Sunday 4 April 2021

What are the daily, weekly and monthly acts of worship?


What are the daily, weekly and monthly acts of worship?


Sunday 22nd Sha‘ban 1442 – 4th April 2021

Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah. As-Salaam Alaikum WA-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu.

Praise be to Allaah; we seek His help and His forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allaah from the evil of our own souls and from our bad deeds. Whomsoever Allaah guides will never be led astray, and whomsoever Allaah leaves astray, no one can guide. I bear witness that there is no god but Allaah, and I bear witness that Muhammad () is His slave and Messenger.


What are the acts of worship in Islam?

1.    Testimony (Shahadah)

2.    Formal Prayer (Salah)

3.    Charity (Zakah)

4.    Fasting (Saum)

5.    Pilgrimage (Hajj)

What is the holiest day of the week in Islam?

Friday - Additionally, Friday is considered the holiest day of the week, and in Islamic tradition, is considered a celebration in itself. Friday Prayers (Juma) are congregational prayers held in mosques, and Muslims are encouraged to wear clean clothes, perfume, and bathe.

How many types of worship are there in Islam?

Two types - Worship may be classified into two types: 1) Specific Beliefs, feeling and visible acts of devotion paid in homage to Allah [God] which He has commanded. 2) All other acts of goodness generally encouraged in the life of a Muslim.

What is the highest form of worship in Islam?

Ihsan "constitutes the highest form of worship" (ibadah). It is excellence in work and in social interactions. For example, Ihsan includes sincerity during Muslim prayers and being grateful to parents, family, and Allah [God].

Part one:

The topic of acts of worship and obedience is very broad, and there is not room to discuss it in full here.

The questioner may refer to the following books for details on this matter:

·At-Targheeb wa’t-Tarheeb by Imam al-Mundhiri, along with Saheeh at-Targheeb wa’t-Tarheeb and Da‘eef at-Targheeb wa’t-Tarheeb by Shaykh al-Albaani, for information on the verdict on the soundness and weakness of the hadiths.

·Riyaadh as-Saaliheen by Imam an-Nawawi, especially the section entitled Kitaab al-Fadaa’il.

Part two:

The daily acts of worship include the five daily prayers and doing Wudoo’ for them; using the Miswaak when doing Wudoo’ and praying; praying in congregation (Jamaa‘Ah); the regular Sunnah prayers, Duha prayer, Qiyaam Al-Layl (voluntary prayers at night); Witr prayer; the Adhkaar for morning and evening; Adhkaar to be recited by day and by night (when entering and leaving the home, when entering and leaving the mosque, when entering and leaving the washroom, when eating and drinking, following the prescribed prayers, and so on); repeating after the Mu’adhdhin.

The weekly acts of worship include Jumu‘ah prayer; reading Soorat al-Kahf on the night before Friday and on Friday; sending a lot of blessings upon the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) on the night before Friday and on Friday; fasting on Mondays and Thursdays.

Monthly acts of worship include fasting three days of every month (and it is preferable for that to be on Al-Ayaam Al-Beed, i.e., the 13th, 14th and 15th of the Hijri month).

Annual or occasional acts of worship include: fasting Ramadan; praying Taraweeh in congregation in the mosque; offering the Eid prayers; Hajj for those who are able to do so; giving Zakaah for those for whom the conditions of it being obligatory are fulfilled; spending the last ten days of Ramadan in I‘Tikaaf; fasting six days of Shawwaal; fasting ‘Ashoora’ and a day before it or after it; fasting the day of ‘Arafah; doing a lot of good deeds in the first ten days of Dhu’l-Hijjah.

There are also deeds that are not connected to a particular time, so they are prescribed at all times, including deeds of the heart as well as physical actions. These include: offering voluntary prayers at times other than the times when praying is disallowed; observing voluntary fasts; ‘Umrah; remembering Allah (Dhikr); reading Qur’an; sending blessings upon the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him); supplication (Du‘Aa’); praying for forgiveness (Istighfaar); honouring one’s parents; upholding ties of kinship; giving charity; spreading the greeting of salaam (peace) among the Muslims; having a good attitude; controlling one’s tongue; loving Allah, fearing Him and putting one’s hopes in Him; putting one’s trust in Him; contentment; certainty of faith; seeking His help, may He be glorified and exalted.

And there are good deeds that are done for a reason, in which case it is prescribed to do them when that reason is present. These include: visiting the sick; attending funerals; offering the funeral prayer; offering condolences; saying Yarhamuk Allah (may Allah bless you) to one who sneezes; returning greetings of salaam; accepting invitations; praying Istikhaarah; offering the prayer of repentance (Salaat At-Tawbah); the eclipse prayer; prayers for rain; reconciling between disputing parties; lowering the gaze; refraining from harming others; bearing annoyance and calamity with patience; and so on. 

The Salaf (early generations) liked to combine four acts of worship on one day, namely: fasting, feeding the poor (charity), attending funerals and visiting the sick. The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said concerning these actions: “These qualities are not combined in a man but he will enter Paradise.” Narrated by Muslim (1028). 

And Allah knows best.

Source: Islam Q&A 221178



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