Saturday 28 September 2019



(Part 5 of 20)

How should a son who is disobedient towards his parents be dealt with? How should they deal with a son who threatens to kill his mother and challenges his parents, and accuses his sister of promiscuity and Zina, causes scandal for his family, and always argues with guests, insulting them, reviling them and threatening them?
Parents should give their children a good upbringing and take care of them so that they will be in a good state in both religious and worldly affairs.
If a child grows up disobedient and rebellious, then the parents must do more and try harder to guide him and make him righteous, by reminding him and advising him, showing patience towards him, praying for him, choosing good friends for him and choosing righteous acquaintances who can visit him, and advise him and befriend him.
His brothers, friends and neighbours should help his parents with that as much as they can.
But if the son becomes worse and the evil and trouble he causes increases, as mentioned in the question, and admonition and discipline do not succeed with him, then it is obligatory to denounce his evil by all possible means, by threatening to hit him or actually hitting him, or seeking the help of other men in the family against him, or taking the matter to the authorities, if it is not possible to stop his evil by any of the other means mentioned. His evil should not be taken lightly or be overlooked; rather it should be stopped before it goes further and causes greater harm.
So first of all they should follow the steps mentioned above of offering advice and guidance, reminding him of Allah, instilling hope and fear; telling him about the rights that his parents, his sister and his guests have over him; telling him that his committing this evil will make him hateful to his family and neighbours and the people around him, and they should persist with him in that, whilst being gentle and patient, and using wisdom and beautiful preaching.
His brothers should try hard in that regard, and use wisdom and patience with him, exhorting him gently and not being harsh towards him in speech.
But if he persists in what he is doing of severing ties with his parents and his brothers and sisters, and shunning them, then they should not speak to him or interact with him, in the hope that Allah will set him straight, and they should keep praying to Him to guide him.
But if he does not come back to his senses and he persists in his evil ways, then they should report him to the relevant authorities and the security forces who can restrain him from doing evil and deter him from what he is doing.
He should not be left to persist in this transgression, because of the severity of his evil and the harm that he may do to his family and the people around him.
Over and above all that, his parents and family members should turn to Allah, for most such calamities come about because of the sins that bring evil and corruption to the household. Ibn al-Haaj (may Allah have mercy on him) said, when speaking about matters contrary to Islamic teaching that may be done by one or both spouses:
Undoubtedly reconciling between these spouses is very rare, and even if there is harmony between them, it is not free of ills, and if they happen to have a child, he will most likely grow up disobedient and doing all manner of inappropriate things, and all of that is the result of both of them not paying attention to their duties towards Allah, may He be exalted.
End quote from al-Madkhal (2/170).
And Allah knows best. Islam Q&A, 210875

Islam advocates educating women and enlightening them about the teachings of religion, as this greatly influences the life of women as well as that of their children in the future. As Hafiz Ibrahim, the Poet of the Nile said:
"The mother is a school; if she is well-prepared, a noble nation is prepared."
Besides, the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) addressed women saying:
"O womenfolk…."
He even specified a day on which he used to address them; when some female Companions said to him:
"Men are always with you. So, specify a day for us."
He indeed specified a day on which he met them, admonished them and commanded them… [Imams Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
Moreover, the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) used to urge women to teach each other. For example, he said to Ash-Shifa Bint Abdullah Al-Adawiyyah:
"Teach Hafsah the Ruqyah (protective and healing supplications) for Namlah (Namlah literary means ant. It is a skin disease where pustules appear on the side of the body and they are swallowed like ants), just as you taught her writing." [Imams Ahmad and Al-Hakim]
The Mothers of the Believers, such as Aisha and Hafsah used to explain and teach matters of the religion to women. This was also the guidance of other male Companions, for they were keen on teaching their wives and informing them about the teachings of the religion, especially rulings that are specific to women, such as those related to ritual purification, menstruation, postpartum bleeding, prayer, marriage, divorce, breastfeeding, and so on. Some Companions used to hold gatherings of knowledge in their homes in order to teach their children and daughters.
Imam An-Nawawi transmitted on the authority of Qatadah who was a Tabi‘i, that:
"Whenever Anas Ibn Malik completed the recitation of the whole Qur'an, he used to gather his family and supplicate Allah (Du'a)." [Imam Abu Dawud]
On the whole, scholars were keen on teaching women. History has recorded the biographies of women who were knowledgeable in religion and were taught by their fathers, brothers and husbands. Such men present shining examples in caring for and educating both men and women without discrimination. Life i.e. daily obligations and duties did not divert them from their duty towards their families until their sons and daughters grew into excellent role models in knowledge and piety.
