Saturday 10 August 2019


FRIDAY 10th AUGUST 2019 CE & 9th DHUL HAJJ 1440 AH
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Praise be to Allaah; we seek His help and His forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allaah from the evil of our own souls and from our bad deeds. Whomsoever Allaah guides will never be led astray, and whomsoever Allaah leaves astray, no one can guide. I bear witness that there is no god but Allaah, and I bear witness that Muhammad (Sallalhu alaihi Wasalam) is His slave and Messenger.
As a Muslim, your Islam is useless if you don’t train your children with Islam.
The ahadith shows how important and how rewarding knowledge is.
"He who acquires knowledge acquires a vast portion." AND "If anyone going on his way in search of knowledge, God will, thereby make easy for him the way to Paradise."
We; the children, are the future. The future lies in our hands, but only through knowledge because whoever neglects learning in youth, loses the past and is dead for the future.
May Allah ((Subhanahu Wa Taala)) give us strength to behave and act just as He likes us to do and be pleased with us, and that should be the purpose of our lives? Rabbi Zidnee Ilma (O Lord, increase us in knowledge). Aameen
1. Christian schools have the supports of their missionaries, Muslims don't have any backing
2. Christian schools get loans from the banks. Allah forbids interest for Muslims. And it is an indisputable fact that getting a loan without interest is very very difficult
3. Christian schools are highly populated, especially with the Muslim mass enrolment
4. Research shows that Christians takes their children's school fees more serious, while our own people believe it should be Fi Sabebilillah.
5. Christians support their brethren to grow, but the reverse is our brother's

1. Muslims have Islamiyya and Madasa schools but turned insultive by hypocrites as AlMajiri. The Muslim schools have no supports of the foreigners like Christian missionaries, Muslims don't have any backing but Allah.
2. The Arabic word Madasa generally has two meanings:
(1) In its more common literal and colloquial usage, it simply means “school”;
(2) In its secondary meaning, a Madasa is an educational institution offering instruction in Islamic subjects including, but not limited to, the Quran, the sayings (hadith) of the Prophet Muhammad, jurisprudence (Fiqh), and law.
3. Historically, Madasas were distinguished as institutions of higher studies and existed in contrast to more rudimentary schools called kuttab that taught only the Quran.
4. Recently, “Madasa” has been used as a catchall by many Western observers to denote any school — primary, secondary, or advanced — that promotes an Islamic-based curriculum.
5. In many countries, including Egypt and Lebanon, Madasa refers to any educational institution (state-sponsored, private, secular, or religious).
6. In Pakistan and Bangladesh, Madasa commonly refers to Islamic religious schools. This can be a significant semantic marker, because an analysis of “Madasa reform” could have different implications within various cultural, political, and geographic contexts.
The term Madasa refers to Islamic religious schools at the primary and secondary levels for our children.
What Is Tertiary Education?
Tertiary education refers to any type of education pursued beyond the high school level. This includes Diplomas, Undergraduate and Graduate Certificates, and Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's And Doctoral Degrees.
Tertiary education, more commonly referred to as postsecondary education, refers to academic pursuit undertaken after high school. Undergraduate programs include any postsecondary education that takes up to four years to complete, including certificates, diplomas, and associates and bachelor's degrees. Graduate programs typically require prior completion of an undergraduate degree and include diploma, certificate, masters and doctoral degree programs. You can find tertiary education programs at vocational schools, community colleges, technical schools, professional schools, colleges and universities.
As a Parents or guardians, try and send your child to pursue or take any of these courses at tertiary education programs with their Islamic background.
1)   Agriculture
a.    Agriculture
b.    Agricultural Economics
c.    Agronomy
d.    Animal Science
e.    Crop Science
f.     Food Science and Technology
g.    Fisheries
h.    Home Science, Nutrition and Dietetics
i.      Soil Science
2)   Dentistry
a.    Child Dental Health
b.    Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
c.    Preventive Dentistry
d.    Restorative Dentistry
3)   Engineering
a.    Agricultural and Bio resources Engineering
b.    Civil Engineering
c.    Chemical Engineering
d.    Computer Engineering
e.    Electrical Engineering
f.     Electronic Engineering
g.    Marine Engineering
h.    Mechanical Engineering
i.      Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
j.     Petroleum and Gas Engineering
k.    Systems Engineering
l.      Structural Engineering
m.  Production and Industrial Engineering
4)   Environmental Sciences
a.    Architecture
b.    Estate Management
c.    Quantity Surveying
d.    Building
e.    Geo informatics and Surveying
f.     Urban and Regional Planning
5)   Health Sciences & Technology
a.    Health Administration and Management
b.    Medical Laboratory Sciences
c.    Medical Radiography and Radiological Sciences
d.    Medical Rehabilitation
e.    Nursing Sciences
6)   Medical Sciences
a.    Anatomy
b.    Anesthesia
c.    Chemical Pathology
d.    Community Medicine
e.    Dermatology
f.     Hematology and Immunology
g.    Medical Biochemistry
h.    Medical Microbiology
i.      Medicine
j.     Morbid Anatomy
k.    Obstetrics and Gynecology
l.      Ophthalmology
m.  Otolaryngology
n.    Pediatrics
o.    Pharmacology and Therapeutics
p.    Physiology
q.    Radiation Medicine
r.     Surgery
s.    Psychological Medicine
t.     Child Dental Health
7)   Pharmaceutical Sciences
a.    Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Management
b.    Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Industrial Pharmacy
c.    Pharmaceutical Technology and Industrial Pharmacy
d.    Pharmaceutics
e.    Pharmacognosy
f.     Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
8)   Physical Sciences
a.    Computer Science
b.    Geology
c.    Mathematics
d.    Physics and Astronomy
e.    Geophysics
f.     Pure and Industrial Chemistry
g.    Statistics
9)   Veterinary Medicine
a.    Veterinary Physiology/Pharmacology
b.    Veterinary Anatomy
c.    Animal Health and Production
d.    Veterinary Parasitology and Entomology
e.    Veterinary Pathology and Microbiology
f.     Veterinary Public Health and Preventive Medicine
g.    Veterinary Surgery
h.    Veterinary Medicine
i.      Veterinary Obstetrics and Reproductive Diseases
j.     Veterinary Teaching Hospital

