Monday 5 August 2019


SATURDAY 3rd AUGUST 2019 CE and 2nd DHUL HAJJ 1440 AH
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Praise be to Allaah; we seek His help and His forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allaah from the evil of our own souls and from our bad deeds. Whomsoever Allaah guides will never be led astray, and whomsoever Allaah leaves astray, no one can guide. I bear witness that there is no god but Allaah, and I bear witness that Muhammad (Sallalhu alaihi Wasalam) is His slave and Messenger.
Conditions for an animal to be a valid sacrifice for Eid A-Adha. Condition should be from the an’aam class which includes animals such as camels, cattle, sheep, and goats.
One must understand that the Sacrifice of Eid Al Adha as practiced by Muslims has nothing to do with atoning to one’s sins or washing the sins with the blood of an animal. Qurbani or Udhiyah as it is widely referred to, is a significant religious practice in Islam performed all over the world by billions of Muslims on Eid-ul-Adha and the two days following it. It is the eid in which we all the Muslims follow the story of Ibrahim and Ismail (AS) and give Qurbani of different animals and then distribute the meat among poor, relatives and enjoy it themselves too.
Our beloved Messenger of ALLAH said: “There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to ALLAH than these ten days (Dhul Hijjah). Therefore we should increase the amount of good deeds we do in order to take advantage of this blessed time where good deeds are increased significantly.
Let's not waste this precious time: We should worship during the 10 days and nights without being distracted by worldly tasks.
We must make a firm intention that during these blessed 10 days that we will not take part in idle talk, watch TV, play computer games or spend time on the social media aside learning and teaching.
There are many more days in the year for all that if you really cannot resist. This is just 10 days! Consider the utter loss and regret for those who waste these blessed 10 days. Let's strive to recite Quran more, busy our tongue with AZKAAR, fast as many days as you can, help the needy especially our relatives for the Eid celebrations etc.
Question.) Is there any reference in the Holy Qur'an that Qurbani is mandatory for non-Hajis on Eid-ul-Adha or is it a Sunnah on those that have the financial perquisites? [Farabi Mufti]
Answer.) We should understand that not everything has been explained in the Qur'an itself. The Hadith also clarifies and explains many things of the Qur'an, e.g. the number of rakats in our daily salats, etc.
Mullah Ali Qari (RA) states in Mirqaat, the commentary of Mishkaat that Qurbani is legislated in Shari'ah by consensus of opinion. It is mentioned in the Qur'an, 'Perform Salat for your Lord and slaughter' (Surah Kawthar). The majority of commentators of the noble Qur'an say it means, 'Perform Salatul Eid for your Lord and slaughter the animal.'

The Hanafi scholars take the command of Allah to slaughter as Wujoob (necessary) because of the Hadith of Nabi, 'Whosoever has the wealth to slaughter and does not, then he should not come to our Eid-Gah.' (Mirqaat)
It is only wajib upon those who own the value of Nisab on the morning of Eid-ul-Adha. And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best
‘Qurbani’ is ‘wajib’ (compulsory) according to Imam Abu Hanifah (and sunnat-e-muakkadah according to other Imams) upon every ‘mukeem’ (domiciled) and who possesses 613.35 grams of silver or its equivalent in money, personal ornaments, stock in trade or any other form of wealth which is surplus to his/her basic needs. Each adult member of a family who possesses that much wealth must perform his/her own ‘Qurbani’ separately.
Hazrat Ibn Umar reports that the Messenger of Allah lived in Madinah Munawarah for ten years and performed ‘Qurbani’ every year. (Tirmizi)
Note: Despite the fact that the Prophet was not obliged to sacrifice as he never possessed the required amount of wealth, he still did so as can be conceived from the above Hadith.
A sacrifice can be made on behalf of others such as minor offspring. This offering is not ‘Wajib’ (compulsory) but is ‘Mustahab’ (desirable). Similarly if one decides to sacrifice on behalf of the spouse or a father decides to sacrifice on behalf of an adult offspring (apart from offering his/her own ‘Qurbani’) can do so with their permission. A sacrifice can also be made on behalf of a deceased Muslim. This can be classified into three categories:
1- If the deceased had made a will for a sacrifice then, it is permissible to sacrifice to fulfil the will but is incumbent to give all the meat of the sacrificed animal to the poor and needy (those who are entitled to receive ‘Zakaat’). ("Vide Shami" vol.5 p293)
2- Whether or not the deceased had made this will, his/her relative or friends can make a ‘nafl’ (voluntary) sacrifice from their own money; the meat of this sacrificed animal can be partaken by the rich and poor alike.