Here, I mention the biographies of some women who learned from their fathers and husbands. The purpose of this is to highlight the woman's position in Islam. Women scholars were appreciated by Muslim biographers, and therefore, they included them in their classifications of great figures and biographies. It is hoped that this will urge women students to exert their best efforts in learning religion and mastering what is beneficial for them in their scientific and practical life.
These women scholars specialized in different branches of knowledge at different ages. The names of women Companions have not been included because they are numerous and well-known. Rather, I will mention women from among the Tabi‘is and their successors:
1. Asma' Bint Asad Ibn Al-Furat
Her father was Maghrib’s (North-West Africa) famous scholar and judge. She was her father’s only daughter and he used to teach her the Qur'an, Hadith and Fiqh. She used to attend her father's assemblies of knowledge (Halqah) and contribute to debates. When her father was appointed as the army's commander in order to conquer Sicily, he attained a great victory and besieged the city of Sousse, but was killed there in 213 AH. Asma’ married one of her father’s students whose name was Muhammad Ibn Abu Al-Jawad and who was the head of the Hanafi scholars in Maghrib. Asma’ died in 250 AH.
[To know more about her biography, review Ad-Dibaj Al-Madhab by Ibn Farhun, page 305, and Faqihat Alimat by Muhammad Khair, page 29]
2. The sister of Al-Muzani
She is the sister of the Shafi‘i scholar, Isma'il Al-Muzani, the companion of Ash-Shafi‘i who died in 264 AH. His sister used to attend the Fiqh lectures of Ash-Shafi‘i. Some of the Shafi‘i scholars used to transmit her Fiqh opinions and her decisions regarding what she believed to be the most preponderant opinions. [To know more about her biography, review Tabaqat Ash-Shafi‘iyyah by Al-Asnawi, Volume 1, page 443]
3. Hafsah Bint Sirin
She is the sister of the noble Tabi‘i, Muhammad Ibn Sirin. She was trustworthy and knowledgeable in Fiqh as well as in other branches of knowledge. She was a sincere worshipper and one of the most prominent Tabi’i women. She completed the memorization of the Qur'an at the age of twelve (12) and lived for seventy (70) years. Her brother, Muhammad, used to ask her about what he did not have knowledge about in the Qur'an. Mahdi Ibn Maimun mentioned that she remained in her place of worship for thirty (30) years and did not leave it except for a siesta and answering the call of nature. She died after 100 AH. Her traditions are mentioned in different books of Hadith. [To know more about her biography, review Tahthib Al-Kamal, by Al-Mizzi, Volume 35, page 151; and Siyar A'lam An-Nubala, by Ath-Thahabi, Volume 4, page 507]
Respected brothers and sisters, below is a very nice story which will In Shaa Allah make you all aware about the importance of women's education, especially young Muslim girls!
After finishing Salatul Isha', a Muslim girl sat on her Prayer mat to make Du'a. Once after she finished making Du'a to her Lord, her mobile rang. She picked up saying: 'Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.' A voice of a young man replied: 'Wa alaikumus salam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu!' Can I speak to (so and so) please? The Muslim girl said: 'Sorry brother, you have dialed the wrong number'...Then she hung up. After few minutes, her mobile rang again. She picked it up, it was the young man who called her few minutes ago. He told her: 'I called again to apologise for disturbing you! You seem to be a good girl! Can I know you better?' The girl was shocked for few seconds but then she replied: 'Brother… Fear Allah! you are supposed to be at Mosque praying Salatul Isha' but here you are going after girls to flirt with them at night! Here you are disobeying your Lord instead of obeying HIM! Shame on you!!!' After saying these words, she immediately hang up. Few days later, he called her again: 'Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu sister, please don't hang up! I want to apologise again and inform you that I went back to pray all my five (5) daily prayers at Mosque! All praises to Allah and thank you for waking me up from my neglectfulness! Please, can I know the name of the one through whom Allah guided me? I really need someone like you in my life to strengthen my Iman and support me to stay on the right path! Please help me sister, may Allah reward you for that!' She didn't reply and started to think: 'Should she accept to help him to stay on the right path? Should she accept that he will be in touch with her from time to time to help him strengthen his Iman?' She heard a satanic voice whispering: 'He is a good guy now! Why are you so worried about it?! Let him call you... you both have pure intention! He really needs you! If you refuse his suggestion, he will go astray and it will be your fault!!' She was about to tell him her name but suddenly a little voice whispered: 'Allah is watching you'… It was her conscience and her education which woke her up from making a big mistake! 'Sorry brother!' she replied finally: 'If you are sincere in your repentance then you will find people who are better than me to help you! Even I need someone who helps me to stay at the right path more than you! At Mosque, you will surely find many righteous brothers who would be good company which will help you to get closer to Allah! Please, if you really fear your Lord now and afraid of HIS punishment, then do not call this number ever again! Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!' Then she hang up and she went back to her Prayer mat rising her hands to make the following Du'a:
“O Allah, Turner of the hearts, make my heart firm on your religion and save me from the evil of Fitnah, Ameen!”
