Wednesday 24 July 2019


We have four main groups Shia, Kharijite, Ibadism and the Sufi apart Sunni Muslims. Be careful and do not be deceived by BOOK publishers or media. Make sure you archive authentic texts of Hadith collections in Islam. The following is a list of Hadīth collections, which are sources that contain the sayings, acts or tacit approvals, validly or invalidly, ascribed to the Islamic prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam), and collected by Muhaddiths.
Kutub al-Sittah, the Six Canonical Books of Hadith.
1. Sahih al-Bukhari
2. Sahih Muslim
3. Sunan Abu Dawud
4. Sunan al-Tirmidhi
5. Sunan al-Nasa'i
6. Sunan Ibn Majah
Primary Collections Other than Kutub as-Sittah (6 above)
Other Primary/Major Collections (Primary Hadith books are those books which are collected and written by author or their students themselves).
1. Muwatta Imam Malik
2. Sunan ad-Darimi
3. Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal
4. Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah
5. Sahih Ibn Hibban
6. Al-Mustadrak alaa al-Sahihain of Imam Hakim (Talkhis al-Mustadrak)
7. Al-Mu'jam al-Kabir of Al-Tabarani
8. Al-Mu'jam al-Awsat of Al-Tabarani
9. Al-Mu'jam as-Saghir of Al-Tabarani
10. Musnad al Tayalisi
11. Musnad Abu Awaanah
12. Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah
13. Musannaf of Abd al-Razzaq
14. Al-Adab al-Mufrad
15. Sunan al-Kubra lil Bayhaqi (Al-Sunan al-Kabir)
16. Shuab ul Iman
17. Shama'il Muhammadiyah (Shamaail Tirmidhi)
18. Musannaf ibn Jurayj
19. Sunan al-Kubra lil Nasa'i
20. Sahifah Hammam ibn Munabbih
21. Tahdhib al-Athar
22. Kitaab-ul-Aathaar
23. Musnad Imam ul A’zam
24. Musnad al-Shafi'i
25. Musnad al-Siraj
26. Musnad al-Firdous
27. Musnad Abu Ya'la
28. Sunan Sa'id ibn Mansur
29. Khasais of Amir Al Momenin
30. Sunan Dar Al-Qutni
31. Musnad Humaidi Imam Al-Humaydi
Secondary Collections Other than Kutub as-Sittah and primary collecions
Secondary books of Hadiths (Secondary Hadith books are those books which have been selected, compiled and collated from the Primary Hadith books and are not original collections.)
1. Mishkat al-Masabih
2. Masabih al-Sunnah
3. Riyadh al-Saaliheen (The Meadows of the Righteous)
4. Bulugh al-Maram (Achievement of the Goal)
5. Majma al-Zawa'id
6. Kanz al-Ummal
7. Zujajat al-Masabih
8. Muntakhab Ahadith
9. Al-Mawdū'āt Al-Kubrā (A Great Collection of Fabricated Traditions)
10. Silsilah Ahadith as-Sahihah of Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Albani
11. Jami' as-Sahihof Muqbil bin Hadi al-Wadi'i
2.0 SHIA COLLECTIONS (you are advised to be extra careful here – do not keep company in your archives)
The veritable axis around which the entire Shiite doctrine revolves is the figure of the IMAM AS REVEALED FACE OF GOD.
By summarizing to a great extent, one might even say that Shiʿism is fundamentally an IMAMOLOGY. Indeed from theology to ethics, from Koranic exegesis to canonical law, from cosmology to ritual and to eschatology, all doctrinal aspects, all the chapters of faith are determined and find ultimate meaning by a special conception of the figure of the Guide. One could say that Shiʿism developed around a two-fold vision of the world (weltanshauung). We are discussing or examining how the figure of the imam, in different dimensions, is omnipresent there and acts as a veritable centre of gravity is all about.
Shia Belief on Islamic Kalimah Tayyibah is completely different from Islam because they added third formula Ali and fourth formula Khomeini of Iran.
The Shi'as have included a third part (i.e. of wilaayat of Hadhrat Ali (radhiAllaahu anhu)); to the other two parts of the Kalima of Islaam, thus separating their Kalima from ours.
