Monday 19 December 2016







In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful



Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "On the Resurrection Day, the rights will be paid to those to whom they are due so much so that a hornless sheep will be retaliated for by punishing the horned sheep which broke its horns".[Muslim].




This Hadith makes it abundantly clear that there will be utmost justice on the Day of Resurrection. So much so that Allah will redress even the grievance of the aggressed animals against the aggressors. Thus, this Hadith serves a severe warning for people. When animals, who are devoid of sense, will not be forgiven, how would mankind be, which is gifted with senses? The latter will not be pardoned if they are guilty of having been unjust to anyone without adequately compensating them.

26/204 - Riyad Us-Saliheen (Gardens of the Righteous)



Based on the above Hadith, do the looters of Government treasury aware that no Lawyer or or Judge or personal security agents will assist or help you that DAY?


Taking People's Property or looting Government Treasury through Falsehood


Allah, Almighty says, {Think not that Allah doeth not heed the deeds of those who do wrong. He but giveth them respite against a day when the eyes will fixedly stare in horror, they running forward with necks out stretched, their heads uplifted, their gaze returning not towards them, and their hearts a (gaping) void!

So, warn mankind of the day when the wrath will reach them: then will the wrong doers say, "0

Lord! Respite us (if only) for a short time: we will answer Thy call, and follow the Messengers!"

"What were ye not want to swear aforetime that ye should offer no decline? And ye dealt in the

dwellings of men who wronged themselves, and you were clearly shown how we dealt with them, and we put forth (many) parables in your behoof} (Holy Quran Ibrahim:42-45)

He, the Almighty also says, {The blame is only against those who oppress men with wrong-doing and insolently transgress beyond bounds through the land, defying right and justice: for such there will be a chastisement grievous.} Holy Quran

He Almighty says too: {And soon will the unjust know what vicissitudes their affairs will take!} (Holy Quran Ash-Shu'ara': 227)

The Prophet (pbuh) said, "Verily Allah postpones taking any action against a tyrant (so that the cup of his sins may get full) and thereafter when he takes him to task, He will not let him escape." Then he Prophet recited, {Such is the chastisement of thy Lord when He chastises communities in the midst of their wrong: grievous, indeed, and severe is His chastisement.} ( Reported by AI-Bukhari and Muslim) (Holy Quran Hud: l02)

The Prophet (pbuh) says, "Whosoever apprised another person concerning his reputation or anything else, he should beg him for forgiveness before the Day of Resurrection when there will be no money (to compensate for wrong deeds), but if he has good deeds, those good deeds will be taken from him according to his oppression which he has done, and if he has no good deeds, the sins of the oppressed person will be loaded on.” ( Reported by AI-Bukhari and Ahmad).

Allah Almighty says in a Holy hadith, "0 my servants! I have made oppression forbidden on my part, so do not oppress each other.”( Reported by Muslim.)

The Prophet asked his Companions, saying,

"Do you know who is a pauper? The Companions replied that a pauper is a person who had no money or property. The holy Prophet elucidated the point, saying, a pauper from among my followers "Ummah" is one who will come on the Day of Judgement with a good record of Salah "Prayer" and "Sawm" Fasting and "Zakat", "the poor-due" but also abused somebody, slandered against somebody, usurped the goods of another person, had killed someone or beaten yet another person. Then, all the oppressed persons will receive a part of the aggressor's good deed- (as a compensation). Should they fall short of his aggression, then the aggrieved person' sins and misdeeds will be transformed from them to him, and he will be thrown into the fire (Hell)." (Reported by Muslim and At-Tirmidhi.)

He also said, "Beware, from the curse of the oppressed as there is no screen between his invocation and Allah.” (Reported by Muslim.)

And "Whoever usurps even one span of the land of somebody, his neck will be encircled with it down to the seven earths on the Day of Resurrection.” (Reported by AI-Bukhari.)