3- One may make a voluntary sacrifice from one’s own wealth for the deceased persons and this meat can partaken by all, rich and poor.
If one’s intention is of mere remittance of recompense to a dead person then it will be superior to slaughter an animal during the Days of ‘Nahar’ instead of giving money in charity. This is because reward is attained both for spending wealth and for sacrificing.
In a ‘Hadith’ it is stated.
Hazrat Hanash reported: I saw Hazrat Ali sacrificing two rams. I asked him, "What is this?" He said: "Verily the Messenger of Allah left instruction to me to sacrifice on his behalf, and so I am sacrificing on his behalf. (Tirmizi, Abu Daud)
Note: Rasulullah is so generous that he had sacrificed on behalf of his whole ‘Ummah’ and we see here Hazrat Ali sacrificing for Rasulullah after he has passed away. We learn from this that we should also put a share of Rasulullah in our sacrifice.
How old should the sacrificial animal be? Minimum age for sacrificial animals: See al-Majmoo’ by al-Nawawi, 1/176.
a. Cows: 2 years
b. Camels: 5 years
c. Goats: 12 months
d. Sheep: 12 months (Hanafis and Hanbalis regarded as 6 months)
1. Every sane adult male and female Muslim who can afford to sacrifice an animal should sacrifice one as an act of worship
2. The animals can be sacrificed starting from after the Eid salaah on 10th DhulHijjah until 13th DhulHijjah.
3. Eligible animals are: Goats, Sheep, Cows, and Camels
4. Goats and sheep must be at least 12 months old
5. Cows and camels also have a minimum age.
6. A goat/sheep may be slaughtered only as a single sacrifice i.e. it forms only a single share.
7. Up to seven people can jointly sacrifice one cow or one camel i.e. a cow/camel can have up to seven shares.
8. A sacrificial animal should be free of any physical defect: injury, wound, deformity, etc.
9. The animal must be slaughtered in the Islamic manner:
a. Place the animal on its side facing Qiblah
b. Slaughter it using a very sharp knife, slide the knife two and a half times across the throat slicing the jugular vein and draining all the blood
c. Slaughter it out of sight of other sacrificial animals
d. Recite ALLAAHU AKBAR at the time of slaughtering
10. The slaughtered animal's meat should be shared in three lots:
a. One third to the poor and needy.
b. One third to friends and relatives.
c. One third for self.
11. The skin, intestines, head, hooves etc SHOULD NOT be given as payment to the slaughterer.
12. The Muslim who intends to slaughter SHOULD NOT clip his/her nails or trim any hair from the time of the new crescent of Dhul Hijjah UNTIL AFTER offering the sacrifice.
References Read more about the Eidul Adha here:
Is there a specific age for the sacrificial animal? Is it permissible to slaughter a cow as a sacrifice when it is one and a half years old?
The scholars (may Allaah have mercy on them) are agreed that Islam has prescribed the age for sacrificial animals and it is not permissible to slaughter animals that are younger than that. Whoever slaughters an animal that is younger than that, it does not count as a sacrifice.
See al-Majmoo’ by al-Nawawi, 1/176.
For example, al-Bukhaari (5556) and Muslim (1961) narrated that al-Bara’ ibn ‘Aazib (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: A maternal uncle of mine whose name was Abu Burdah slaughtered his sacrifice before the prayer, and the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to him: “Your sheep is a sheep for meat (i.e., not a sacrifice).” He said: “O Messenger of Allaah, I have a young goat (according to another report: I have a young she-goat) (according to a report by al-Bukhaari (5563): I have a jadha’ah which is better than two musinnahs – shall I sacrifice it?)” The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Sacrifice it, but that will not be valid for anyone but you.” According to another report: “It will not count for anyone after you.” Then he said: “Whoever slaughters (the animal) before the prayer has slaughtered it for himself, and whoever slaughters it after the prayer has offered the sacrifice and followed the way of the Muslims.”
This hadeeth indicates that a jadha’ah of goats (young goat) is not sufficient as a sacrifice. We will explain below what jadha’ah means.
