Sunday 16 April 2017




Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah. As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu. Amma ba’d.

Praise be to Allaah; we seek His help and His forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allaah from the evil of our own souls and from our bad deeds. Whomsoever Allaah guides will never be led astray, and whomsoever Allaah leaves astray, no one can guide. I bear witness that there is no god but Allaah, and I bear witness that Muhammad (Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) is His slave and Messenger.

What is the concept of the Christian Trinity that the Qur’an declares to be false?

In various places in the Quran the Christians are condemned for saying that Allah is the third of three (surat an nisa 4:171 and surat al Maida 5:73 for example ). When I read the verses I assumed that they referred to the christian trinity (father, son, holy spirit), but the tafsir of ibn kathir states that what is meant here is that Christians claimed that Allah was a third with Isa (alleihi salaam) and Maryam. Is this correct? If so, is this referring to a specific group/sect? (as is the case with the jews claiming Uzair is the son of Allah) Is the trinity of mainstream Christianity dealt with directly in the quran and the sunnah, or is no mention of it made? I know the divinity of Isa ( alleihi salaam) is dealt with, but is there anything concerning the supposed holy spirit?

Firstly: Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Surely, disbelievers are those who said: ‘Allah is the third of the three (in a Trinity).’ But there is no llaah (god) (none who has the right to be worshipped) but One Ilaah (God -Allah). And if they cease not from what they say, verily, a painful torment will befall on the disbelievers among them”[Holy Quran Chapter al-Maa’idah 5:73].

Ibn Katheer (may Allah have mercy on him) said: The correct view is that this was revealed concerning the Christians in particular, as was stated by Mujaahid and others.

Then the scholars differed concerning that. It was said that what is meant by that is their disbelief (kufr) because they say that there are three hypostases (“persons” of the trinity), namely the hypostasis of the Father, the hypostasis of the Son and the hypostasis of the Word that was transmitted from the Father to the Son – exalted be Allah far above what they say.

As-Suddi and others said: This was revealed concerning their making the Messiah and his mother into two gods with Allah, thus making Allah the third of three, according to this concept. As-Suddi said: This is like what Allah, may He be exalted, says at the end of the soorah (interpretation of the meaning):

“And (remember) when Allah will say (on the Day of Resurrection): "O 'Eesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary)! Did you say unto men: 'Worship me and my mother as two gods besides Allah?'" He will say: "Glory be to You! It was not for me to say what I had no right (to say)”[ Holy Quran Chapter al-Maa’idah 5:116]. This view is the one that is more likely to be correct. And Allah knows best. End quote.



We live in a world where 1 + 1 +1 = 1 (God, Jesus and Holy Ghost)

Take this brief analysis of differences between Christianity and Islam in question and answer format. A typical Christian devoid of full knowledge will answer as follows:

1)      Who is god? He will Answer - Jesus

2)      Is Jesus the son of Mary? He will Answer -Yes

3)      Who created Mary? He will Answer -God.

4)      Who is God? He will Answer -Jesus

5)      Jesus is the begotten son. He will Answer -Yes

6)      Who is his father? He will Answer -God.

7)      Who is God? He will Answer -Jesus.

8)      Jesus is a servant of God? He will Answer -Yes

9)      Who is God? He will Answer -Jesus.

10)   Jesus died on the cross? He will Answer - Yes

11)   Who resurrected him? He will Answer -God.

12)   Who is God? He will Answer -Jesus

13)   Jesus is a messenger? He will Answer -Yes

14)   Who sent him? He will Answer -God.

15)   Who is God? He will Answer -Jesus.

16)   Did Jesus worship while on earth? He will Answer -Yes

17)   Whom did he worship? He will Answer -God.

18)   Who is God? He will Answer -Jesus.

19)   Did God have a beginning? He will Answer -No....

20)   Then who was born on 25 DEC? He will Answer -Jesus.

21)   Who is God? He will Answer -Jesus.

22)   Where's God? He will Answer -In heaven

23)   How many are there in heaven? He will Answer -Only one God.

24)   Where's Jesus? He will Answer -He is seated on the right hand of his father.

25)   Who is God? He will Answer -Jesus.

26)   Then how many are they in heaven? He will Answer -Only one God

27)   Then how many seats? He will Answer -One

28)   Where's Jesus? He will Answer -Seated next to God.

