims nor pursue their defects [and faults], because whomever pursues his brother’s defects [and faults] Allah pursues his defects [and faults] and disgraces him even though inside his house.” (Abu Dawoud)

Ghiebah is that a Muslim mentions his Muslim brother in a manner that the latter dislikes, whether by referring to a defect in his body, such as shortness or squint; or in his lineage, as to say, for example, that his father is immoral or indecent; or in his morality, as to say, for instance, that he is dirty.

This is found in a prophetic narration where the Prophet () was asked about ghiebah, and he answered, “[It is] to mention your brother in a manner which he dislikes.”

Then he was asked, “What if my brother actually has [this failing] that I made a mention of?”

The Prophet () said, “If [that failing] is actually found in your brother, you in fact backbit him, and if that is not in him it is a slander.” (Muslim)

It is also worth mentioning that whatever involves the meaning of insulting is included in the concept of ghiebah, whether it is in the form of words, gestures, or writing.

Moreover, whoever listens to ghiebah is regarded as a participant therein unless he rejects it either with his tongue, or with his heart if he fears to do so in public.

One may also leave the place where it is being committed or turn the conversation into another subject. In all situations, he must reject backbiting. This is, of course, part of the Muslim’s duties towards his fellow Muslim brothers.

Causes Behind Ghiebah

There are many things that lead to ghiebah, including the following:

1.     Alleviation of or response to one’s anger. A person may be led by his anger with another person to backbite him.

2.     Compliance with one’s guests or fellows. By means of compliment, a person may share with his fellows or guests in backbiting others, thinking that this is a requisite of good social relations or that they may deny his act if he does not do so.

3.     Upgrading one’s position by degrading that of another person. For example, a person may say that so-and-so is ignorant or narrow-minded, aiming to show that he himself is knowledgeable and broad-minded and, consequently, better than the other.

4.     Joking and jesting. A person may backbite some people just for the sake of making some others laugh; this even represents a means of livelihood for some persons.


The backbiter should know that, by backbiting people, he subjects himself to the wrath and punishment of Allah the Almighty and that his good deeds will be paid to those whom he backbites; and if he has no good deeds, their evil deeds will be loaded on him. It is a very effective remedy for any backbiter to remember and comprehend these facts.

Furthermore, whenever one is about to backbite someone, he may think about his own shortcomings and how to rectify himself. In this way, he may feel ashamed of himself when realizing that he himself has defects that others can see.

Even if a backbiter thinks that he has no defects, he may show gratitude to Allah for His uncountable favors and bounties by not defiling himself with one of the ugliest flaws; namely, ghiebah.

Moreover and more important still, he should remedy ghiebah by overpowering the cause or causes leading to it. So, if he knows that he backbites someone because he is, for example, angry with him, he should suppress his anger, and so on.

Before moving to another point, it is worth highlighting that ghiebah may be committed by the heart, and this is what may be called thinking ill of others. A Muslim should not think ill of another Muslim unless he explicitly knows about him some evil thing that cannot be interpreted as meaning otherwise, especially if he has come to know it through a trustful, faithful Muslim.

Nevertheless, a Muslim is generally recommended not to respond to ill thoughts as regards his Muslim brothers. He may instead invoke Allah on their behalf whenever Satan pushes him to think evil of them, for this enrages Satan and drives him away, fearing that he may get accustomed to invocation through such evil whispers.

Legal Excuses For Ghiebah

In the Shari`ah of Islam, there are certain matters which drive away the sin of ghiebah. They may be presented as follows:

First, complaining about oppression or injustice. It is lawful for an oppressed or wronged person to mention the evil things committed against him by one who has oppressed or wronged him, in the presence of someone who is supposed to bring him his right back.

Second, seeking the help of others to change something wrong and bring an oppressor back to the way of righteousness.

Third, asking for a fatwa regarding a certain issue. However, it is recommendable for the person who wants to do so to use hints or indirect references when asking the mufti for his legal opinion concerning someone who has wronged him.

Fourth, warning a Muslim against some evil. One, for example, is permitted to warn a pious person against some wicked or immoral person whom he visits frequently without knowing about his wickedness or immorality. This is also recommendable in consultation regarding such matters as marriage and entrusting money and the like. However, if the consulted person here has to warn against some evil, he must do so out of sincere advice, not calumniation and slander.

Fifth, if a person is known with a special title such as “the lame” or “the blear-eyed,” it is not an act of ghiebah to call him as such. But if he can be recognized with another means, it is preferable to use this means instead of calling him with such a title.

Sixth, if a person commits immoral and indecent acts in public and does not feel shy of doing so, it is not an act of ghiebah to tell others about these acts.

Repentance And Regret

It should be known that a backbiter commits two sins: one is violation of Allah’s right, as he has committed something that He has forbidden him to do. The expiation for this sin is to repent and regret. The other sin is committed against the honor of the backbitten person; if the latter has known about the backbiter’s act against him, he should ask him for forgiveness. It was reported on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah () said,

“Whoever has wronged his brother, with regard to wealth or honor, should ask for his pardon [before his death], before he pays for it [in the Hereafter] when he will have neither a Dinar nor a Dirham.

[He should secure pardon in this life] before some of his good deeds are taken and paid to this [brother in compensation], or [if he has no good deeds] some of the bad deeds of this [brother] are taken to be loaded on him.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

If, however, the backbitten person has not learned about the backbiter’s act against him, the backbiter should keep asking Allah to forgive the backbitten so that he may not know about it and thus become angry with the backbiter.

is also not allowed.

The Following Are Not Considered Backbiting:

1. To complain to a person about a cruel official so that the concerned official can discipline the cruel one.

2. To complain to a father or husband about his child or wife respectively who can possibly reform them.

3. To describe detailed circumstances to get Fatwah.

4. To describe something to save Muslims from religious victimization.

5. To describe full circumstances for professional consultations.

6. To mention the major sins of a person who commits that sin openly, boldly, and takes pride in it.

Note that the common point in all above cases is that, the mention is being made for a specific need and not for degrading or defaming others intentionally or unjustly.

Further note that listening to backbiting is the same as backbiting somebody. It is better to walk away from such individuals.

Backbiting violates the rights of Allah (Subhanahu Wa Taala) and the rights of people simultaneously. Hence, it is necessary to ask for forgiveness from the victim first, since Allah will not forgive unless the victim forgives. If the victim has died or is untraceable, then ransom has to be paid. Annas narrates that the Messenger of Allah () said,

“The ransom for backbiting is to pray to Allah (Subhanahu Wa Taala) for forgiveness by saying, “Oh Allah” Forgive my sins and his too.”

I pray to Allah to save us from bad suspicion, spying, and backbiting.


1. Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi, Mukhtasar Minhaj Al-Qasidin, translated by Wa’il Shihab, (Al-Mansourah, Egypt: Dar Al-Manarah, 2002) pp. 186-191.




5. Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid: Seventy Matters Related to Fasting Published On: 16/7/2015 A.D. - 29/9/1436 H.


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