Ibn al-Qayyim said in Tahdheeb al-Sunan:
The phrase “It will not count for anyone after you” is a definitive statement that it would not count for anyone after him. End quote.
Muslim (1963) narrated that Jaabir (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Do not slaughter anything but a musinnah, unless it is too hard for you, in which case you should slaughter a young sheep (jadha’ah min al-da’n).
This hadeeth also clearly states that only a musinnah can be slaughtered, except in the case of sheep, where a jadha’ah may be offered.
Al-Nawawi said in Sharh Muslim:
The scholars said:
A musinnah is a thaniyyah of anything, camel, cow or sheep, or anything over that age. This clearly indicates that it is not permissible to slaughter a jadha’ah of any animal in any circumstances, except sheep. End quote.
Al-Haafiz said in al-Talkhees, 4/285:
The apparent meaning of the hadeeth suggests that a jadha’ah of sheep is not permissible except if one cannot find a musinnah. Scholarly consensus says something different, so this hadeeth should be understood as referring to what is better. So it is mustahabb not to slaughter anything but a musinnah. End quote.
Al-Nawawi said in Sharh Muslim:
It says in ‘Awn al-Ma’bood:
This interpretation is the one which is correct. End quote.
Then he quoted some of the ahaadeeth which indicate that it is permissible to offer a jadha’ah of sheep as a sacrifice, such as the hadeeth of ‘Uqbah ibn ‘Aamir (may Allaah be pleased with him) who said: “We slaughtered a jadha’ah of sheep with the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).” Narrated by al-Nasaa’i, 4382. al-Haafiz said: Its isnaad is qawiy (strong). It was classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Nasaa’i.
It says in al-Mawsoo’ah al-Fiqhiyyah (5/83) concerning the conditions of udhiyah:
The second condition is that it should have reached the age of sacrifice, by being a thaniyyah or older in the case of camels, cows and goats, and jadha’ah or older in the case of sheep. A sacrifice does not count if the animal is younger than a thaniyyah except in the case of sheep, or if it is sheep that is younger than a jadha’ah…. The fuqaha’ are agreed upon this condition, but they differed as to what is meant by thaniyyah and jadha’ah. End quote.
Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
I do not know of any dissent with the view that a jadha’ah of goats or anything else that is offered as a sacrifice apart from sheep is not permissible. Rather it is permissible to sacrifice a thaniyyah or anything older than of all of these. It is permissible to sacrifice a jadha’ah of sheep according to the Sunnah. End quote from Tarteeb al-Tamheed, 10/267.
Al-Nawawi said in al-Majmoo’ (8/366):
The Ummah is agreed that with regard to camels, cows and goats, nothing will do except a thaniyyah, and with regard to sheep, nothing will do but a jadha’ah, and that these are all acceptable. But some of our companions narrated that Ibn ‘Umar and al-Zuhri said: A jadha’ah of sheep does not count. It was narrated from ‘Ata’ and al-‘Awzaa’i that a jadha’ah of camels, cows, goats and sheep does count. End quote.
With regard to the stipulated age of sacrificial animals, the scholars differed concerning that.
A jadha’ah of sheep is a sheep that has reached the age of six months, according to the Hanafis and Hanbalis. According to the Maalikis and Shaafa’is it is a sheep that has reached the age of one year.
The musinnah (or thaniyyah) of goats is one that has reached the age of one year according to the Hanafis, Maalikis and Hanbalis. According to the Shaafa’is, it is one that has reached the age of two years.
The musinnah of cows is one of the has reached the age of two years according to the Hanafis, Shaafa’is and Hanbalis; according to the Maalikis it is one that has reached the age of three years.
The musinnah of camels is one that has reached the age of five years according to the Hanafis, Maalikis, Shaafa’is and Hanbalis.
See Badaa’i’ al-Sanaa’i’, 5/70; al-Bahr al-Raa’iq, 8/202; al-Taaj wa’l-Ikleel, 4/363; Sharh Mukhtasar Khaleel, 3/34; al-Majmoo’, 8/365; al-Mughni, 13/368.
Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in Ahkaam al-Udhiyah:
The thaniyyah of camels is one that has reached the age of five years. The thaniyyah of cows is one that has reached the age of two years. The thaniyyah of sheep is one that has reached the age of one year. The jadha’ah is one that has reached the age of half a year. It is not acceptable to offer anything younger than a thaniyyah in the case of camels, cows and goats, or anything younger than a jadha’ah in the case of sheep.
