Sunday 10 July 2022

Difference between Hady and Udhiyah

Difference between Hady and Udhiyah 

1.0 Rules and Significance Udhiyah:

Rules and Significance Udhiyah or animal sacrifice is an act of worship which reminds us of the great act of sacrifice that Prophet Ibrahim and Isma`eel were willing to do for the sake of Almighty Allah.

It is not required of the head of the family to offer a separate sacrifice for every member of the house as one sacrifice is sufficient for the whole family. Regarding the rules and significance of animal sacrifice, Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi said: “Offering udhiyah (sacrifice) during `Eid Al-Adha is regarded as Wajib or Mandatory according to Imam Abu Hanifah and as Sunnah mu’akkadah or confirmed Sunnah according to other jurists.

All those people who have the nisab (payable amount) of zakah should offer a sacrifice. The time for offering a sacrifice begins after the `Eid Al-Adha prayer. According to a hadith, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is reported to have said, “Whosoever offered a sacrifice before the `Eid prayer, he or she just slaughtered an animal for meat, but whosoever made sacrifice after the `Eid Al-Adha prayer, he or she has offered a sacrifice.” (Al-Bukhari, Sahih, hadith no. 902).

Udhiyah (sacrifice) is an act of worship (`ibadah). As we have the times of prayers so we also have time for making a sacrifice during `Eid Al-Adha. The time of sacrifice remains until sunset on the 12th day Dhul-Hijjah. (This is according to some jurists as there is another opinion stating that the time is extended until the sunset of the 13th day).

It is not required of the head of the household to offer a separate sacrifice for every member of the house, rather one sacrifice would be sufficient for the whole family. However, if other members of family own the nisab of zakah, then they must offer their own sacrifice. One goat, lamb or sheep is on behalf of one person, but seven people can share in offering one cow or camel. The Udhiyah is the Sunnah of Prophet Ibrahim, Prophet Isma`eel and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon them all).

It has a meaning and significance. It reminds us of the great act of sacrifice that Prophet Ibrahim and Isma`eel were willing to do for the sake of Almighty Allah. Allah spared the life of Prophet Isma`eel, but He told us that, (And We ransomed him with a momentous sacrifice.) (Holy Quran Chapter As-Saffaat 37: 107). The “momentous sacrifice (dhibhin ‘adhim) is the sacrifice of the billions of people who have been remembering this tradition for the last four thousand years. Other people who claim to follow Prophet Ibrahim have forgotten this tradition, but we Muslims have kept it alive without any interruption. We must keep this Sunnah and should not forget it. There is no substitute for Udhiyah. However, if one wants to offer a nafl (non-obligatory) sacrifice on behalf of oneself or one’s deceased parents or some other relatives, one has a choice either to make udhiyah or give the cost of the animal in charity. The meat of the udhiyah should be divided into three equal portions: one for oneself and the family, one for friends, and one for the poor and needy. If there are more poor people, then it is good to give all of it in charity to the poor and the needy.


2.0 Difference between Hady and Udhiyah

There is a big difference between Hady and Udhiyah.

The hady is a sacrificial animal immolated in the name of Allah by the pilgrim. It is to be slaughtered in Al-Haram and distributed among the poor and the needy. The hady is offered in certain cases, among which is the Tamattu` Hajj (in which the pilgrim performs `Umrah, gets out of the state of ihram, and then enters ihram again for Hajj).

This is indicated in the Qur’anic verse in which Allah Almighty says: “If any one wishes to continue the `Umrah on to the Hajj, he must make an offering, such as he can afford” (Holy Quran chapter Al-Baqarah 2:196). If the pilgrim cannot afford the hadi, then he can do what Allah Almighty has mentioned in the same verse, when He Almighty says: “but if he cannot afford it, He should fast three days during the Hajj and seven days on his return, making ten days in all” (Holy Quran chapter Al-Baqarah 2:196).

As for the udhiyah, it is a sacrificial animal that a Muslim slaughters on the Day of `Eid Al-Adha following the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be on him). The udhiyah is to be divided into three thirds:

1) one third for the person and his family,

2) one third for the relatives and friends, and

3) one third for the poor.


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