Tuesday 12 May 2020

1441 year Ramadan Day 19 What have you learnt?

*Ramadan Day 19*
*What have you learnt?*
Alhamdulilah! Alhamdulilah!! Alhamdulilah!!!
We thank Almighty Allah to spare our lives to witness this miraculous month (Ramadan). Brothers and sisters in Islam.
*I just want to remind myself and yours about ‘’Offering Eid prayer alone at home
1.0 Question
Is it permissible for me to offer Eid prayer at home because I cannot go to the mosque because of my health?
Praise be to Allaah.
The Eid prayer is an individual obligation (fard ‘ayn) for every man who is able to do it, according to the more correct of the two scholarly opinions, as we have stated in the answer to question number 48983.
If you cannot go to the prayer because of your health, then you do not have to do anything. But is it prescribed to do it at home? There is a difference of opinion among the fuqaha’ concerning that, but the majority are of the view that that is prescribed, unlike the Hanafis.
Al-Muzni narrated from al-Shaafa’i (may Allah have mercy on him) in Mukhtasar al-Umm (8/125): He may offer the Eid prayer on his own in his house, as may the traveller, the slave and the woman. End quote.
Al-Kharashi (Maaliki) said: It is mustahabb for the one who has missed the Eid prayer with the imam to offer this prayer, but should he do it in congregation or separately? There are two opinions. End quote from Sharh al-Kharashi (2/104).
Al-Mardaawi said in al-Insaaf (Hanbali): If he has missed the prayer (meaning the Eid prayer), it is mustahabb to him to make it up in the same manner (i.e., as the imam prayed it). End quote.
Ibn Qudaamah said in al-Mughni (Hanbali): He has the choice: if he wishes he may pray it on his own, and if he wishes he may pray it in congregation. End quote.
In al-Durr al-Mukhtaar ma’a Haashiyat Ibn ‘Aabideen (2/175 – Hanafi) it says: He should not pray it on his own if he has missed it with the imam. End quote.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah favoured the Hanafi view, and it was also regarded as more correct by Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him), as it says in al-Sharh al-Mumti’ (5/156).
In Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah li’l-Iftaa (8/306) it says: Eid prayer is a communal obligation (fard kifaayah): if it is undertaken by enough people, the sin of not doing it is waived from the rest.
If a person misses it and wants to make it up, it is mustahabb for him to do that, so he should pray it in the proper manner but without a khutbah following it. This is the view of Imam Maalik, al-Shaafa’i, Ahmad, al-Nakha’i and other scholars. The basic principle concerning that is the words of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him): “If you come to the prayer then come walking, calmly and with dignity. Whatever you catch up with, pray, and whatever you miss, make it up.” And it was narrated from Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) that if he missed the Eid prayer with the imam, he would gather together his family and freed slaves, then his freed slave ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Abi ‘Utbah would stand up and lead them in praying two rak’ahs, saying the takbeers in them. If a person arrives on the day of Eid when the imam is delivering the khutbah, he should listen to the khutbah, then make up the prayer after that, so that he may combine both benefits. And Allah is the source of strength. May Allah send blessings and peace upon Prophet Muhammad and his family and Companions. End quote.
Standing Committee for Academic Research and Issuing Fatwas
And Allah knows best.
Source: Islam Q&A, 96922
2.0 *Eīd Prayers During a Lockdown*
*Answered by Shaykh Yūsuf Badāt*