Allah the Almighty is quoted in a holy tradition, saying, "My anger is so agitated against those who oppress another person that has none for support except Me.”( Reported in AI-Muqasid AI-Hasanah.)

Some of the righteous ancestors were always reciting, "Do not oppress the weak persons lest you might be of the most violent of the strongest ones."

Abu Hurairah was quoted saying, "Verily, the bustard dies in its nests fearing from the oppressors.

The Torah states, "Someone calls from behind the Path (Sirat), "O tyrant oppressors! O damned

luxuriant! Allah, indeed, swears by His Might and Majesty that no oppressor will tread that path this Day-(Day of Doom).

Jabir narrated, "When the people who had migrated to Ethiopia came back home and met with Allah's Apostle, he asked them saying, "Would you, please, inform me with some of the wonders you have experienced in the Ethiopian territories?" Whereupon some young men replied, "We would, O Allah's Apostle". They added, "While we were sitting, an old monastic woman bearing a jug of water on her head passed by us. Then, an Ethiopian young boy appeared and put his hand at her back and pushed her. As a result, she fell and her jug broke. When she stood up she angrily rebuked him saying," "0, treacherous! When Allah sets up His Throne, assembles the former and latter (generation), and when hands and feet shall confess what they had

produced, then you will realize the (consequences of that) situation between you and me before Him (Allah)"

The narrator said, "Allah's Apostle commented, crying, "She really spoke the truth: how does Allah bless people whose weak persons cannot retaliate from the strong ones.”(Reported by Ibn Majah.)

The Prophet said, "Five (persons) deserve Allah's wrath and He has the full choice to chastise them in this world, or to adjourn their case to the Hereafter so that they shall return to the HellFire:

a) A people's ruler who receives his full right of his subjects but does not fulfill their rights from

himself or guard them against himself,

b) A people's commander whom they obey but he does not observe equality between the strong and the weak, and he talks in vain,

c) A man who does not bid his wife and children to fulfil their duty to Allah, or teach them the affairs of their religion,

d) A man who has engaged the services of someone but did not pay him and

e) A man who consummated marriage with a woman but did not grant her a dowry.” (Its source is unknown)

'Abdullah Ibn Salam related, "After Allah the Almighty had perfected the creation of mankind, they got up on their feet and directed their gazes towards the sky, saying, "O Lord! Whom would you give your help?" Allah declared, "I would grant My Help upon the offended until he gets his due right."

W ahb Ibn Munabih narrated, "A tyrant king had built a palace for himself. Later, a poor old woman came and made a small hut of twigs beside the palace to reside therein. One day, while the king was wandering round the palace, he saw the hut. Angrily, he asked his servants, "Whose hut is this?" Once he was informed that it was owned by a poor woman, he gave a command to remove it. As the poor woman came and saw her hut in ruins, she questioned with sorrow, "Who has demolished my hut?" She was answered, "It was the king". At this moment she directed her face forward the sky and invoked Allah, saying, "O Lord! I was actually absent (when my hut was destroyed) but You are never absent!" At the time of her Du'a' Allah revealed to Gabriel to turn the palace upside down."

Khalid Ibn Barmak along with his son had once suffered imprisonment. Remembering the past days, the son said, "O father! After the luxuriant days we had, now we are in jail". His father replied, "O son! We paid no attention to the offender's invocation which Allah received and did not neglect".

Zaid Ibn Hakim related, "I felt timid before no one except one whom I have wronged, knowing that he has none to defend him except Allah. And he says to me, "Sufficient for me is Allah, Allah is (the Judge) between you and me."