29)   Then how are they seated?  He will Answer -On one chair

Its only understood by those with the holy spirit.

30)   Who is God? He will Answer - Jesus.


There could be confusion here. So beautiful to be a Muslim, Allah (SWT) have mercy on us all and grant us His straight path for us not to go astray

Both Christians and Muslims share belief in a sovereign Deity who is one, heavenly, spiritual, the creator of heaven and earth and the judge of all mankind. Christians call Him "God" and Muslims call Him " Allah". One may thus presume that the attributes of God and Allah are the same by the two religions but a careful examination of the matter, however, will prove that it is not exactly so. The following article has briefly given a sign of major differences.

For references check the claims of ‘’God of Christianity Vs Allah of Islam’’ in the Bible Editions: Matthew 28:19 & 20; Matthew 6:9; Luke23:34; Luke 23:46; 1 John 3: 1 & 2; John 3:16; 1 Corinthians 12:3; Romans 8:16 & 17 etc.

Stand up for Islam - We are in the ‘festive season’ according to Christians – Good Friday and Easter Monday time (14th, 15th, 16th and 17th April 2017). And many Muslims around the world will be actually taking part in these festivities. They will do this without really questioning what they are doing, without even asking themselves if, as Muslims, they should be partaking in this.

The fact is that Muslims should not be taking part in Christmas or other festivals that are not based in Islam, that do not uphold the principles that we have been taught by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). But many Muslims do. A sad fact and one that undermines the establishing of Islam and a united Ummah.



Firstly, and this is the key point, Christmas is the religious festival of the Christians – this is a time that is one of the most holiest for them. It means a lot to them – it means that they are celebrating the birth of JESUS Christ, who they MISTAKENLY BELIEVE IS THE SON OF GOD. This is the worst sin that you could commit and even worse if you die believing this. This is completely incompatible with Islam. All Muslims should know that THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD – ALLAH. There is no other deity, there is nothing equal to Allah, there is nothing that can be compared to Allah – there simply is no son of God, no family of God, there is only God – Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful.

So why would Muslims then help support Christianity, which is based upon a false premise? Why would Muslims then go against Islam – and Allah – by wishing Christians joy and happiness in their mistaken belief? This is wrong. If anything, Muslims should be trying to give da’wah to the non-Muslims, such as the Christians.

Some Muslims say that it is a sign of respect to say “Happy Christmas or Good Friday or Easter”. Who is most deserving of our respect? It is Allah! Surely it is a greater deed to show respect to Allah than to misguided servants of Allah? Never forget that when you say “Happy Christmas or Good Friday or Easter”, you are saying it to someone who is disobeying Allah and possibly doesn’t even believe in Allah! It is not fitting for a Muslim to act in this way and any Muslim who does, should be educated upon the principles of Islam, of Tawheed and of submitting to Allah, NOT to His Creation.


Secondly, we are Muslims and we distinguish ourselves as being Muslims and following Islam. There is no need to follow the tradition of another religion, especially if we have been Commanded by Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) not to. Allah Has Prescribed for us the festivities we should follow and there is no need to add to this by following something else. If celebrating Christmas was allowed, it would have been stated in hadith or the Qur’an. If doing this was ok, then would there be a need for Islam? Isn’t Islam enough for the Muslims?

“Whoever seeks a religion other than Islaam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.” [Holy Quran Chapter Aal ‘Imraan 3:85]


Thirdly, Christmas is a pagan festival – it has NOTHING to do with Christianity. It isn’t the birthday of Isa/Jesus (AS) and many Christians know this. Christmas is depicted as being lots of snow, Christmas trees, Santa Claus, Reindeers, magical things – nothing to do with Christianity. It doesn’t snow in the Middle East, there’s no Christmas trees there, no such thing as Santa Claus, no such things as flying reindeers – absolutely nothing to do with Isa/Jesus (as). So what we are actually engaging in has no basis in any religion and as Muslims are supposed to be religious, then this is a bit hypocritical. Christmas has nothing to do with Allah or the Prophets, so as Muslims, it has nothing to do with us.