Their Kalima which is stated hereunder is taken from their own books. The Shiite declaration of faith; “La llaaha HIAIlaahu Muhammadur Rasulullaah, Ali waliyullah wasi Rasulullaah Wa khalifatuhu bila fasiin." ["Rahnuma'i Asaatiza"]. Iranian kalmia; on the 22 November 1978, in Tehran during the initial introduction years of Khomeini, his followers raised a banner in his honour whereupon their kalima was written in the following manner: "La llaaha Ilallaahu Al Imaamul Khomeini".
The alteration in the Shahaadat (testifications to the oneness of Allaah Ta'ala and the Risaalat_of Nabi (Sallalahu Alaiihi wa sallam), by the Iranian Shias: [Extracted from 'Wahdat Islaami' June 1984 issue].
[Translation: I bear witness that there is no deity besides Allaah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allaah and that Ali is the Wali of Allaah and I bear witness that Khomeini is the Rooh of Allaah and HIS Hujjat upon HIS creation."]
Indeed for Shiites, each great prophet, each messenger of God, is accompanied in his mission by one or many imams: from Adam, the First Man and prophet, to Muhammad (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam), “the seal of legislative prophethood,” having followed Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Solomon, Moses and Jesus among others. Moreover, these different cycles, these great messengers and their imams are interlinked by an uninterrupted chain of minor prophets, imams and “saints” that together constitute the great family of the “Friends of God” (wali, pl. awliyāʾ Allāh), those who bear and transmit Divine Friendship or Alliance (walāya), (Pseudo (?) –Masʿudi, passim; Amir-Moezzi, 1993, pp. 319-20), a key term in all of Shiite doctrine.
We have three groups Shia, Kharijite and the Sufi who are not Sunni Muslim. Refer to
How many Shia live in Iraq? 70% of Iraq population are Shia.
How many Shia in Pakistan? I am not sure about that but an idea that Shia in Pakistan are above 40%.
Is Pakistan a Shia state or is it mostly Sunni? No, mostly Sunni. But have many Shia.
Shia live in many countries. Iran is the main Shia county and the leader of Shia Islam in world. Shia Islam constitute the majority of the population in Iran (90%), Azerbaijan (75%), Bahrain (30%), Lebanon (65% of Muslims) and Iraq (65%), Yemen (45%). Other countries with a significant proportion of Shia are Syria (15%), Kuwait (35%), Pakistan (20%), India (23% of Muslims), Afghanistan (15%), Saudi Arabia (18%), Turkey (20%), United Arab Emirates (16%), Qatar (15%), and Albania (25%). Other Muslim countries are mainly Sunni with minor Shia population. Qum in Iran and Najaf in Iraq are two main city of Shia.
How many people follow the Shia religion in the world?
Muslims in world are near 80% Sunni and near 20% Shia. Researchers have counted up to 260 sect for Islam that they all belong to categories Sunni and Shia. The main category of Shia is 12 Imami Shia and other sects of Shia are nearly extricated.
All 12 Imams of Shia have been killed or spent their life in prison by Omayyads and Abbasids.
What percentage of Muslims are Shia? Between 10-15% of Muslims are Shiites.
How many Shia Muslims in the world? The Shia are estimated to account for 10 to 15% of the total Muslim population, which puts their numbers at 165 to 190 million worldwide.
How many Shia live in Iran?
Near 70,000,000 Shia live in many countries. Iran is the main Shia county and the leader of Shia Islam in world. Shia Islam constitute the majority of the population in Iran (90%), Azerbaijan (75%), Bahrain (30%), Lebanon (65% of Muslims) and Iraq (65%), Yemen (45%). Other countries with a significant proportion of Shia are Syria (15%), Kuwait (35%), Pakistan (20%), India (23% of Muslims), Afghanistan (15%), Saudi Arabia (18%), Turkey (20%), and United Arab Emirates…
Shia Collections have Al-Kutub Al-Arb'ah, the Four books
1. Kitab al-Kafi of Kulayni(divided into Usul al-Kafi, Furu al-Kafi and Rawdat al-Kafi)
2. Man la yahduruhu al-Faqihof Shaikh Saduq
3. Tahdhib al-Ahkam of Shaikh Tusi
4. al-Istibsar of Shaikh Tusi
Primary Hadith Collection (Primary Hadith books are those books which are collected, compiled and written by author or their students themselves).