In Islam, a child is assumed as a pleasure and fortune or it is also can be kind of test as if as our wealth to measure our God-fearing to Allah (Subhanahu Wa Taala) whether we love Allah (Subhanahu Wa Taala) or the world only.
It is stated in Al Qur’an,
” To all devout people, do not be your wealth and children are slight you down to remember Allah (Subhanahu Wa Taala). Indeed, those who are acting like that are considered as lost.” (Quran Surah. Al Munafiqun: 9).
There are many stories and history of the prophet which had being tested by the joyful of descendant or child. Allah (Subhanahu Wa Taala) is remaining us to always increase our worship and comply with all His regulations by not putting our children or wife becomes as our obstacles.
Children is become the highest responsible because we must teach them to be able to continue the Islam vision.
“Dear believers, indeed, in between of your wives and children there is enemy inside of it. Be careful of you and if you are not forgive, scold also condone (them), indeed, Allah is Merciful and Forgiveness. Indeed, your wealth and children are kind of test (for you), and next to Allah (Subhanahu Wa Taala) is the greatest rewards.” (Quran Surah. Athtagabun: 14-15).
The challenges and virtues to educate of female children
Today, it is become special challenges to educate female children due to the existence of social media and the change of social life in society. As parents, we are demanding to solve all problems in creativity and restful to encounter the problems arise.
It is not the wise way to restrain or strain our daughter in order to fulfill of our demands. Here, we are trying not to give bad deeds to our daughter about the parenting which is believed descended with them in future.
Then, it must be solved by parents with all their strategies without making our children feel restrain with themselves because of the parents parenting.
However, no matter the big challenges are made, parents will get rewards and the virtues when they educated their daughter in a good parenting.
A great rewards from Allah (Subhanahu Wa Taala)
To educate our children become pious children is not simple matter. It is a kind of test given by Allah (Subhanahu Wa Taala) in giving good parenting because we will get great rewards from Allah (Subhanahu Wa Taala) if we are committing to get His blessed.
It is become our struggles that need some funds, big efforts and all kind of endeavor for the goodness of the children. Thus, patient and heartfelt in educate of our daughter are become our prime capital in order to get rewards from Allah (Subhanahu Wa Taala) both in the world and doomsday.
Prayer from Pious Children
It is very efficacious prayers that can lead us to heaven because they happiness are our precious investment in future. It is the most beautiful reward to parents which is always to teach them the pillar of Islam, the basic law of Islam, the function of Faithful to Allah (Subhanahu Wa Taala), the source of Shari’a Islam and the pillar of Faithful.
The role of parents in educating of female children
There is other virtue to educate daughter from parents because daughters are considered as asset in Islam whereas it is supported by Rasulullah (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) statement that mentioned if the women are good, then it will also good for the nation.
It caused of women have the strategic function in ummat so parents must responsible to make them as beautiful women in Islam, women in Islam version, Muslimah Women in Islam, Pious women in Islam and the best women to be marriage in Islam.
Therefore, there are specialties in educating of female children for parents:
Teach women as wife to husbands
Women in future have responsible and act as a wife in her family. Thus, by giving good knowledge and preparing those to act as a wife in her family is become parents’ obligation and responsible so they can be good wives to their husband.
Therefore, it is better for parents to guidance their daughter with good and wide knowledge in educating their children to become sholehah wives and aware of having a good family.
Any kind of women profession, a family woman and spouse has responsible to give happiness to their husband, family and kind of sakinah frame.
Teach women as prospective mother in family
Women are also being a mother in her family and the method of educating from their parents will give impact to them in future. Therefore, parents should give good deeds to their daughters so they can adjust it when they are already being a mother.
Parents education has big impact to their children especially daughters. When women grow up, they have obligation and responsible for teaching and raising their children, influencing them to have good attitudes as it as in Islam since it will embed in their subconscious childhood.
The purpose is to avoid women failed in performing their function as it being educated by their parents in their childhood to build happiness family in Islam, family in Islam, Family of Sakinah in Islam, Harmonious Family in Islam and Sakinah, Mawaddah and Warrahmah Family in Islam.
Educate women as house builder of Ummat
Women will have responsibilities in relation to their spouse and family and also giving the merit to their family with all their knowledge by doing multitasking. It is parent obligation and awareness to educate their children of having the best skills in future including educating their children, taking care or family as of their submission to Allah (Subhanahu Wa Taala).
Religious values, divinity and awareness of giving merit to others must be taught in their childhood because it will be difficult to apply them when they are already adult.
Teach women to responsible of their selves
Daughters have their own responsibilities to take care of themselves especially in covering their aurat, their genitals and avoiding the free sex and zina.
It is parent role that must able to manage their daughters not to fall down into misguide in Islam.
Therefore, parents have an obligation to always giving good deeds and education to their children so their daughters have awareness of having take care their selves and not fall down into bad deeds both in the world and doomsday.

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