There is a high chance for the current lockdown to continue throughout the entire Ramaḍān this year. I have been offering prayers with my family in the home. I know we either do Dhuhr or Jumuʿah at home if there are four male adults on the Friday. I was thinking what do we do about ʿEīd prayers if the lockdown is still in place? Can we perform ʿEīd prayers at home with our families or offer them individually?
In the Name of God, Most Merciful, Most Kind
Jazāk Allāh Khayr/ Thank you for contacting Mathābah with your questions.
In the current COVID-19 lockdown situation where it is against the law to congregate, we would be exempt from offering ʿEīd prayers. Some jurists are of the view that if one wants, in such a situation, they may perform ʿEīd prayers individually or in a congregation at home. A group of jurists also state that, in place of the ʿEīd prayers, one can offer two or four units (rakaʾahs) of Ḍuḥā (optional forenoon) prayers. – (See: Kitāb Al-Fiqh ʿAlā Madhāhib Al-Arbaʿah, Al-Muḥīṭ Al-Burhānīy)
In regards to this matter, kindly see the detailed positions of the four schools of jurisprudence below:
Ḥanbalī School
According to Ḥanbalī jurisprudence, ʿEīd prayer is considered farḍ ʿalā al-kifāyah (a communal obligation). The one who is unable to offer ʿEīd prayer in congregation can do so individually at home in the same manner one would have performed it with an imam leading a congregation. If there are family members at home, they may offer the ʿEīd prayer in a congregation. – (See: Al-Mughnīy, Al-Inṣāf Al-Mardāwīy)
Mālikī School
The Mālikī school considers ʿEīd prayer as sunnah muʾakkadah (an emphatic prophetic practice). One who is unable to perform ʿEīd prayer in a large congregation can do so individually or in a small congregation at home. – (See: Sharḥ Al-Khurashī)
Shāfʿīe School
The status of the ʿEīd prayer is sunnah muʾakkadah (an emphatic prophetic practice) according to the Shāfʿīe school. If one is unable to attend a large congregational ʿEīd prayer, they are permitted to pray alone at home in the same manner that one would pray behind an imam leading a congregation. For ʿEīd prayer, there is no stipulation of a muslim ruler nor a congregation. – (See: Al-Majmū, Mukhtaṣar Al-Umm, Al-Muḥīṭ Al-Burhānīy)
Ḥanafī School
ʿEīd prayer is wājib (obligatory) in the Ḥanafī school, upon the one whom Jumuʿah is also obligated. If a believer is unable to attend a congregational ʿEīd prayer, there is nothing obligated, and one is exempt from any compensation. Performing two or preferably four units (nafl rakaʾahs) of ḍuḥā prayer is recommended, in place of ʿEīd prayer, in such a situation. – (See: Al-Dur Al-Mukhtār, Nawādir Al-Ṣalāh, Al-Muḥīṭ Al-Burhānīy)
“Turn in [ʿEīd] prayer to your Lord and conduct [animal] sacrifice [to Him only].” – (Qurʾān: 108:2)
“When Anas Ibn Mālik (may God be pleased with him) missed ʿEīd prayers with the [appointed] imam, he would gather his household and workers in his home, then assign ʿAbd Allāh Ibn Abī ʿUtbah, who would lead them in two units of [ʿEīd] prayer with takbirāts.” – (See: Fatḥ Al-Bāri, Bayhaqī)
The Messenger of God, Muḥammad (peace and blessings be upon him) stated, “Three prayers are farḍ (mandatory) on me but are sunnah (encouraged as a prophetic practice) for you, the witr prayer, the ḍuḥā prayer and ʿEīd prayer.” – (Musnad Aḥmad, Bayhaqī, Majmaʾ Al-Zawāid)
“The Prophet Muḥammad (peace and blessings be upon him) attained the victory of Makkah in the month of Ramaḍān, then left the city of Makkah, making his way towards the town of Hawāzin. During his travel, ʿEīd came and went, but he did not offer ʿEīd prayers.” – (Awjaz Al-Masālik, Al-Muḥīṭ Al-Burhānīy)
“Abd Allāh Ibn Masʿūd (may God be pleased with him) said, “One who misses ʿEīd ṣalāh should pray four nafl rakaʿahs, and thus will be rewarded handsomely.” – (Ṭabrānīy, Majmaʾ Al-Zawāid, Al-Awsaṭ Fī Al-Sunan)
And Allāh Knows Best
3.0 *Coronavirus - ʿEīd Prayer at Home*
BY Shaykh Sulaymān Ar-Ruhaylī (Allāh preserve him)
*Eīd Prayer at Home*