Abu Umamah related, "On the Day of Judgement, the oppressors shall meet with their victims on the board of Hell. They shall recognize each other and remember their situation in this world. So, the offended would not allow their oppressors to pass unless they take of their good deeds (as compensation). If their good deeds ran out, the sins of the oppressed persons would be loaded on the oppressors.”( Reported in At-Targhib wa At-Tarhib)

`Abdullah Ibn Unais narrated the Prophet say,

"Allah will gather his worshipers on the Day of Judgement bare-footed, naked and uncircumcised. Then, a caller whose voice would reach near and far says, "I am the sovereign, I am the Judge. None of the dwellers of Hell shall enter it, and none of the dwellers of Paradise shall enter it with a misdeed until I castigate upon him, even in regard to a slap 'and what is more." Allah says, {And not one will thy lord treat with injustice} (Holy Quran AI-Kahf:49)

Then, the Companions asked, How could we retaliate, while we will be summoned bare-footed, 'O Allah's Apostle?' He answered: 'By the good deeds and sins, which is a fitting recompense.’ {And not one will thy lord treat with injustice.}”( Musnad of Imam Ahmad.)

Kisra, the king of the Persians, had adopted an instructor to educate and culture his child. As soon as the child had attained the highest level of refinement and education, the instructor brought him only to harshly beat him for no reason. The child committed this situation to his memory until he came of age and succeeded the throne of his father as a king. One day, he sent for his old instructor to inquire from him about the reason for which he beat him. The instructor said,' Your Majesty! Just as you have got the most refined manners of culture and merits, I became sure that you would succeed your father and be a king.

Hence, I intended to let you taste beating and oppression so as to abandon it in dealing with your subjects".

The little king replied "God bliss you!" He gave an order that he (the instructor) would be rewarded.

The Prophet said, "The invocation of the offended person ascends through the clouds. And Allah responds to it saying, "By My Might and Sovereignty, I will give you victory, even after a while.” (Reported in Majma' Al-Zawa'id.)

Of the most detestable forms of Persian is procrastination in repaying one's due debts, while being able.

The Prophet said, "Procrastination (delay) in repaying debts by a wealthy person is injustice.” (Reported by A1-Bukhari.)

"The delay in the payment of debt by one who can afford to pay is injustice that justifies his defamation and torture by the lender.” (Reported by Abu Dawud and An-Nasai')

Defamation means that the lender tells him in public that he has delayed the payment. Torture stands for legal imprisonment.

To deprive a woman of her due dowry, expenditures and draping is a form of injustice. 'Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud says, "Each man and woman on the Day of Resurrection will be openly shown before all creatures, and it will be said, This is so-and-so. Let those who have a claim of something over him come and get it back". Hence, the Prophet said, "Women shall rejoice as they regain their due rights from their fathers, brothers or husbands. Then,' Abdullah Ibn Ma'sud recited, {There will be no more relationships between them that day, nor will one ask after another} (Holy Quran AI-Mu'minun: 101)

He added, "Allah will then be tolerant with him in regard to his Own due rights, but not so in the people's. Thereupon, such a man or woman will be set up and Allah will say to the owners of the rights "Come and take back your rights.” Accordingly, Allah will command the angels, saying, "Take of his/her good deeds and give every right owner his/her due." In case such a man or woman is righteous and there is a little bit of his good deeds left behind, Allah will multiply it manifolds so as to admit him to Paradise. But if he was a wretched person, and nothing of his good deeds remains, the angels would say, "O Lord! His good deeds are over and he is still indebted, so, Allah will say, "Take of their sins and load on him."

Finally, such a man will be cast into the Fire."

To employ a laborer and not to pay him is a type of injustice. The Prophet mentioned Allah say,

"I will be an opponent to three types of people on the Day of Resurrection:

a) One who makes a covenant in my name, but proves treacherous,

b) One who sells a free person and eats his price,

c) And one who employs a laborer and takes full work from him but does not pay him for his labor.” (Reported by AI-Bukhari and Ibn Majah).

The same rule is dispensed if a Muslim committed any injustices against a Jew or a Christian, for it is subject to Allah's saying, I am His opponent." It also applies if someone took an oath regarding a debt upon himself and he was lying.