Even if Christmas WAS the birthday of Isa/Jesus (AS), this is not something to be celebrated as, in Islam, Muslims are not supposed to celebrate birthdays. We do not celebrate the Prophet Muhammad’s (Sallahu alaihi Wa ali wasalam) birthday and this was not done by the Sahabas (Companions) either. Those Muslims who do celebrate birthdays need to check their beliefs and look into why Islam does not allow this.


Another point is that Christmas is a commercial affair these days. It’s all about selling presents, making money out of Christmas and this in itself is wrong. Many families are put under stress and the financial burden of trying to keep up with Christmas. People in the UK even start buying for Christmas months in advance to help with the finances. And if you cannot give presents, then how does this make you look? Any festivity that puts this kind of pressure and adversity on people is wrong. Even Eid is starting to go this way and Muslims need to wake up to this and not let festivities get out of hand.

Muslims are not Christians, Pagans, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, Atheists or belonging to any other religion or way of life. Muslims are Muslims and follow Islam. By celebrating Christmas you are actually following something else. And this undermines the strength of the Ummah. This is one of the reasons why the Ummah is weak – we do not adhere to Islam and only Islam. There is nothing wrong with saying that you are a Muslim and so do not celebrate Christmas or Good Friday or Easter Monday. Non-Muslims respect this but it seems that Muslims do not want to feel like they are upsetting others.


The following hadiths are examples of how Muslims should not imitate the actions of non-Muslims.

On the authority of Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Aas who said: “The Messenger of Allah saw me wearing two saffron garments and he said: ‘Indeed these are from the dress of the Kuffaar so do not wear them.’ [Collected by Muslim (1/144), An-Nisaaee (2/298), Al-Haakim (4/190), and Ahmad in his Musnad (2/172, 164, 193, 207, and 211)]

At-Tirmidhi narrated that Ibn Abbas (Radillahu anhu) reported that the Prophet (Sallahu alaihi Wa ali wasakam) said: “He is not one of us who imitates other than us. Do not imitate the Jews or the Christians.”

At-Tabarani and Abu Dawud narrated that Ibn Umar and Hudhayfah (Radillahu anhu) reported that the Prophet (Sallahu alaihi Wa ali wasalam) said: “Whoever imitates a people, he is one of them.”

Al-Bayhaqi reported in his Sunan that Anas Bin Maalik (Radillahu anhu) said: “When the Prophet (Sallahu alaihi Wa ali wasalam) came to Medina, the people had two holidays from the days of Jahiliyyah.

He (Sallahu alaihi Wa ali wasakam) said: “When I came to you, you had two days which you used to celebrate in Jahiliyyah. Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) has replaced them for you with better days, the days of slaughter (Adhaa) and the day of fitr.

What does Christmas mean to most people? Well most people are not devout Christians and do not even believe Christmas to be connected to Isa/Jesus (AS). For these people, Christmas is just a time to feel good, have parties, have a good time. And that’s about it. This is not what Muslims are about or should be about.

Muslims need to start standing up for Islam and stop acting like non-Muslims. We are not Christians and do not hold to those beliefs, unless they coincide with what is from Qur’an and Sunnah. We are not pagans, taking part in rituals that have no significance with Allah.

This is not about Muslims being segregated from society but more the opposite. This is about Muslims standing up and being identified as Muslims – not as though they have some confused fusion of identities. Islam is clear and Muslims need to be also. By being identified as Muslims, what Muslims stand for, what Islam stands for, you will gain respect from other Muslims, gain understanding and respect from non-Muslims and start to create societies where Muslims can be seen to have their place. This is about societies welcoming Muslims and Islam – it isn’t about eating into Islamic identity, which is what those Muslims are doing who are taking part in Christmas, Easter, Diwali, Hannukah and other non-Islamic festivals.


Muslims need to stop engaging in Christmas, Good Friday, Easter Monday festivities, parties, the giving of presents, sending cards, giving festival greetings. This is not Islamic so don’t have one foot in Islam and one foot in something else – that is a hypocritical stance to have. Instead, celebrate Islam – you have two Eids and can make the most of this. Be devout and upstanding Muslims that non-Muslims can respect for their Islamic values and morals and beliefs. If you don’t then what do you stand for?