May Allah accept our Ibadah (worship) and supplications, May He guide our leaders and provide us with a lasting peace in our beloved country Nigeria, ameen Ya Mujib!
May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet and Master, Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him, his family and all his Companions.
Reference Jummat khutubat The Imam email: or +2348038289761.
Women and girls have been victims of ruthless power struggles for centuries in all societies and cultures around the world. This hegemony over women has been exercised in the form of Sati, Hitobashira, Karo-Kari and the killing of witches, which are only a few to mention. Sadly, but truly, many societies including some Muslim societies continue to exercise this patriarchy in different forms such as the denial to education, unequal salaries compared to men in workplaces, forced marriages and prostitution, among many others.
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) , came at a time when the Arab society, like so many patriarchal societies at that time, was rife with abhorrent practices against girls. He preached Islam, liberating women and girls in every walk of life, education being a prime aspect. This article examines the facts about the importance of female education in Islam. It does so through referencing verses of the Quran, Islam’s holy book, and hadith, authentic traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) , along with offering a short glimpse of his wives’ level of education.
Let us start with the first Quranic revelation:
ٱقۡرَØ£ۡ بِٱسۡÙ…ِ رَبِّÙƒَ ٱلَّØ°ِÙ‰ Ø®َÙ„َÙ‚َ (Ù¡) Ø®َÙ„َÙ‚َ ٱلۡØ¥ِنسَÙ€ٰÙ†َ Ù…ِÙ†ۡ عَÙ„َÙ‚ٍ (Ù¢) ٱقۡرَØ£ۡ ÙˆَرَبُّÙƒَ ٱلۡØ£َÙƒۡرَÙ…ُ (Ù£) ٱلَّØ°ِÙ‰ عَÙ„َّÙ…َ بِٱلۡÙ‚َÙ„َÙ…ِ (Ù¤) عَÙ„َّÙ…َ ٱلۡØ¥ِنسَÙ€ٰÙ†َ Ù…َا Ù„َÙ…ۡ ÙŠَعۡÙ„َÙ…ۡ (Ù¥)
Read in the name of your Lord who created, created man from a clinging form. Read! Your Lord is the Most Generous, who taught by means of the pen; taught man what he did not know. (Holy Quran chapter 96:1-5)
These verses address humankind to seek knowledge and delve in critical thinking. The emphasis laid in the acquisition of knowledge, in the above verses, surpasses any statement or action denying girls’ the right to education. Had these verses only been for men, it would be inconceivable to imagine the extent of progression that the society made in a mere twenty-three years — the entire duration of the revelation of the Quran.
In another verse in the Quran, God says:
ÙƒِتَÙ€ٰبٌ Ø£َنزَÙ„ۡÙ†َÙ€ٰÙ‡ُ Ø¥ِÙ„َÙŠۡÙƒَ Ù…ُبَÙ€ٰرَÙƒٌ۬ Ù„ِّÙŠَدَّبَّرُÙˆٓاْ Ø¡َايَÙ€ٰتِÙ‡ِÛ¦ ÙˆَÙ„ِÙŠَتَØ°َÙƒَّرَ Ø£ُÙˆْÙ„ُواْ ٱلۡØ£َÙ„ۡبَÙ€ٰبِ (٢٩)
(This is) a Book (the Quran) which We have sent down to you, full of blessings that they may ponder over its Verses, and that men of understanding may remember. (Holy Quran chapter 38:29)
It is important to mention that the word “men” in the above verse refers to humankind as it does so in several other places in the Quran when God addresses humanity. These and other verses inform the readers that engaging in critical thinking is a moral obligation on both men and women. The Quran repetitively reminds people to ponder, think, analyze, thus using their mind power to contemplate and understand, whilst making no distinction between men and women.