The Prophet said, "Allah has decreed the fire of Hell for a person who usurps the property of a Muslim through false oath and debarred him from Paradise.” A Companion asked, "0 Messenger of Allah! Even if it is a worthless something?” The Prophet replied, "Even if it be the twig of a bush.” (Reported by At -Tirmidhi and Muslim)

Verily, the most abominable thing before a man's eye on the Day of Resurrection is to face the one whom he had oppressed in this life and who will sue for retaliation.

The Prophet said, "Allah will definitely enforce the settlement of all the dues to those entitled to receive them on the Day of Judgement, even the wrong done to a hornless goat by a horned one will be redressed.” (Reported in Majam' Al-Zawa'id.)

The Prophet said, "The first to dispute with each other on the Day of Resurrection are a husband and his wife. By Allah, her tongue will not speak but her hands and feet shall bear witness against her in regard to what she used to mar for her husband in this world. Whereas man's hands and feet shall be witnesses against him for what good and bad he has treated his wife with. Later, a man will face a similar position concerning his servants. On this occasion, no "Qirats" or "Dawaniqs" shall be available (as a compensation), but the

oppressors good deeds shall be granted to the offended, and the offended persons' sins shall be loaded on the oppressors. Then, the tyrants would be brought in funnels and led to the fire.”( AI-Du'afa'by AI-Aqili.)

Shareih, the Judge, used to say, "The oppressors shall indeed, recognize the offender's right, for the oppressor is waiting for chastisement, while the oppressed will have victory and reward.

It has been even related that when Allah wills good for one of His servants, He sets him open to

oppression by someone. One day, Taus AI- Yamani entered at Hisham Ibn AI-Malik and said to him, "Observe your duty towards Allah lest He may punish you on the Day of (Adhan) Call! Hisham asked, "What is the Day of Adhan"?

So, Taus recited Allah's saying, {A Crier shall proclaim between them: "The curse of Allah is on the wrongdoers.} (Holy Quran AI-' Araf: 44)

As a result Hisham got stupefied. Thereupon, Taus concluded, "This is merely the humiliation of the description, how shameful is the humiliation of the practical commitment.” (AI-Jami' AI-Azhar)

0 you who is content to be an oppressor! How many wrong deeds are yours? The prison on the Day of Judgment is Hell, and the Judge is the Truth (Allah).

Avoid being in the wrongdoers' presence, treating and helping them.

Allah says, {And incline not to those who do wrong, or the fire will touch you, and you have no protectors other than Allah, nor shall you be helped.} (Hud:113).

Inclination here stands for being tranquil and pleased with them. In the exegesis of this verse Ibn '

Abbas commented, "Do not be over inclined to them in love, talking and attachment. AI-Sadiyy and Ibn Zaid assimilated it as, "Not to flatter the oppressors."

Akrimah added, "To obey and try to gain favor with them." Allah says,

{Bring ye up "It shall be said” the wrongdoers and their spouses, and the things they worshipped.} (Holy Quran As-Saffat: 22)

The Prophet said, "There will be commanders attended by servants , and suits who may do mischief and commit lying.

Whosoever attaches to them, believed their lying and supported them in their injustice does not belong to me and I do not belong to him. And whosoever avoided their gatherings and did not associate with them belongs to me and I belong to him. "

He said too, "Whosoever stands for an oppressor will be afflicted by him.” (AI-Jami' AI-Saghir.)

Sa'id Ibn Al-Mussayyab mentioned, "Do not stare the wrongdoers in the face except with disapproval (against their misdeeds), lest your good deeds come to nothing."

Makhul Ad-Dimashqi related, "On the Day of Judgement there will be a caller who proclaims where are the oppressors and their assistants?" Accordingly, everyone who might have brought him ink, fill in their inkwells, or even get their pens nibbled will be gathered with them. Whereupon they shall be assembled together in a box of fire and be thrown in Hell."

