Avoid 70 Major Sins - Series No 4
1.0 Abandoning or Neglecting Prayers
1.1 If you don’t pray, you’re not a Muslim[1]
Many people mistakenly believe that it is sufficient for one to merely claim to be Muslim and declare the Kalimah, or shahadah, (‘Laa ilaaha illallah’) in order to be considered Muslim.
Although it is correct that a person be presumed Muslim for carrying a Muslim name, conveying the Islamic greetings and testifying the Kalimah, in reality they may not be Muslim unless they practise the commands of Allah. The Almighty says in the Qur’an, Al-Baqarah 2:8:
“And among mankind are those who say. ‘We believe in Allah and the Last Day,’ but they are not believers.”
Salah (the five daily prayers) epitomizes Imaan (belief in Allah). It is one of the cornerstones and pillars of the Deen (religion). Without it, one has no – or very little – Imaan. A number of learned scholars, such as Imaam al-Qurtubi (RH), even argue that Salah is the manifestation of Imaan (belief in Allah). This is because Salah consists of intentions (i’tiqaad, or ‘belief’), sayings (recitation of the Qur’an) and physical actions – all of which are, of course, the building blocks of Imaan.
And the fact that Salah personifies Imaan, abandoning it is tantamount to abandoning Imaan. There are many hadeeths that prove this fact. It is reported that Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said:
“I have been ordered to fight people until they declare ‘Laa ilaaha illallah’…..and establish the prayer (Salah)….And if they do that, their life and wealth will be safe from me. And their reckoning will be with Allah.” (Saheeh al-Bukhari)
“The difference between a man and disbelief (kufr) and idolatry (shirk) is the prayer.” (Saheeh Muslim)
“That which differentiates us from the disbelievers is Salah. He who abandons it becomes a Kafir.” (At–Tirmidhi)
Abandoning or neglecting Salah amounts to major ‘kufr’ (rejection, or disbelief in Allah) and apostasy. Therefore, it must be guarded, and the quality of its performance should be regularly evaluated.
Salah is the minimum requirement of being Muslim. Nobody is exempt from it – including elderly people, the disabled and those who happen to suffer from chronic illnesses (except the mentally ill), a child or a woman on her menses.
Salah is one of the few obligations which are so pivotal in Islam that no excuse can be made for deserting it. Moreover, it cannot be substituted by undertaking Hajj, or by sadaqah (charitable deeds or donations). And nor can it be performed on someone else’s behalf.
Even on the battlefield, in the midst of fierce fighting, one is still required to pray, albeit shortened and combined. If such a person, facing such adversity, is not permitted to leave Salah, what excuse can one who is ‘busy’ at work, fit, has a comfortable life, clean clothes, a home and a healthy income present to Allah (SWT) on the Day of Judgement for abandoning the prayer?
There really is no excuse for neglecting Salah. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said the whole world is a place of prayer (a mosque). You can pray on any dry surface, except in a lavatory or graveyard. If you’re short of water, you can use clean earth, which is all around us. If you’re travelling (thirty miles or more from home), you can shorten and combine your prayers. If you are on the move, you can complete your wudoo’ (ablution) by wiping over your socks. And if you are unable to stand, you can pray sitting or lying down.
So do not become like Iblees (Shaytan): Prostrate to your Lord, Allah, when you are commanded to prostrate. And know that the only things that prevent you from doing so are arrogance and pride (as well as laziness). Should we not be grateful servants and thank Allah (SWT) for all the blessings He has bestowed upon us? Allah, Glorified and Exalted is He, says in the Qur’aan:
“And when (the people of Hell are) asked, ‘What caused you to enter the Fire (Hell)?’ They will say (with utter remorse), ‘We never used to pray.’”
2.0 Abandoning or Neglecting Prayers[2]
The scholars have differed concerning the Muslim who deliberately neglects salaah without denying that it is obligatory. Some of them say that he is definitely a kaafir who has gone beyond the pale of Islam.