Let us now examine some hadith, authentic sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) .
“Seeking knowledge is mandatory for every Muslim.”
“He who has a slave-girl and teaches her good manners and improves her education and then manumits and marries her, will get a double reward; and any slave who observes God’s right and his master’s right will get a double reward.” (Emphasis added)
“If anyone travels on a road in search of knowledge, Allah will cause him to travel on one of the roads of Paradise. The angels will lower their wings in their great pleasure with one who seeks knowledge, the inhabitants of the heavens and the Earth and the fish in the deep waters will ask forgiveness for the learned man. The superiority of the learned man over the devout is like that of the moon, on the night when it is full, over the rest of the stars. The learned are the heirs of the Prophets, and the Prophets leave neither dinar nor dirham, leaving only knowledge, and he who takes it takes an abundant portion.” (Emphasis added)
Three important themes around education are emerging in the above traditions. From the first Hadith we infer that education is not a right but a responsibility on every Muslim, male or female. In the second Hadith, emphasis is laid on the quality of education imparted to the girl slave and the latter part deals with the encouragement to free slaves (Islam denounced and later abolished slavery). The third Hadith speaks volumes about the superiority of the person who seeks knowledge over the one who does not. The reference here to superiority is to the person who seeks knowledge, man or woman.
We shall now examine information about the intellectual abilities of two wives of Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) : Khadijah and Aishah.
1. Khadijah Binte Khuwaylid, the first wife of Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) , was a wealthy tradeswoman, the richest woman in Mecca at the time, who exported goods as far away as Syria. To manage her large business, she employed several males and to do so then in Arabia, necessitated that you have a high level of understanding and wisdom.
2. Aishah Binte Abu Bakr, the youngest wife of Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) , was very talented and possessed an incredible memory. As a Muslim scholar, she is credited with narrating more than two thousand Hadith and was noted for teaching eminent scholars. She had a great love for learning and became known for her intelligence and sharp sense of judgment. Her life also substantiates that a woman can be a scholar, exert influence over men and women and provide them with inspiration and leadership. The example of Aishah in promoting education, particularly education of women in the laws and teachings of Islam, is a hallmark in female education in Islam. Because of the strength of her personality, she was a leader in every field of knowledge, in society and in politics.
Conclusively, the take away message in the article is that Islam promotes education, particularly girls’ education. Had it not been so, the world would not have witnessed the transformation of a society plunged in anarchy and hegemony into one enlightened with critical thinkers and scholars, all in the span of twenty-three years.
References by by Farah Onaid


“Don’t touch those!” the father commands as his child plays with the dishes on a shelf at his host’s house. A few seconds later, the father looks up from his conversation with his host, and his child is still playing with the dishes. “I told you not to touch those!” the child’s father repeats. A few seconds later, the father looks up and sees his child still playing with the dishes. The father says nothing and continues his conversation with the host.
It happens all the time. Children are given orders, and when they don’t obey, the parent simply goes back to his conversation and forgets.
What should parents do in this situation? Some parents would say that we should stop the child, others that we should punish him, and others that he is “just a child,” and we should not expect too much from him.
As Muslim parents, we have an obligation to bring up our children in the best manner—to teach them right from wrong and to show them what we and society expect from them.
Those who give opinions on this matter usually support their positions, and it may be difficult to establish, without a doubt, who is more correct. However, as parents, we either have to find the correct method to teach and discipline our children, or we at least have to come up with a valid method for teaching and disciplining our children. Definitely, we should not just “figure it out as we go” — one time using this method and another time that one.
The following principles should be useful in establishing a childrearing method which is not too extreme.
Although many parents believe that very small children are too young to understand, their early years are probably the most important opportunity for parents to start them in the right direction. Once good patterns are established, they will be easy to maintain. Once bad patterns are established, they will be difficult to change.
Don’t discipline your child because you are angry with him, but rather because you want to teach him. Motive is important here. As a Muslim parent, your motive should be to help your child.
Parents should discuss their strategy for training and disciplining their children and agree to work together as a team. If children realize that one parent is strict and the other is easy, they will play the parents against each other. When the strict parent stops them from doing something, they will go ask the easy parent for permission. Both parents need to tell the child the same thing. If parents sometimes disagree on how to discipline the child, they should discuss it privately, not in front of the children.