One day, a sailor came to Suffyan Al- Thauri and said, "I sew the sultan's dresses. Am I then one of the oppressors' assistants? Suffyan replied, "You are, by this of the very oppressors. By the oppressors assistants are, even those who buy needles and thread."

The Prophet said, "The first to tread the fire on the Day of Judgement are the worshipers who unjustly lash people with the order of the oppressors.”

It is related that Allah revealed to Moses that his people should recite nothing of Allah's divine

revelation. The reason was that Allah (was angry with them and) always mentions whoever invokes Him.

Allah's mentioning of them was by way of cursing them."

He also said, "Let none of you remain indifferently witnessing a situation wherein an innocent person is wrongfully treated and beaten. For, the curse of Allah then inflicts whomsoever attend but did not defend him.”( Reported in Majrna' AI-Zawa'id.)

He said too, "The angels have raised a dead man from his tomb and said to him.

"We are going to beat you with a hundred blows. So, he kept interceding with them until the number decreased down to only one blow. Once they hit him, the tomb got ignited. Then he asked the, "Whey did you hit me". They answered "you have observed a Prayer without performing the vital ablution, and you have witnessed a wronged man but did not help him.”( Reported in At-Targhib waAt-Tarhib)

Such is the state of an able man who denied supporting an offended person. Then, what about the oppressors themselves?

The Prophet said, "Help your brother whether he is an oppressor or oppressed person. A companion asked, "Messenger of Allah! (It is true) I will help him if he is an oppressed person, but please, tell me how I am to help him if he happens to be an oppressor!" The Prophet answered, "Prevent him from doing injustice. Because preventing him from committing aggression is a help to him.”( Reported by A1-Bukhari and Muslim.)

One of the pious scholars related, "A man who was used to serve the supporter and tax collectors came to me in my dream. He appeared in a very miserable state. I asked him, "How are1you?" He answered, "Very bad." I said, "Where were you led?' "To the chastisement decreed by Allah." He replied, "I questioned him further, "How do the wrong-doers fell before Him (Allah)?" He answered, "Have not you recited Allah's saying,

{And soon will the unjust know what vicissitudes their affairs will take!} (Ash-Shu'ara': 227)

Someone related saying, "I saw a man whose arm was amputated, loudly announcing, "Let each person who has witnessed me act unjustly against none!" I approached him and said, "O brother! Tell me, please,  about your case!" He replied, "My case is so astonishing. I used to serve the suppressors. One day, I came across a fisherman who had just caught a big fish that appealed to me. I ordered him to give it to me, but he refused. He said he would sell it and get some food for his children. So, I hit him violently, got the fish and left ahead.

While I was walking down the street, with the fish in my hand, it bit my thumb so severely. When I got home, and as I set it down on the table, it hit my thumb once again so painfully that I could not sleep that night. My hand began to swell. In the morning, I went to a doctor to check it, and he told me that my thumb suffered from gangrene and it has to be cut off, lest the infection might reach the rest of my hand. So, I let him cut my thump off. After a while, my hand started to hurt me so much, and I was advised to cut it off, and I did. Bit by bit, the gangrene took me so ill that I had to amputate my whole arm up to the scapula.

When I mentioned this story to some people they commented saying if I had gone from the beginning to the fisherman and asked him to pardon me I would not have suffered all this fatigue. And they bade me to go at once after that fisherman and beg his forgiveness.

I left right away searching of him until I found him. Whereupon I kneeled down kissing his feet asking for his tolerance. He said to me, "Who are you?" I answered, "I am the man who had unjustly taken away your fish." Then, I got him acquainted with what happened to me.

As he saw my arm he wept deeply and said, "O brother! I have pardoned you."

I asked, "Have you invoked Allah against me when I took your fish?' he replied, "yes! I supplicated to Allah saying, "O Lord! That man has unjustly abused his strength and deprived me of what You have provided for me. So, let me, please, observe Your Might by punishing him!"

At this moment I said, "O sir! You have indeed got your demand, and I will never serve the

transgressors as long as I am alive."


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