1. The Book of Sulaym ibn Qays by Sulaym ibn Qays
2. Daim al-Islam by Al-Qadi al-Nu'man
3. Al-Ihtijajby Abu Mansur Ahmad Tabrisi
4. Kamil al Ziarat[1]by ibn al-Qummi
5. Uyun Akhbar al-Ridha by Shaykh Saduq
6. Al-Sahifat al-Ridha by Ali al-Ridha
7. Nahj al-Balaghah by Al-Sharif al-Radi
8. Al-Jafr "a mystical Shia`s holy book attributed to Imam Ali"
9. Al-Risalah al-Dhahabiah by Ali al-Ridha
10. Al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya by Ali ibn Husayn Zayn al-Abidin
11. Al Saqib Fi al-Manâqib by Ibn Hamaza Tusi
12. Basâ'ir al-darajât by Sheikh Al-Safar al-Qummi
13. Khasais of Al Aemmah by Al-Sharif al-Radi
Secondary books of Hadiths (Secondary Hadith books are those books which are not collected, compiled and written by author himself but rather they are selected from already existing Hadith books i.e Primary Hadith books)
1. Al-Wafi by Mohsen Fayz Kashani
2. Wasā'il al-Shīʿa by Shaikh al-Hur al-Aamili
3. Bihar al-Anwar by Allama Majlesi
4. Haq ul-Yaqeen by Allama Majlisi
5. Ayn al-Hayat by Allama Majlisi
6. Mustadrak Al-wasa'ilby Mirza Husain Noori Tabarsi
Conclusion… The belief of Shia and why we should refrain from such sect.
Alhamdulillah, as Muslims we should seek knowledge of Islam very well so as to be misled.
Shia came from the word Shia meaning party, or sects.
Allah says,
And those who make their religion into sects and each is rejoicing to his party. Surah Rum.
Shia Is are Persians not Arabs who invaded Iran under the dynasty of the safavrids dynasty. The Sassanids were against the government and shah of Iran so they formed their own government and then claimed to be from the Ahlul Bayt.
The Shia meaning party existed at the time of the Sahaba as due to difference of views.
We have the Shia of Ali, The Shia of Ja'far, The Shia of Ibn Abbas but today the Shia is Persia Aqeedah.
These Persians are enemies of the shah of Iran so he tried to mislead the people after conquering Iran in 1805 and form Islamic republic of Iran.
The belief is that, ‘’All sahaba except four were disbelievers and are liars.’’
The Shia are divided.
We have the Rafidis, rom Raafid meaning reject.
The reject all the Sahaba except Ali as guided.
We have the ismailiyyah those who reject the prophethood of Muhammad s.a.w.
We have the imamiyyat, ( twelvers,)who believe in their imams equal to Allah.
The books of Shia are many but the authentic ones are Usul Kahf, Birrul Anwar, Wasa'il Shia.
These are books that insults Sahaba and praise their killers.
The shia also disbelieve in some parts of Qur'an because it was compiled by the Sahaba yet they use to read the Quran.
They practice Taqiyyah and used to misled people with lies and Khitm from Persia language.
The Shia of Iran hate Makkah and Medina because it was the land Muslims visit and tried to make their land like Saudi Arabia.
We don't hate Shia but we hate their beliefs and insult of the Sahaba whom Allah praised and fought for Islam.
Allah says in holy Quran surah Taubah 9:100,
The vanguard of Islam are the Muhajirs and Ansars..
May Allah guides our heart to the true Aqeedah. Amin
Ibadism is a form distinct from Sunni and Shia denominations. The Tartib al-Musnad and Jami Sahih are the main hadith collections for Ibadis. The Ibāḍī movement is said to have been founded 20 years after the death of Muhammad (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salaam). Historians as well as majority of Muslims believe that the denomination is a reformed sect of the Khawārij or Khārijite movement. However, Ibāḍīs continue to deny any but a passing relation to the Khawārij and point out that they merely developed out of the same precursor group.
Ibadis believe that souls condemned to Hell will stay there forever. Ibadis also reject the notion that Muslims will get to see Allah on the Day of Judgement. Defining features in game:
1. The Ibadi Caliphate is held by a secular ruler, and can cease to exist.
2. The Ibadi Caliph can subjugate other Ibadi rulers freely.
3. The Ibadi Caliph can declare great Jihads.
4. Ibadi rulers can - and are expected to have - multiple wives.
5. Temple Holdings can be held by anyone without penalty.
6. Ibadi dynasties grow decadent unless the men have enough land and win wars.
Ibadism is separate from Sunni Islam and Shia and is an earlier separation and their book collections include:
1. Jami Sahih
2. Tartib al-Musnad

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