Further Reading: Things which shaytaan flees from
Back To School...But what about Islamic Education
The Supportive Spouse
Most experts on children agree that parents should be consistent. Constantly changing the rules and expectations will only confuse your child. If you stop him from writing on the walls today, and you allow him to write on the walls tomorrow, he will not understand when you get angry the next time he writes on the walls. If you inconsistently apply the rules, he will also test you at times to see whether you are going to be tough this time or easy. If, however, he knows from experience that you always stop him the first time, he will quickly learn it does no good to try to get away with something. Although consistency is essential, it does not mean that parents cannot change their minds about the rules. If you do change the rules, however, you must inform your child in advance so that he will know what to expect. This failure to be consistent is at the root of many parents’ inability to control their children.
If you lie to them “every now and then,” they may not believe you when you tell them the truth. This also applies to those situations when you tell your child to stop doing something, or you will put him in his room, spank him, or take away his toys. If you make that kind of a threat, you must stick with it. Otherwise, you have lied, and your child will not know when you are serious and when you are not. He will then be forced to test you again and again to see.
If children realize that every time they cry, they get what they want, crying will become like money for them. Every time they want something, they will cry. On the other hand, if you teach them that crying doesn’t get them anything, they will stop crying for things. Let them cry and cry and cry, but don’t give in. In the beginning, it will be difficult, but be patient. Once they learn the lesson and stop crying for everything, you will be happy that you were firm. You can either listen to crying for a few days or for the rest of your life. It’s your choice.
This is important so that he will learn what is expected of him from others and from Allah (SubhaanahuWaTa'ala). If he does something wrong, he should ask forgiveness from Allah (SubhaanahuWaTa'ala) and apologize to any people who were hurt by his words or actions. This will be useful in developing his conscience.
Further Reading: Views of Reverts about Islam
Why do I wear hijab
Reality of Muslim weddings
Are the two of you blind?
Horror Movies
Be quick to excuse your child when he apologizes and shows that he is sorry for his disobedience or bad actions. When we do wrong, we seek forgiveness from Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala) and want to be excused. Likewise, we should excuse others. This will develop in your child a sense of mercy and prepare him for an understanding of the forgiveness of Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala). Always make it clear to the child that you love him, especially after he has been in trouble and apologized. Let him understand that no bad feelings remain.

Don’t be too proud to apologize to your child when you make mistakes. This will establish in him a belief in your sense of justice and prevent him from viewing you as nothing but a tyrant.
Teach Islam From an Early Age
Teach your child from an early age about Allah, the Prophets, the Sahaba, and the great heroes of Islam. If we develop in them a love for Islam and provide them with righteous examples for their heroes, they will be much less likely to go astray. A person wants to be like his heroes. If he admires Prophet Muhammad, Abu Bakr, and Ali, he will try to follow their example. If he admires a rock star or a gang leader, he will want to be like them. If we inspire our children with good examples, when they are tempted to do wrong, they will, InshaAllah, remember these examples and remain steadfast.
Although I was raised as a Christian and didn’t embrace Islam until I was in my 20s, I was greatly influenced by the Biblical stories of Prophets like Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, and Isa (peace be upon them all). Although the Biblical stories were not in their pure form, they still inculcated in me a love and respect for the way of the Prophets. Although I fell into many of the temptations of youth, Alhamdulillah, I always felt something within me holding me back from going too far. While many of my friends went headlong into a highly destructive way of life, I believe that my knowledge of, and affection for, the Prophets helped me to return to a better path.
Teach your child good morals and good manners. An excellent book for this is Islamic Tahdhib and Akhlaq: Theory and Practice, by B. Aisha Lemu.
Further Reading: Orphans with Parents
10 free tools to filter and block porn on the internet
Are you prepared for death
8 things you can do to counteract the effects of stress
Discipline should not become the domain of one parent. Mothers and fathers should both participate in the disciplining of their children. Although mothers often threaten their children by telling them that they will get into trouble when their father gets home, this method is not very useful for three reasons. 
First, discipline should be carried out immediately after the disobedience occurs so that the child will connect the disobedience with its consequences. If parents wait until later, the child may have forgotten why he got into trouble, and feel that the parents are not justified in disciplining him.
Second, sometimes the child must be stopped immediately, and the mother cannot wait until the father gets home. The child must be taught to respond immediately to her commands as well as his father’s. 
Third, making one parent responsible for disciplining the child may turn that parent into the “bad guy” in the child’s eyes. The child should recognize that both parents agree on their methods of disciplining him. Although the degree to which various parents use them will vary, the following five methods might be used for disciplining your children.
