Saturday 9 May 2020

Real Intelligence in Islam

Real Intelligence In Islam
In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

 [Quran 23:78] He is the One who granted you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brains. Rarely are you appreciative.
[Quran 55:3] Creator of the human beings.
[Quran 55:4] He taught them how to distinguish.
[Quran 17:36] You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them.
[Quran 76:2] We created the human from a liquid mixture, from two parents, in order to test him. Thus, we made him a hearer and a seer.
[Quran 76:3] We showed him the two paths, then he is either appreciative, or unappreciative.
[Quran 90:4] We created the human being to work hard (to redeem himself).
[Quran 90:5] Does he think that no one will ever call him to account?
[Quran 90:6] He boasts, "I spent so much money!"
[Quran 90:7] Does he think that no one sees him?
[Quran 90:8] Did we not give him two eyes?
[Quran 90:9] A tongue and two lips?
[Quran 90:10] Did we not show him the two paths?
Out of His infinite mercy and compassion, God made us inherit the seed of this real intelligence. Every human is born with this seed:
[Quran 7:172] Recall that your Lord summoned all the descendants of Adam, and had them bear witness for themselves: "Am I not your Lord?" They all said, "Yes. We bear witness." Thus, you cannot say on the Day of Resurrection, "We were not aware of this."
[Quran 30:30] Therefore, you shall devote yourself to the religion of strict monotheism. Such is the natural instinct placed into the people by God. Such creation of God will never change. This is the perfect religion, but most people do not know.
We are truly intelligent when we recognize the truth,
[Quran 13:19] Is one who recognizes that your Lord's revelations to you are the truth equal to one who is blind? Only those who possess intelligence will take heed.
[Quran 34:6] It is evident to those who are blessed with knowledge that this revelation from your Lord to you is the truth, and that it guides to the path of the Almighty, the Most Praiseworthy.
When we reflect on Quran and take heed,
[Quran 38:29] This is a scripture that we sent down to you, that is sacred - perhaps they reflect on its verses. Those who possess intelligence will take heed.
[Quran 2:269] He bestows wisdom upon whomever He chooses, and whoever attains wisdom, has attained a great bounty. Only those who possess intelligence will take heed.
[Quran 12:111] In their history, there is a lesson for those who possess intelligence. This is not fabricated Hadith; this (Quran) confirms all previous scriptures, provides the details of everything, and is a beacon and mercy for those who believe.
[Quran 14:52] This is a proclamation for the people, to be warned herewith, and to let them know that He is only one god, and for those who possess intelligence to take heed.
When we choose the guidance,
[Quran 39:18] They are the ones who examine all words, then follow the best. These are the ones whom God has guided; these are the ones who possess intelligence.
[Quran 3:18] God bears witness that there is no god except He, and so do the angels and those who possess knowledge. Truthfully and equitably, He is the absolute god; there is no god but He, the Almighty, Most Wise.
[Quran 4:162] As for those among them who are well founded in knowledge, and the believers, they believe in what was revealed to you, and in what was revealed before you. They are observers of the Contact Prayers (Salat), and givers of the obligatory charity (Zakat); they are believers in God and the Last Day. We grant these a great recompense.
[Quran 61:11] Believe in God and His messenger and strive in the cause of God with your money and your lives. This is the best deal for you, if you only knew.
When we reverence God,
[Quran 35:28] Also, the people, the animals, and the livestock come in various colors. This is why the people who truly reverence God are those who are knowledgeable. God is Almighty, Forgiving.
[Quran 5:100] Proclaim: "The bad and the good are not the same, even if the abundance of the bad may impress you. You shall reverence God, (even if you are in the minority) O you who possess intelligence, that you may succeed."
[Quran 65:10] God has prepared for them severe retribution. Therefore, you shall reverence God, O you who possess intelligence and believed. God has sent down to you a message -
[Quran 65:11] a messenger who recites to you God's revelations, clearly, to lead those who believe and work righteousness out of the darkness into the light. Anyone who believes in God and leads a righteous life, He will admit him into gardens with flowing streams; they abide therein forever. God will generously reward him.
When we oppose evil,
[Quran 11:116] If only some of those among the previous generations possessed enough intelligence to forbid evil! Only a few of them deserved to be saved by us. As for the transgressors, they were preoccupied with their material luxuries; they were guilty.
When we analyze signs and scientific proofs,
[Quran 29:43] We cite these examples for the people, and none appreciate them except the knowledgeable.
[Quran 3:190] In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, there are signs for those who possess intelligence.
[Quran 3:191] They remember God while standing, sitting, and on their sides, and they reflect upon the creation of the heavens and the earth: "Our Lord, You did not create all this in vain. Be You glorified. Save us from the retribution of Hell.
[Quran 10:101] Say, "Look at all the signs in the heavens and the earth." All the proofs and all the warnings can never help people who decided to disbelieve.
[Quran 20:128] Does it ever occur to them how many previous generations we have annihilated? They are now walking in the homes of those before them. These are signs for those who possess intelligence.
[Quran 10:1] A.L.R. These (letters) are the proofs of this book of wisdom.
[Quran 13:1] A. L. M. R. These (letters) are proofs of this scripture. What is revealed to you from your Lord is the truth, but most people do not believe.
[Quran 16:12] And He commits, in your service, the night and the day, as well as the sun and the moon. Also, the stars are committed by His command. These are (sufficient) proofs for people who understand.
[Quran 30:22] Among His proofs are the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages and your colors. In these, there are signs for the knowledgeable.
[Quran 6:39] Those who reject our proofs are deaf and dumb, in total darkness. Whomever God wills, He sends astray, and whomever He wills, He leads in a straight path.
[Quran 12:105] So many proofs in the heavens and the earth are given to them, but they pass by them, heedlessly!
When we benefit from reminders,
[Quran 39:21] Do you not see that God sends down from the sky water, then places it into underground wells, then produces with it plants of various colors, then they grow until they turn yellow, then He turns them into hay? This should be a reminder for those who possess intelligence.
[Quran 40:54] (Their history) is a lesson and a reminder for those who possess intelligence.
And when we fully comprehend and value God's oaths:
[Quran 89:5] A profound oath, for one who possesses intelligence.
[Quran 56:76] This is an oath, if you only knew, that is awesome.
Taking our knowledge and our mental powers to fit into God's confines of intelligence is the real intelligence. Intelligence becomes a part of the illusion of this temporary world if we cannot use it to recognize God and to choose the appreciative, straight path.
Whenever you want to pursue the truth and verify anything you hear about Islam, we urge you to please use the only valid and divine source of Islam, Quran and Sunnah.

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