Muslims need to come to terms with an Islamic identity and the fact that we are ordered by Allah not to imitate the kufaar – the non-Muslims. If anything, the non-Muslims have much to gain by imitating Muslims and learning from Muslims. We should be the role models, not the other way round. How will non-Muslims learn the errors of their ways, if we imitate them? Also, if we imitate the non-Muslims in the things they do, then where do you draw the line? Would you take part in Diwali which celebrates the many gods of the Hindus? This would be committing shirk – the worst sin in Islam. The fairest and most just way is to not engage in festivities that are not Islamic.


Muslim parents need to explain to the schools that their children attend about Islamic values and why their children shouldn’t take part in Christmas plays. This increases their understanding about Islam and helps future Muslims. Whenever I have explained things to non-Muslims, they have never looked at me in a bad way but respected me for my beliefs. Explain to non-Muslims about Islamic values and how we celebrate on Eid. They are not aliens and will understand. Muslims… you need to act like Muslims and BE Muslims, following Islam and showing everyone the beauty of Islam.

Since the bible is written by different mystery persons, it is of course no surprise to see clear contradictions in the scripture. One of these clear contradictions are the ‘chronological contradictions in the bible stories’ . T
he biblical scholar, Marcello Craveri, provided a thoroughly researched exposition of these inconsistencies by using a chart entitled Correlation of the Gospels. Although the number available are considerably in excess of what can be published in BE, the following examples are particularly flagrant and easily verified.
  In Matthew 4:5-8 the Devil took Jesus to the pinnacle and then to the mountain, while in Luke 4:5-9 he took him to the mountain and then the pinnacle.
2:  In Matt. 21:12-19 Jesus cleansed the temple and later cursed the fig tree, while in Mark 11:13-15 he cursed the fig tree and later cleansed the temple.
3:  In Matt. 8:28-32 Jesus caused devils to enter swine and later called Levi (Matt. 9:9), while in Luke 5:27-28 Jesus called Levi and later caused devils to enter swine (Luke 8:26-33).
4:  In Mark 1:12-13 Jesus was tempted in the wilderness and later John was arrested (Mark 6:17-18), while in Luke 3:19-20 John was arrested and later Jesus was tempted in the wilderness (Luke 4:1-13).
5:  In Mark 2:13-17 Matthew was called by Jesus and later the tempest was calmed (Mark 4:35-40), while in Matt. 8:18, 23-27 the tempest was calmed and later Matthew was called (Matt. 9:9-17).
6:  In Matt. 8:1-4 Jesus cleansed the leper and later healed Peter's mother-in-law (Matt. 8:14-15), while in Mark 1:29-31 Jesus healed Peter's mother-in-law and later cleansed the leper (Mark 1:40-44).
7:  In Matt. 8:28-32 Jesus caused devils to enter swine and later appointed the 12 apostles (Matt. 10:1-4), while in Mark 3:13-19 Jesus appointed the 12 apostles and later caused the devils to enter the swine (Mark 5:1-13).
8:  In Luke 3:19-20 John the Baptist was arrested and later Jesus healed Peter's mother-in-law (Luke 4:38-39), while in Mark 1:29-31 Jesus healed Peter's mother-in-law and later John was arrested (Mark 6:17-18).
9:  In Luke 3:19-20 John was arrested and later the storm was calmed (Luke 8:22-25), while in Mark 4:35-40 the storm was calmed and later John the Baptist was arrested (Mark 6:17-18).
10:  In Luke 5:27-32 Levi (Matthew) was called and later the storm was calmed (Luke 8:22-25), while in Matt. 8:18-27 the storm was calmed and later Levi was called (Matt. 9:9-17).
11:  In Matt. 8:14-15 Jesus cured Simon's mother-in-law and later John the Baptist was arrested (Matt. 14:3-5), while in Luke 3:19-20 John was arrested and later Jesus cured Simon's mother-in-law (Luke 4:38-39).

12: In Matthew 21:1-11 Jesus entered Jerusalem and later purified the Temple (Matthew 21:12-16), while in John 2:13-25 and 3:1-12 he purified the Temple and later entered Jerusalem (John 12:12-16).
13:  In Matt. 8:28-32 Jesus caused devils to enter swine and later paid tribute to John the Baptist (Matt. 11:11-14), while in Luke 7:24-28 Jesus paid tribute to John the Baptist and later caused devils to enter swine (Luke 8:26-33).
14:  In Luke 22:14-21 Jesus said after supper that the hand of his betrayer was with him on the table, while in Matt. 26:21 and Mark l4:18 Jesus made this statement during supper.
15:  And lastly, in Matt. 8:23-27 Jesus calmed the storm and later appointed the 12 apostles (Matt. 10:1-4), while in Mark 3:13-19 Jesus appointed the 12 apostles and later calmed the storm (Mark 4:35-41).