(a) Putting your child in the bedroom. When the child is disobeying, he should first be warned that you are going to put him in the bedroom if he doesn’t obey. If he continues to disobey, take him to the room immediately. Do not keep repeating warnings. For smaller children, you will probably have to sit in the room with them; for older children, they can sit alone. If they are crying or yelling, don’t let them come out until they stop. Also, teach them that they need to apologize before you let them out. If they apologize, show your happiness and quick acceptance.
For those children who whine and cry for everything, it is good to teach them that they will be sent to the bedroom when they whine and cry. They should not be allowed to whine and cry in the living room where they will disturb others. Once children learn that when they whine and cry, they will be sent to the bedroom, the whining and crying should decrease dramatically. Although it may take a long time for some children to stop crying and apologize, the parent must not give in. The child should feel that every time he persists in disobedience, he will be the loser. This method, if done correctly and consistently, should dramatically affect your child.
(b) Showing your disappointment. If you have established a good relationship with your child, your disappointment with him will have a great impact on him. If he does something you don’t like, and you tell him you are angry with him and show him that you are not going to play and joke with him because of his actions, he will probably feel bad and apologize. This works especially well when several family members show disappointment with the child’s actions.
(c) Withholding privileges. Not letting the child go out to play, ride his bicycle, or use his skates, for example. Threats to do this are useful only if the child believes you.
(d) Giving rewards. These could be compliments, sweets, toys, or anything else that your child likes. When your child is rewarded for doing good, he is likely to do good again. After some time, his habit will be to do good. Two words of caution, however. First, rewards should not become bribes. You should not tell your child, “If you obey me, I will take you for ice cream.” Rewards should be spontaneous on your part to show your appreciation for your child’s actions. They should not be expected by the child. You should say, “Since you have been such a good boy today, I’m going to take you for ice cream.” Second, you should be careful that your relationship with your child does not become a marketplace where he expects to get a reward from you for everything he does. As the child gets older, he will not need to be given material rewards as often, although you should continue to let him know that you appreciate his good behavior. You should, however, teach him that even though he doesn’t always receive a reward from you for his good actions, he might receive one from Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala).
(e) Spanking. This is the most controversial aspect of discipline. Some parents feel that it is wrong to spank children because it teaches them that violence is the answer or that “might makes right.” Others go too far in the other direction and believe that unbridled beating of their children is okay. Some parents slap their children in the face, beat them on the hand, or twist their ears. These methods should, however, be avoided. Slapping in the face humiliates the child, and beating on the hand or twisting the ear could cause permanent physical damage to the child. Of course, it should also be clear that such things as burning or starving children, making them drink hot sauce, or other such harsh punishments should never be used. I personally use only two physical methods for disciplining my children: light slaps on the hand when the child is using his hands to do something wrong and spanking the child on his buttocks in a way that is not permanently harmful but that only causes some stinging. If the other methods of discipline are used wisely, a parent should rarely have to resort to physical discipline at all. However, sometimes it may be necessary. If done with mercy and justice and in the best interest of the child, it should not be considered as violent or abusive. When children grow up, they will be held accountable for their actions. In some cases, the punishments they face for wrongdoing will be severe. To teach them right from wrong now, even by spanking or lightly slapping their hand, will help them avoid these problems later in life. Hammudah Abd al Ati writes in The Family Structure in Islam:
“. . . [T]he Prophet urged parents to demand that their children begin practicing the regular daily prayers by the age of seven. If the children do not start the practice by the age of ten, they should be disciplined by physical means — without causing them harm or injury, of course — only to show disapproval of their behavior.” (p. 199)
If parents follow these principles consistently, they should see a dramatic improvement in their children in a short time. If, however, the children have been allowed to run the house for a long time, and the parents have given up their authority, it will take longer for the children to get used to the new rules. Although the various methods of discipline are important and will help you to control your children and force them to do what you say, you will not always be with them as they begin to grow, and, thus, the penalties and consequences from you will not concern them. Ideally, as you discipline your children you will also develop their conscience and their knowledge of right and wrong. Teaching them good morals and manners and instilling in them a love for Allah, the Prophets, the Sahaba, and the great heroes of Islam should help them to do good even when you are not around. The attainment of self-discipline and a concern for doing righteousness whether they are with others or alone is the true goal of childrearing. The afore-mentioned techniques are merely means to achieve this end.
Further Reading
Top ten excuses of Muslim women who don't wear hijaab and their obvious weaknesses
Reward only from Allah
Scientists on the Quran
Thankfulness towards Allah
References by Ibrahim

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