1. Majority of the jurists are of the opinion that it is Mustahabb (recommended) to perform the
ʿEīd prayer at home for the one who has missed the congregational ʿEīd prayer, and this is also the opinion of Ibn Bāz and Al-Fawzān. This ruling applies more so to the one who is not capable of performing the ʿEīd prayer with the Muslims in congregation, and yet to a greater degree if the congregational ʿEīd prayer is not held at all due to a [legitimate] excuse such as our situation today with the Coronavirus Pandemic if the curfew is ongoing. And whosoever performs the ʿEīd prayer at home, he should do so without delivering the sermon after the prayer because the sermon is from the duties of the ruler or whoever the ruler has entrusted this task to.

2. The proof presented by the majority of the scholars is that if [the Companion] Anas b.
Mālik (Allāh be pleased with him) missed theʿEīd prayer with the Imām, he would gather his
family and perform the ʿEīd prayer with them in the same manner the Imām leading the
Congregation would do so. [This narration of Anas b. Mālik is from the Muʿallaqāt ofImām Al-Bukhārī which he reported using a decisive and assertive form, and it has been reported by Ibn Abī Shaybah with a connected chain of narrators, and it is Sahīh (aunthentic). [This is the speech of the Shaykh].
[TN] - A Hadīth which is Muʿallaq is a narration that has oneor more successive narrators omitted from the beginning of itschain which in our case is the part closest to Al-Bukhārī.] Also, in this situation [[TN] – I sought further clarification from the Shaykh regarding his statement “this situation”. He said it means, “In the case when one has missed the congregational ʿEīd prayer according to the Hanbalī Madhhab or unrestrictedly (at all times) according to the Mālikī and the Shāfiʿī Madhhabs”.] (i.e. when one misses the congregational ʿEīd prayer), the ʿEīd prayer is considered to be a Nafl (supererogatory) prayer which is allowed to be performed at home just like all the other supererogatory prayers. Please note that Al-Albānī is of the view that the ʿEīd prayer can be performed (made up) if it misseddue to a [legitimate] excuse.

3. According to the Hanafīs and a group of jurists, the ʿEīd prayer cannot be performed except with the Imām, so if one misses the ʿEīd prayer, he should not make it up since praying it with the Imām is a condition for performing the ʿEīd prayer. And this is also the opinion of Ibn
Taymiyyah and Ibn ʿUthaymīn (Allāh have mercy on them both). This is because the ʿEīd prayer was legislated to be performed with the Imām to the extent that the Prophet ( (صلى الله عليه وسلم commanded the women to attend the ʿEīd prayer even those who were menstruating and even those who could not find a Jilbāb, then it as said to them let your sister lend you a Jilbāb and attend.
4. The Prophet ( صلى الله عليه وسلم) did not say that the women should pray in their homes nor did he say that the menstruating women should be left at home, so this shows that the ʿEīd prayer is legislated with the congregation.
What is apparent to me – and Allāh knows best- is that this affair is one in which there is flexibility. And I would like to point out that the speech of the jurists in the books of Islamic
Jurisprudence is concerning the case where theʿEīd prayer has already been performed in congregation in one’s country [TN] - The Shaykh further clarified that this also applies toNon-Muslim countries where the congregational ʿEīd prayer isnormally established.], so in this situation is it permissible for the one who has missed the congregational ʿEīd prayer to make it up? As for the situation where the ʿEīd prayer is not established in congregation at all (which may be the case for most Muslims due to the
Coronavirus), then the legal rulings concerning this matter are to be derived based on the aforementioned speech of the jurists.

5. What remains unclear is whether or not the Khutbah (sermon) after the ʿEīd prayer should
be delivered in the case that the congregational ʿEīd prayer is not established due to the ongoing curfew, and a person therefore performs theʿEīd prayer in congregation with his family.
This matter is unclear because the scholars of the past ruled that he should not deliver the sermon in the context where the Imām has already delivered it. As for the situation where
the congregational ʿEīd prayer is not held at all, then I have not come across any statement from our scholars concerning this issue. And we do not make a statement except if an Imām from our scholars has preceded us, so this issue requires further research.

6. [The Shaykh continues with further explanation of Tweet 5 and says]: What I am uncertain about is those countries in which the congregational ʿEīd prayer will not be held (this year). So in this context if a person prays the ʿEīd prayer at home with his family in congregation, should he deliver the sermon (after the prayer) or not? I therefore refrain from issuing a verdict concerning this issue until I come across a statement from one of our scholars. We do not make a statement unless we have an Imām who has preceded us. As for the countries where the congregational ʿEīd prayer shall be established even if it is with a limited number of people, then in this scenario the speech of the past scholars is to be applied.
Translator: Yasar A. Rahmān
15 Ramaḍān 1441/ 8 May 2020
Coronavirus - ʿEīd Prayer at Home
And Allaah knows best.
May Allah Almighty accept our fast and blessed us
May Almighty Allah reward us abundantly and accept our Ibadaah. Ameen

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