He is considered to be a murtadd (apostate) who is to be given three days to repent – if he does not, he is to be executed for his apostasy. The funeral prayer will not be recited over him, and he will not be buried in the Muslim graveyard. The greeting of salaam is not to be given to him, in life or in death, and his greeting is not to be returned; prayers for forgiveness and mercy for him cannot be offered; he cannot inherit, neither can his wealth be inherited, instead it is to be given to the Muslim treasury (bayt al-maal). This ruling applies whether the number of people who are neglecting their prayers are many or a few.
This opinion is the soundest and most correct, because of the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): "The difference between us and them is salaah. Whoever neglects it is a kaafir." [Reported by Imaam Ahmad and the authors of Sunan with a saheeh isnaad]; and: "(Nothing stands) between a man and kufr and shirk, except prayer: (whoever neglects it becomes a kaafir and a mushrik)." [Reported by Imaam Muslim in his Saheeh, with other similar ahaadeeth]
The majority of scholars said that if a person denies that prayer is obligatory, he is a kaafir and an apostate from the religion of Islam. The ruling concerning such a person is as described above. If he does not deny that it is obligatory, but he neglects it because of laziness, for example, then he is guilty of a major sin (kabeerah), but he is not considered to be beyond the pale of Islam. He should be given three days in which to repent. If he does, then al-hamdu lillah (praise be to Allaah); if he does not, then he should be executed, but this is a punishment, not because he became a kaafir. In this case, he should be washed (ghusl, after death) and wrapped in a shroud (kafn). The funeral prayer should be offered for him, prayers can be offered for forgiveness and mercy for him, and he should be buried in the Muslim graveyard. He can inherit and be inherited from. In general, all the rules concerning Muslims who are sinners apply to him, in life and in death. [From Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 6/49]
3.0 Fifteen terrible Consequences in the life and the Hereafter for those who neglect prayer
The Messenger of Allah (SAW) says that a person who neglects prayer and is lazy in its fulfilment is punished with fifteen calamities by Allah. Of these, six are related to this life, three are with regard to the time of death, three occur in the grave and three calamities strike him in Qiyāma. That is when he will emerge from his grave (for the final accounting).
The six calamites with regard to this life are:
1. The Almighty Allah reduces his life span.
2. And He terminates his sustenance.
3. He makes the signs of righteousness to disappear from his face.
4. None of his good deeds will be accepted and he will not be rewarded for them.
5. His invocations will not be accepted.
6. The supplications of righteous people will not benefit him.
The Three calamities to befall him at the time of death are:
1. He will die a death of degradation and disgrace.
2. He will die in hunger
3. He will die in a state of such a terrible thirst that even if he were to drink all the streams of the earth his thirst will not be quenched.
And the Three punishments that he will suffer in the grave are:
1. An angel will be appointed over him to give him squeeze and chastise him.
2. His grave will be made narrow.
3. His grave will be dark and horrifying.
And the Three calamities with regard to Qiyāma are as follows:
1. The angel will be dragging him for accounting in such a way that other people will be a witness to it.
2. His accounting will be very strict.
3. The Almighty Allah will not look at him with mercy, will not purify him and there is a terrible punishment for him.
4.0 Question And Answer Session On Making Up On Missed Prayers
Q: If a person missed a the scheduled prayer. Is it necessary to still pray it at another time. For example if I missed the fajr prayer can I still pray it later on?
A: Praise be to Allah(swt). The answer to this question may be found in the following Hadith:
Anas ibn Maalik said: “The Messenger of Allah(saw) said: ‘If one of you sleeps and misses a prayer, or forgets it, then let him pray it as soon as he remembers, because Allah(swt) says (interpretation of the meaning): ‘… and perform al-salaah for My remembrance.’ [Ta-Ha 20:14]” (Reported by Muslim).