It says in Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah (11/377):
The shar’i evidence indicates that a sheep that has reached the age of six months may count as a sacrifice, as may a goat that has reached the age of one year, a cow that has reached the age of two years, and a camel that has reached the age of five years. Anything younger than that does not count as a hadiy or udhiyah. This is what the Qur’aan refers to when it says (interpretation of the meaning): “sacrifice a Hady (animal, i.e. a sheep, a cow, or a camel) such as you can afford” [al-Baqarah 2:196], because the texts of the Qur’aan and Sunnah explain one another. End quote.
Al-Kaasaani said in Badaa’i’ al-Sanaa’i’ (5/70):
These ages, as defined in sharee’ah, are minimum ages, not maximum ages. Sacrificing an animal that is younger than that is not permitted, but if an animal that is older than that is sacrificed, it is permitted and is better. It is not permitted to sacrifice a lamb, kid (young goat), calf or young camel, because the ages of animals that we have mentioned were narrated in sharee’ah and these were not mentioned among them. End quote.
So it is clear that slaughtering a cow that is younger than two years old will not count as a sacrifice according to any of the imams. References Q&A, Question, 41899
Hazrat Abu Hurairah reports that the Apostle of Allah has said: "Whoever has the capacity to sacrifice and does not do so, should not come to the place where the Eid prayer is offered." (Ibn Majah). Hence we can understand the importance of ‘Udhiya’ from the above ‘Hadith’, therefore each and every Muslim who is obliged should offer it, and if possible within their domicile. This will not only create an atmosphere of ‘Eid’ and ‘Qurbani’ in the community but will also serve as a lesson for generations to come.
The Qur'an never says that Allah told Abraham to kill (sacrifice) his son. It teaches us that Abraham had a dream in which he saw himself slaughtering his son. Abraham believed the dream and thought that the dream was from Allah. However, in Abraham and Ismail’s willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice-Abraham of his son, Ismail of his own life-they are able to transcend notions of self and false attachment to the material realm, thus removing a veil between themselves and Allah.
As far as the yearly tradition that has followed this event, that is, the sacrificing of a ram to commemorate Abraham and Ismail’s great self-sacrifice, we must understand it and the Qur'anic verses that pertain to animal sacrifice, in relation to the time and place circumstances under which these revelations were received and how people were trying to make a personal sacrifice by sharing their limited means of survival with the poorer members of their community.
That is to say, the underlying implication of Islam’s attitude towards ritual slaughter is not that of blood atonement, or seeking favour with Allah through another’s death, but rather, the act of thanking Allah for one’s sustenance and the personal sacrifice of sharing one’s possessions and valuable food with one’s fellow humans. The ritual itself is not the sacrifice. It is merely a method of killing where the individuals kill as quickly as possible and acknowledge that only Allah has the right to take a life and that they do so as a humble member of Allah’s creation in need of sustenance just like every other species in Allah’s creation.
Volume 2, Book 26, Number 623: Narrated Anas bin Malik: Allah's Apostle offered four Rakat of Zuhr prayer at Medina and we were in his company, and two Rakat of the Asr prayer at Dhul-Hulaifa and then passed the night there till it was dawn; then he rode, and when he reached Al-Baida', he praised and glorified Allah and said Takbir (i.e. Alhamdu-lillah and Subhanallah(1) and Allahu-Akbar). Then he and the people along with him recited Talbiya with the intention of performing Hajj and Umra. When we reached (Mecca) he ordered us to finish the lhram (after performing the Umra) (only those who had no Hadi (animal for sacrifice) with them were asked to do so) till the day of Tarwiya that is 8th Dhul-Hijja when they assumed Ihram for Hajj. The Prophet sacrificed many camels (slaughtering them) with his own hands while standing. While Allah's Apostle was in Medina he sacrificed two horned rams black and white in color in the Name of Allah."
Date: 1st Dhul Hijjah 1440H/ 2nd August 2019 (Zakat Nisab)
Zakkah Nisab (Gold): N1,417,680
Haddin sata/ Sadaki/ Dowry/ Theft: N17,721
Diyyar rai / Blood Money: N70,884,000
Source: Islamic timing and research org. (Tel 08033140010 or 07032558231)
And Allaah knows best.

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