Although only 15 examples of chronological contradictions were given, literally scores are available. Their very existence accounts for the fact that no one has ever been able to write one long continuous narrative encompassing all four gospels. It can't be done without taking liberties with the text by adding and subtracting as expediency dictates in direct defiance of Rev. 22. The common defense that these events occurred more than once is without merit since many of them are unique. Therefor the bible is not gods word, since gods word has to be perfect and cannot contain many chronological contradictions, since only one chronological order can be right, the other has to be wrong.


Dear Christians, as you go around the streets shouting and shaking and dancing and clapping, by chanting “Jesu Jidede” {Jesus resurrects} the 3rd day , please take a moment to read  this piece:

This is from Jesus (Isa (AS)) to Christians who was supposed to have come to die for sins as claimed by you:

Mathew 12:39 leads us to the subject of three {3} Days and three {3} Nights…

So Jesus reacts: And he says "An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign (miracle), and there shall no sign (miracle) be given to it, but the sign (miracle) of the Prophet, Jonah."


What was the "sign" or the miracle that Jonah performed that Jesus now proposes to Emulate?

Now, let me recapitulate this Mighty Miracle from the Book of Jonah as contained in the Bible:

{1}---When you throw a man into a raging sea, he ought to die right? Yes!

But because Jonah did not die, therefore, it is a MIRACLE!

{2}---. A fish comes and gobbles the man; he ought to die right? Yes!

But for the fact that Jonah did not die, therefore, it is now a double MIRACLE!

{3}---There is serious heat and suffocation in the whale's belly for three Days and three nights and, he ought to die right?? Yes! 

But he did not die; therefore, it is now a miracle of MIRACLES!

In short, that same God that saved Jonah also saved Jesus {pbuh} after praying to God fervently as contained in Hebrew, 5:7, Mathew, 26:39, Luke 22:44, Luke 6:12………

His prayers were answered and granted and so Jesus did not Die!

However, let’s calculate if Jesus actually Died and resurrected the third day according to what we are told.

On Friday Night which you tag Good Friday: Either third {3} hour Or sixth hour {6}, or Ninth {9} hour, he was placed in the Thumb { {Sepulcher} - Night number one {1}

SATURDAY Day: he was supposed to be in the Thumb {Sepulcher}- Day number {1}. 

Saturday Night: he was still supposed to be in the thumb {Sepulcher}- Night number two {2}. 

SUNDAY Day {morning}, which is today: he was not there in the Sepulcher…………

If for the sake of argument we agree that Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) was Crucified, It automatically means that Jesus was not in the Grave or Sepulcher for three DAYS and THREE NIGHTS…

What we get is no more than ONE {1} day and TWO {2} nights. Or two {2} nights and a {1} day!

 And juggle as you may, you will never, never get Three Days and three nights as Jesus had himself foretold, "according to the Scripture".

Now, even Chike Obi, the Master of Nigerian mathematician, cannot help with these calculations. 

Can you now see that the Church is giving a double lie to Jesus (P.B.U.H) from this one prophecy alone?

Jesus said that he would be LIKE Jonah!

My Christian Brethren alleged by saying NO! 

That Jesus was UNLIKE Jonah. 

Jonah was ALIVE for three days and three nights, whereas my Christian friends say Jesus was "DEAD " in the tomb! (?)

2. Jesus said that he would be in the heart of the earth Not "Sepulcher" for Three Days and THREE nights; whereas our Christian brethren says that he was in the tomb for only ONE day and TWO Nights..

Who then do we believe, Jesus or our Christian brethren? 

Let them answer………………

The next time you attend one of those "bridge-building" meetings, where a panel of a Catholic priest, a Protestant minister, a Jewish rabbi and a Muslim sheik, hold hands in solidarity declaring that they all worship the same God, remember these differences! That bridge they are building is a one way bridge, leading only  towards Islam.



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