Abu Hurayrah reported that the Messenger of Allah(saw) said: “Whoever forgets the prayer, let him pray as soon as he remembers, because Allah(swt) says (interpretation of the meaning): ‘… and perform al-salaah for My remembrance.’ [Ta-Ha 20:14]” (Reported by Muslim).
Anas ibn Maalik reported that the Messenger of Allah(saw) said: “Whoever forgets a prayer, let him pray it as soon as he remembers, for there is no expiation for it except this.” (Reported by Muslim, 1102).
Repentance for neglecting prayer[3]Q: I am 38 years old man. Till the age of 25 I didn't pray. Please advice me what I have to do for this?
A: Praise be to Allah(swt).
Remember how Allah(swt) has blessed you by bringing you back to Islam after you have been neglecting salaah, and keep on doing the prayers at the right times. Do more naafil (supererogatory or extra) prayers to make up for the fard (obligatory) prayers that you have missed, as was advised in the saheeh hadith narrated by Hurayth ibn Qubaysah, who said: “I came to Madeenah and prayed, ‘O Allah(swt), send me a righteous companion.’ I went and sat with Abu Hurayrah and said: ‘I asked Allah(swt) to bless me with a righteous companion; tell me a hadith that you heard from the Messenger of Allah(saw), so that I may benefit therefrom.’ He said: ‘I heard the Messenger of Allah(saw) say that the first thing for which a person will be brought to account on the Day of Resurrection will be his prayer. If it is sound, he will be successful, and if it is lacking in
any way, he will be doomed. If his obligatory prayers are lacking, the Lord will say: “Look and see whether My slave has any voluntary prayers which may be used to make up what is lacking in his obligatory prayers.” Then all his deeds will be examined and dealt with in the same way.’” (Reported by al-Tirmidhi).
A: Praise be to Allah(swt). The answer to this question may be found in the following Hadith:
Anas ibn Maalik said: “The Messenger of Allah(saw) said: ‘If one of you sleeps and misses a prayer, or forgets it, then let him pray it as soon as he remembers, because Allah(swt) says (interpretation of the meaning): ‘… and perform al-salaah for My remembrance.’ [Ta-Ha 20:14]” (Reported by Muslim).
Abu Hurayrah reported that the Messenger of Allah(saw) said: “Whoever forgets the prayer, let him pray as soon as he remembers, because Allah(swt) says (interpretation of the meaning): ‘… and perform al-salaah for My remembrance.’ [Ta-Ha 20:14]” (Reported by Muslim).
Anas ibn Maalik reported that the Messenger of Allah(saw) said: “Whoever forgets a prayer, let him pray it as soon as he remembers, for there is no expiation for it except this.” (Reported by Muslim, 1102).
Repentance for neglecting prayer[3]Q: I am 38 years old man. Till the age of 25 I didn't pray. Please advice me what I have to do for this?
A: Praise be to Allah(swt).
Remember how Allah(swt) has blessed you by bringing you back to Islam after you have been neglecting salaah, and keep on doing the prayers at the right times. Do more naafil (supererogatory or extra) prayers to make up for the fard (obligatory) prayers that you have missed, as was advised in the saheeh hadith narrated by Hurayth ibn Qubaysah, who said: “I came to Madeenah and prayed, ‘O Allah(swt), send me a righteous companion.’ I went and sat with Abu Hurayrah and said: ‘I asked Allah(swt) to bless me with a righteous companion; tell me a hadith that you heard from the Messenger of Allah(saw), so that I may benefit therefrom.’ He said: ‘I heard the Messenger of Allah(saw) say that the first thing for which a person will be brought to account on the Day of Resurrection will be his prayer. If it is sound, he will be successful, and if it is lacking in
any way, he will be doomed. If his obligatory prayers are lacking, the Lord will say: “Look and see whether My slave has any voluntary prayers which may be used to make up what is lacking in his obligatory prayers.” Then all his deeds will be examined and dealt with in the same way.’” (Reported by al-Tirmidhi).
Abu Dawood reported from Anas ibn Hakeem al-Dabbi that he came to Madeenah and met Abu Hurayrah. He said: “He asked me about my lineage so I told him about it, then he said: ‘O young man, shall I not tell you a hadith?’ I said, ‘Of course, may Allah(swt) have mercy on you,’ and I think he mentioned it from the Prophet(saw). He said: ‘The first thing that people will be asked about on the Day of Resurrection will be their prayers. Our complete or is something lacking?” If they are complete, they will be recorded as such, but if something is lacking, He will say: “Look and see if My slave has any voluntary prayers to his credit.” If this proves to be the case, He will say: “Make up his (missing) obligatory prayers with his voluntary prayers.” Then the rest of his deeds will be dealt with in the same manner.’” (Saheeh al-Jaami’)
Q: If you do not pray salat out of laziness on purpose, are you a kafir or just a bad Muslim? Please answer.
A: Praise be to Allah(swt).
Imaam Ahmad said that the one who does not pray because of laziness is a kaafir. This is the more correct view and is that indicated by the evidence of the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger, and by the words of the Salaf and the proper understanding. (Al-Sharh al-Mumti’ ‘ala Zaad al-Mustanqi’, 2/26).
Anyone who examines the texts of the Qur’aan and Sunnah will see that they indicate that the one who neglects the prayer is guilty of Kufr Akbar (major kufr) which puts him beyond the pale of Islam.
Among the evidence to be found in the Qur’aan is:
The aayah (interpretation of the meaning):
“But if they repent [by rejecting Shirk (polytheism) and accept Islamic Monotheism], perform As-Salaat (Iqaamat-as-Salaat) and give Zakaat, then they are your brethren in religion.” [al-Tawbah 9:11]
The evidence derived from this aayah is that Allaah defined three things that the Mushrikeen have to do in order to eliminate the differences between them us: they should repent from shirk, they
should perform prayer, and they should pay zakaat. If they repent from shirk but they do not perform the prayer or pay zakaat, then they are not our brethren in faith; if they perform the prayer but do not pay zakaat, then they are not our brethren in faith. Brotherhood in religion cannot be effaced except when a person goes out of the religion completely; it cannot be effaced by fisq (immoral conduct) or lesser types of kufr.
A: Praise be to Allah(swt).
Imaam Ahmad said that the one who does not pray because of laziness is a kaafir. This is the more correct view and is that indicated by the evidence of the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger, and by the words of the Salaf and the proper understanding. (Al-Sharh al-Mumti’ ‘ala Zaad al-Mustanqi’, 2/26).
Anyone who examines the texts of the Qur’aan and Sunnah will see that they indicate that the one who neglects the prayer is guilty of Kufr Akbar (major kufr) which puts him beyond the pale of Islam.
Among the evidence to be found in the Qur’aan is:
The aayah (interpretation of the meaning):
“But if they repent [by rejecting Shirk (polytheism) and accept Islamic Monotheism], perform As-Salaat (Iqaamat-as-Salaat) and give Zakaat, then they are your brethren in religion.” [al-Tawbah 9:11]
The evidence derived from this aayah is that Allaah defined three things that the Mushrikeen have to do in order to eliminate the differences between them us: they should repent from shirk, they
should perform prayer, and they should pay zakaat. If they repent from shirk but they do not perform the prayer or pay zakaat, then they are not our brethren in faith; if they perform the prayer but do not pay zakaat, then they are not our brethren in faith. Brotherhood in religion cannot be effaced except when a person goes out of the religion completely; it cannot be effaced by fisq (immoral conduct) or lesser types of kufr.
Allah knows best
Assembled by Abba Abana, FCE
Dated 19th January 2013
[1] “The thing that turns a Muslim into Kafir is to omit prayer intentionally or to offer prayer considering it insignificant and unimportant.”
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